The Phantom Parachute

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The 16th of June, 2014

"Alright ladies, time to hike up your skirts," Nicolette said with a small smirk.

"What exactly are we doing?" Eggsy asked, looking at the suits behind Nicolette.

"What does it look like, Eggsy?" Nicolette asked, a soft smirk on her lips, "You're going to be suiting up in Kingsman Halo suits. Then you're going to be boarding a plane. Can you guess now?"

"Skydiving?" Roxy asked, worry barely lacing her voice.

"In part. You're going to be jumping out of a plane and aim to land in a target on the front lawn. You'll also need to come in without being detected on the radar. If you don't land on the target, or we pick you up on the radar, you're going home," Merlin explained.

"You've each got a suit that is designed to fit you specifically. Put them on, and follow Antony here to the plane," Nicolette said, motioning to the pilot of the plane the candidates would be jumping from, "Merlin and I will be keeping in touch with everyone via communications systems in the halo suits. Good luck."


Nicolette and Merlin were sat in the nerve center, tracking each of the candidates who were all currently still in the plane.

"Fuck, fuck," Roxy muttered, her voice coming over the speakers, "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

"Poor Roxy," Nicolette said quietly as she watched the plane progress towards the drop zone.

"What, don't like heights?" Eggsy asked.

"Yeah, it's okay," Roxy answered, "I've done it before, which is probably why, come to think of it."

"Hey, it's gonna be alright. You're top of the class."

"And you're not too far behind, Eggsy," Nicolette said before pressing a button that allowed her's and Merlin's voices to be heard by the candidates in the plane, "Listen up. As said on the ground, your mission is to land in the target without the radar detecting you. If we read you on the radar, or you miss the target, you go home. Is that understood?"

No sounds of protest of questioning came from the candidates.

"Drop zone coming up, twenty seconds," Merlin informed before Nicolette released the channel's button.

"We gotta go," Eggsy said, his voice filling the nerve center again.

A few moments later, Antony sent the alert that the rear door of the plane was opened for the candidates to jump out from.

"Eggsy, I really don't think I can do this," Roxy said, hesitation evident in her tone alone.

"Of course you can't," Charlie said with a borderline groan, "Head to the back and I'll show you how, yeah?"

Only a few seconds later, four of the six candidates were tracked to have jumped from the plane, whooping, laughing, and hollering as they did. Eggsy and Roxy were being tracked as still in the plane.

"Eggsy! Eggsy, wait! Hang on!" Roxy protested.

"Roxy just stop fuckin' about," Eggsy said sternly, "Follow me, yeah?"

Eggsy was then tracked to have jumped from the plane, leaving Roxy as the only candidate still aboard.

Eggsy let out a cry of glee as he fell, "Come on!" Eggsy paused before his voice became more level, "Roxy, it's now or never. Jump!"

Roxy let out a small grunt at the effort needed to force herself to jump from the plane. Sure enough though, Roxy also jumped.

"All the candidates have jumped from the plane, Antony," Nicolette informed the pilot.

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