An Eye on the Queen

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The 21st of June, 2014

Eggsy let out another long sigh as Roxy came out from the loo.

"Geez, that's the third one in like, five minutes," Roxy said before sitting down across from Eggsy, "Think you'd be over the moon, since you saved the day."

"I did somethin' stupid. But I don't know what," Eggsy admitted.

"What makes you say that?"

"Nic's not talkin' to me," Eggsy said, hanging his head a little bit.

"Who's he?" Roxy asked.

"Nic's not a guy," Eggsy said looking up, "Did you not learn her real name yet?"


"Guinevere," Eggsy said softly, "Her real name's Nicolette. I've called her Nic since we were fourteen."

"Wait, you knew Gwen before ever coming to Kingsman?" Roxy asked, seeking clarification.

"Yeah. She was one of my best mates," Eggsy admitted, "But now she'll hardly tell me anythin' that isn't related to the mission. And I don't know why."

"Okay, well, when did she start acting like this?"

"I guess, when I got back to the plane after defeatin' Valentine."

"Did you do anything in-between killing Valentine and coming back to the plane?"

"I had promised a princess that I'd let her out of her 'cell'," Eggsy said with a shrug.

"Was that all you did?"

"Um, a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell?" Eggsy said in a questioning tone.

Roxy almost instantly moved to smack Eggsy's arm.

"That's what she's so upset about!" Roxy said in a louder tone.

"But why? She never had a problem with it when we were younger," Eggsy defended.

"But do you honestly think you're both the same as you were then?"

Eggsy let out a sigh, "No. But I still don't know why she would get so upset about that."

"Then ask her. Honestly, why do guys not think to do that?" Roxy asked the air as she leaned back in her seat.

Eggsy now felt more confused than when he was trying to figure out what he did that upset Nicolette. She'd never gotten mad at him when he slept with someone while they were in secondary school.

If he was being honest though, he had tried using sleeping around to get Nicolette's attention; but she never seemed to care.

Letting out a sigh, Eggsy got up from his seat and went towards the cockpit where Nicolette had gone. However, when he got there, he found the young woman asleep in the co-pilot seat. Eggsy felt the corner of his mouth curl up ever so slightly as he looked at Nicolette as she slept.

"So, am I correct in assuming that you've figured out the issue?" Merlin asked, his gaze flitting to Eggsy for a moment, before looking at the sleeping Nicolette, then back out in front of the plane.

"Yeah," Eggsy admitted, all be it a little shyly.

"You know, she's a wonderful agent. She can catch subtleties in people's behaviors. But she can't seem to catch the little changes in her own."

"What d'ya mean by that?"

"We could both tell when you were flirting during your training. But, the longer you were in training, the more Nikki started to return your actions. I don't think she noticed though. When I had the two of you go in as a married couple, it's because you two acted like a couple," Merlin explained, "It wasn't just how you acted around her, but how she also acted around you."

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