Still Blind

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The 21st of June, 2014

Nicolette made it back to the plane and sat down in one of the seats with a huff.

"What's wrong, Nikki?" Merlin asked, seeing the young woman in an angered state.

"Eggsy's being a pig of a bloke," Nicolette said as she crossed her arms.

Merlin was about to ask what she meant, but then his face showed a look of realization, "That's why you said you were taking out your ear piece."

"Yeah. I didn't really want to hear him 'sweet talk' Princess Tilde," Nicolette grumbled, "What's worse is that I just want to get out of here but I know we can't leave without Eggsy."

"I suppose I understand not wanting to hear that but, is not being able to leave right away really the reason why you're so upset?"

Nicolette looks out the window on her right, a blush starting to bloom on her cheeks, "Yeah, that's it."

"Nikki, I may not do field work but I can tell you're lying. And poorly at that," Merlin teased.

Nicolette felt her cheeks heat up further.

"I think you know why you're upset, and I'm fairly certain I know why you're upset. The question is, if Eggsy will."

Before Nicolette could say anything more, Eggsy's voice floated through the plane.

"Merlin. Merlin, you there?" Eggsy asked.

"What do you need, Eggsy?" Merlin asked.

"Can we bring Princess Tilde with us?"

"He wants to bring her with us?" Nicolette asked, appalled, "If I have a say, I say no way. There's Kingsman tech on this plane, which is filled with Kingsman agents. No! No way!"

"What was that?"

Merlin looked at a nearly fuming Nicolette before drawing a deep breath, "Sorry, Eggsy. We can't bring her with us. I can send out the message that the missing VIPs are here and unlock their 'cells' remotely, but that's all I can do."

Eggsy let out a heavy sigh, "Alright. I'm gonna make my way to you shortly."

Nicolette let out a long breath before she got up from her seat.

"What're you doing?" Merlin asked.

"Something to distract me," Nicolette said before grabbing the med kit that was on the plane.

Nicolette sat down with the med kit and started to treat her injuries, hissing every time she cleaned another wound.

Eventually, Eggsy came back into the plane, his blazer in his hand and a couple purple marks on his neck.

Nicolette rolled her eyes before walking past Eggsy and into the cockpit.

"Eggsy's here. Let's go get Roxy," Nicolette said flatly.

Merlin didn't question Nicolette. Instead he moved to close the door to the plane, sealing the cabin.

The two agents then taxied the plane before starting the run for take-off.

Once the plane was at cruising altitude, Eggsy poked his head into the cockpit.

"So, now what?" Eggsy asked.

"What Merlin said. We'll send out the message of where the missing VIPs are so that they can go home, and we notify the Kingsman installation nearest here to clean up the bodies," Nicolette said flatly.

"Is that really okay?"

"We can't exactly do everything ourselves," Nicolette said with a huff.

"Yeah, but-."

Nicolette shot up from her seat. She shoved her way past Eggsy, grabbed a bottle of champagne, and went into the loo, loudly closing the door before locking it. The young woman opened the bottle and had only taken the first swig when she heard a knock at the door.

"Nic? You okay?" Eggsy asked.

Nicolette didn't say anything, instead taking another drink from the bottle.

Another knock on the door, "Nic?"

Nicolette groaned, "What?"

"Did somethin' happen?"

"You were training to be a spy and you're still as blind as Dean," Nicolette said in a bitter tone before taking another drink.

"I'm nothin' like Dean," Eggsy said through the door in a harsher tone.

"You're not, huh? Well, Dean doesn't seem to notice when he upsets your mum," Nicolette nearly spat.

A brief pause.

"Did-, did I do somethin' to upset you?" Eggsy asked, his tone a it softer.

"Give the boy a ribbon! Give him a prize if he figures out what he did," Nicolette bellowed before taking several swallows from the bottle.

She didn't normally let herself get so drunk so quickly. But it was that, or smash Eggsy's face in. The young woman had felt her eyes start to drop before she had locked herself in the loo. She had been up for more than twenty-four hours at this point, after all. And the alcohol wasn't helping her to stay awake.

So, of course, the young woman ended up nodding off.

She was woken up by near pounding on the door.

"Gwen! Please open up! I need to use the loo!" Roxy said, mild desperation in her voice.

Nicolette started to stretch, "Give me a moment."

The blonde woman stood up, stretched once more, and grabbed her champagne bottle. She then opened the door to the loo and quickly slipped out to let Roxy in.

She was greeted by Eggsy sitting on the couch near the loo, his sleeves rolled up and his elbows on his knees. 

When Eggsy saw that Nicolette was no longer barricading herself in the loo, he nearly jumped up from his seat.

Nicolette let out a quick huff before she started to make her way towards the front of the plane. However, she was stopped by a hand grabbing her wrist.

"Nic, please tell me what I did wrong," Eggsy nearly begged.

"I was in there for how long? And you still don't know?" Nicolette asked, her face barely turned towards Eggsy, "You really are still blind.

"Sometimes for a mission, you need to think like your target. This will help you to better understand what actions to take, or understand their perceptions of what's happening. Give that a try," Nicolette said, pulling her wrist from Eggsy's grasp.

Nicolette then made her way to the cockpit.

"Don't worry, I don't plan on flying the plane. I don't know quite how much of this champagne I drank," Nicolette said to Merlin, sitting down in the co-pilot seat, "I just, I need to be away from Eggsy right now."

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