Dynamics of Dogs

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The 19th of June, 2014

Eggsy was sat in the candidate dormitory with Roxy. It had been a few days since he was with Harry. Come to think of it though, he hadn't really seen much of Nicolette either. He saw her yesterday durning hand-to-hand training and physical conditioning, but he didn't see her today.

The door to the dormitory opened and only Merlin came in.

"I need both of you to come with me. And, bring J.B. and Oliver with you," Merlin said simply.

Roxy and Eggsy quickly exchanged looks before getting up from their seats and ushering for their dogs to follow them.

The group walked through the Manor for several minutes before Merlin stopped in front of a hallway.

"Eggsy, Arthur wants to speak with you. He's in the study that is four doors down on the left. Roxy, come with me," Merlin said before continuing somewhere else in the Manor.

Eggsy made his way down the hall and knocked on the door Merlin designated before opening the door.

"Merlin said you wanted to see me, sir?" Eggsy asked, still partly behind the door.

"Sit down," Arthur said simply.

Eggsy entered the room and allowed J.B. in before he closed the door and sat down.

J.B. barked to sit in Eggsy's lap as Arthur spoke again,

"Pretty dog. What's his name?"

"J.B.," Eggsy said with a small smile.

"As in James Bond?"


"Jason Bourne?"

"No. Jack Bauer."

"Oh!" Arthur said with an "I see" tone, "Bravo."

Eggsy let out a small laugh as Arthur continued to speak.

"It pains me to admit it, Eggsy, but I think that one day you might be as good a spy as any of them," Arthur said before picking up a hand gun and pointing it at Eggsy.

Eggsy sat up a little straighter, confusion ghosting his features.

Arthur then let go of the gun, allowing the handle to fall towards Eggsy, "Take it."

Hesitantly, Eggsy took the gun from Arthur.

Arthur then grabbed his drink and took a swallow before saying anything more, "Shoot the dog."

Eggsy felt his face drop. The idea of having to shoot J.B. seems archaic to him. But, for all he knew, this was a test that he had to pass if he was going to be a Kingsman agent. Eggsy looked at J.B. and let out a small sigh as he took the gun in his right hand before aiming it at the pug.

J.B. and Eggsy were then locked in a staring contest.

Eggsy felt his jaw set as he tried to will himself to shoot J.B. However, no matter how much he pushed himself, he couldn't convince himself to shoot. He felt his hand start to shake from the weight of the gun and the strain of his muscles as he fought over whether to shoot or not. Eventually, he shook his head, giving in to being unable to shoot J.B.

Arthur gave a soft chuckle, "Give me the gun."

Eggsy looked sideways at Arthur before slowly swing his arm to aim the gun at him. He then proceeded to stare down Arthur until he heard the sound of a gunshot.

"At least the girl's got balls," Arthur said simply.

Eggsy felt his face deadpan before he let go of the handle of the gun, allowing Arthur to take it from him.

"Get out," Arthur said flatly after taking the gun, "I knew you couldn't make it."

Eggsy stood up and made for the door, his face still stoic. He looked to Arthur, hoping that this was the test: seeing whether he'd walk away or not.

"Go home," Arthur said, his voice flat and stern.

Eggsy opened the door and left the study, J.B. behind him. He looked down at the dog before picking him up and making his way out of the Manor.

There was a taxi parked in front of the Manor with no driver. Eggsy put J.B. in the back before getting into the driver's seat. He started the car and began the drive to London, huffing as he went.


Earlier in the day, Nicolette was in London, approaching her brother's flat. She knocked at the door and waited for someone to answer.

A woman with brunette hair and brown eyes answered the door.

"Oh, hello Stacy. I didn't realize you were over," Nicolette said, "Is Ben home?"

Stacy was Benjamin's girlfriend of the last eight months.

"Yeah, he-," Stacy started, only to be cut off by a dog barking.

A dog then wriggled around Stacy's legs before barking again, standing on its hind legs.

"Hello, Tori!" Nicolette mused, kneeling down to pet and hug her dog whom she hadn't seen in three and a half months.

"Well, she's been generally well behaved until you came round," Stacy said with a laugh, "Do you want to come in?"

"Maybe just for a little bit. I'm sure Tori here wants to go home," Nicolette said while still petting her husky before standing up.

Stacy moved to the side, allowing Nicolette into the flat. Nicolette walked through the door, Tori following close behind her.

"Welcome back to the city," Benjamin said with a laugh when he saw his sister before giving a hug, which she returned.

"Yeah. Uncle Hamish said the final choice was going to be made today. So I get to bring Tori home and sleep in my bed," Nicolette said relief in her tone.

"You know that you're more excited to be able to lounge around in joggers all day," Benjamin teased.

"Whatever. Either way I don't have to sleep alone anymore," Nicolette said with a shrug and a small smile.

"So, I know Eggsy and Uncle Harry came into the pub together. Has Eggsy been with you for the last three and a half months?" Benjamin asked, crossing his arms in a relaxed manner.

"Yeah. He's actually still there today."

"Really? I'm impressed."

"And I'm hopeful. But, I'm not sure I can predict the final outcome," Nicolette said before drawing a breath and clapping her hands together, "Well, thank you so much for watching Tori. Let me know how much I owe you in expenses and I'll make sure to send the money to you."

The siblings talked for a little longer before Nicolette left with her dog back for her flat.

Nicolette spent some time playing with Tori, allowing the dog to be with her owner again after so long, before Nicolette laid down on her bed to rest. Tori followed suit, laying up against Nicolette on her left side.

The young woman had nearly fallen asleep before her phone rang on her bedside table. Nicolette let out a groan before rolling over slightly to grab her phone. She read the caller ID, her eyebrows knitting as to why he was calling her.

"Uncle Harry? What's up?" Nicolette asked, the sleep she'd nearly achieved in her voice.

"I need you to come to my house. Bring Tori," Harry said simply.

"What? Why? What happened?"

"Eggsy didn't shoot the blank."

Nicolette let out a sigh, "Alright. I'll be there shortly."

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