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The 16th of May, 2014

Nicolette was sitting in the main parlor of the Kingsman Manor reading her worn copy of A Midsummer Night's Dream. Merlin had given her the day's rest as he insisted that she did not need to be the one responsible for monitoring the six remaining candidates while they took their written exam. She was, however, going to be in charge of the weapons drill that evening.

Nicolette felt a smile fall upon her lips as she read Puck's closing speech to the audience. She closed the small script with a sigh as she looked out the window she was sat next to.

Eggsy had been doing well with the trails Niciolette and Merlin were putting him and the other candidates through. His weaponry marks were excellent and he was making beautiful progress training J.B. as well.

Nicolette was starting to feel that, perhaps more of her life before she became a Kingsman agent would be able to follow her. One of those being her ability to have and maintain a friendship with Eggsy.

The young woman continued to watch the flourishing spring outside the window before she heard footsteps and clicking claws. Based on the weight of the step and the time between paces, Nicolette figured with wasn't a current agent. The timing was suggestive of someone who was younger. And the sound of claws on the floor was also suggestive of this. Established Kingsmen kept their dogs at home, or their dogs from training were long since deceased.

Nicolette turned to see Eggsy and J.B. entering the parlor she was in, leaving from the direction of where Merlin was holding the written exam.

"I see that you've finished the written exam," Nicolette said while standing, catching Eggsy's attention.

"Nic! I wasn't expectin' to find you," Eggsy said, caught off guard by the young woman's voice, "Yeah. Roxy finished before me but I finished."

"You know, I'm impressed, Eggsy," Nicolette said simply, walking towards the young man.

"What? That I've made it this far?" Eggsy asked, skeptical.

"No. I've had no doubt that you would be making it this far. I'm impressed with the marks you've been getting."

Eggsy puffed out his chest slightly at Nicolette's praise.

"Hey, Nic, I've been wonderin' about somethin'," Eggsy said quietly.

"Firstly, are we going to need to take a seat to talk about this?" Nicolette asked with a soft chuckle.

"Maybe?" Eggsy asked.

"Alright," Nicolette said before turning to leave the room, "Follow me. I know somewhere where no one will interrupt us."

Nicolette lead Eggsy to the library that was within the Manor before leading him to a small alcove.

"I found this spot after became a proper agent," Nicolette said softly, "Merlin still doesn't know where I am when I hide here."

Nicolette then sat down in one of the two chairs that were in the alcove. She gestured for Eggsy to take the other seat, which he did.

"So, what've you been wondering about, Eggsy?" Nicolette asked.

"How'd you end up here?" Eggsy asked, "I mean, of you and your brother, Ben seems to be the one more suited to be a spy."

"Maybe that's why I'm such a good one," Nicolette said with a small wink before clearing her throat, "The last Lancelot introduced me. He'd offered to bring in both Ben and I, but Ben declined the offer. I accepted Lancelot's offer before being put into your position. And of course, we can both see how that ended."

"How'd he find you?"

"He's always known me."

Nicolette simply let out a small breath before looking down at her lap.

"Unfortunately, everything drastically changed on the twenty-first of February, of this year," Nicolette started, barely above her breath.

"Sorry?" Eggsy simply watched his friends.

"The twenty-first of February, twenty-fourteen," Nicolette said, softly, "And his memory will live on."

"Nic, it sounds like you're readin' a grave stone," Eggsy said, his brows still furrowed.

"In a sense, I am," Nicolette said, still watching her lap.

Eggsy was silent for a moment, thinking about what it was Nicolette meant.

"Nic, I'm so sorry," Eggsy said, his hand reaching out for Nicolette's.

"You're in the running to take his place. And, if I'm being honest, I hope that you are his successor," Nicolette said, her gaze tearing from her lap, to her hand which Eggsy grasped, then to his own gaze.

When Eggsy looked up and into Nicolette's eyes, she felt tears start to burn her eyes.

"And, what about your dad?" Eggsy asked, bringing up the fact that Nicolette had let slip that her father was a Kingsman after Eggsy's first trail.

Nicolette quickly pulled her hand from Eggsy's and quickly tried to dry her eyes.

"That's a story for another time. You best make sure that you are rested for tonight," Nicolette said with a light cough to clear her throat, "After all, I'm in charge of your weaponry drill this evening."

Nicolette gave J.B. a quick few pets before she stood, smoothed her shirt, and started away from the alcove and out of the library.


"New target, eight-hundred meters," Charlie's voice broke across the sound system in the nerve center.

Nicolette was having the candidates run a target drill after sundown. Roxy and Hugo were roaming targets while Charlie and Eggsy were paired, and Digby and Rufus were the second pair. Each wandering target would return to a remote location to be re-equipped after being "eliminated" until a pair reached ten target eliminations.

"You know, it's unbelievable you're still here," Charlie griped, "Lingering like some big steaming shit that just won't flush."

"Roger that," Eggsy muttered, his voice following on the sound system, "Target identified. And how 'bout you shut the fuck up?"

"Positive discrimination, that's what it is. It's like those fuckin' state school kids that get into Oxford on 'C' grades 'cause their mum's a one-legged lesbian."

"You don't know fuck all 'bout my grades."

"Oh, forgive me, I'm sure you're highly educated."

"He scored better than you did on the exam, Charlie," Nicolette muttered to herself with a smirk.

"Fire when ready," Charlie said, returning to the task at hand.

There was silence for a moment before the sound of a gun firing echoed in the nerve center, and a brief scream from Roxy followed, along with a sigh.

"How's that for positive discrimination?" Eggsy asked, a smirk evident in his tone.

"Well done, Eggsy. Another excellent mark for your weaponry scores," Nicolette muttered before opening a communications link with Roxy, "You know the drill, Roxy."

"Yes, Guinevere," Roxy said with a sigh.

"Don't worry. You'll get to shoot at them later on."

"Is that a promise?"

"Of course it is."

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