Puppies and Anxiety

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The 23rd of February, 2014 

"As some of you will have learned last night, teamwork is paramount here at Kingsman. We're here to enhance your skills and test you to the limit. Which is why, you're gonna pick a puppy," Merlin said, giving the front half of the speech.

"Wherever you go, your dog goes. You will care for it. You will teach it. And by the time it's fully trained, you will be as well. Those of you who are still here, that is. Do you understand?" Nicolette asked, pausing for a moment. When she heard no questions, she continued, "Choose your puppy."

Once the candidates had chosen their puppy, Nicolette was to go gather the breeds and given names of each dog chosen by the candidate. So, she moved her feet to prepare to leave the balcony as the candidates stepped forward to pick their puppies.

After the candidates had selected their puppy, they lined back up and Nicolette went down the stairs to gather the names and breeds of the selected dogs.

Working down the line, Nicolette would identify the candidate, the dog breed, then ask the name of the dog from the candidate. These responses would be recorded before she went to the next candidate.

"Alright, Charlie, a German Shepard," Nicolette noted as she logged the dog, "What're you calling her?"

"'Her'?" Charlie asked.

"Yes. That particular German Shepard is a female."

Charlie was silent for a moment, obviously needing to think of a new name for his dog, "Victoria? Vic for short."

"If that is what you want her name to be, Charlie," Nicolette said before moving to face Eggsy.

"A poodle?" Eggsy asked when Nicolette was finishing talking to Charlie.

"What? They're gun dogs," Roxy said, justifying her choice, "Oldest working breed, easy to train."

Nicolette then stood in front of Eggsy, who had a proud look on his face.

"Eggsy," Nicolette said before looking down at the dog he had chosen, "A pug."

Eggsy's proud face faltered.

"It's a bulldog, innit?" Eggsy asked.

"No, they're from the same genetic family but that is a pug, not a bulldog," Nicolette explained.

"It'll get bigger though, won't it?" Eggsy asked.

"Not really," Nicolette shook her head with a sad smile as she answered Eggsy's question, "Either way though, I need a name for him."

"Shit," Eggsy said under his breath, likely over the fact that he just learned what he thought was a bulldog was, in fact, a pug.

He was silent for a moment before supplying a name for his dog.

"J.B.," Eggsy said simply.

"Initials?" Nicolette asked to confirm.

"Yeah. Short for-."

"Jack Bauer, I assume?" Nicolette asked with a smirk.

Eggsy simply nodded his head before Nicolette let out a small chuckle and shook her own head.

She was recording the name as she walked over to Roxy, who was last in line.

"Roxy, and a poodle," Nicolette recited, "What's his name going to be?"

"Oliver," Roxy said simply.

"Lovely name," Nicolette said with a soft smile before returning up the stairs to where Merlin was still stood.

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