A Couple of Fucking Spies

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The 21st of June, 2014

Lindstrom held a hand to his neck before he fell onto his side, the dart taking effect.

Eggsy slid into the booth of a table beside Lindstrom, hiding him from the room while Nicolette stood beside him.

Nicolette pulled what looked like a flash drive from the bust of her dress, making it look as though she was just adjusting herself. She handed the device to Eggsy, which he plugged into the laptop.

Eggsy followed the prompting, allowing Merlin to be able to get into Valentine's main frame.

"Eggsy, Guinevere, I'm in," Merlin said over their ear pieces, "Get your arses back to the plane, now."

"On our way," Eggsy said quickly in a low voice.

Nicolette had sensed someone behind her, but figured it was just someone at the next alcove getting up.

Eggsy had just closed the laptop when Nicolette felt a slim blade against her throat.

"Nice and slow, Gwen," Charlie said in Nicolette's ear.

Nicolette didn't say anything, instead nudging Eggsy with her hand as she stood up straighter.

"The fuck are you doin' here?" Eggsy asked Charlie in a bitter tone while Nicolette slowly raised her hands.

Eggsy didn't make any sudden moves to get up, as he saw the blade that Charlie was holding against Nicolette's throat.

"Well, my family were invited, obviously," Charlie said with an arrogant tone, "Now get the fuck up, Eggy. Slowly."

Charlie pressed the blade into Nicolette's neck a little further, causing the young woman to step back, as both Charlie was instructing silently, and to get away from the edge of the blade.

Eggsy stood up from his seat slowly and held up his hands, not wanting to give Charlie any reason to hurt Nicolette.

"Valentine! I've caught a couple of fucking spies!" Charlie yelled as he clasped a hand onto Eggsy's shoulder.

Nicolette drew a quick breath before pressing the contact on the back of her signet ring and pressing it to the right side of Charlie's throat.

This stunned the rejected candidate, allowing Nicolette to duck under and away from the blade. Once Nicolette was out from between the two young men, Eggsy threw a punch to Charlie's face.

"We've gotta go," Nicolette said quickly while she was pulling off her heels.

Eggsy jumped over the railing back down to the main level, quickly turning around to catch a shoeless Nicolette as she jumped.

Just as the two got out of the main "ballroom" an alarm started to sound.

"So much for in and out without being detected!" Nicolette yelled as she ran, thankful that she could actually run in the dress she was wearing.

Eggsy and Nicolette started to run through the base, attempting to get back to the plane they had arrived in. Quickly after the alarm sounded, they began to be met with gunfire. Both ducked down lower as they continued to run.

"Merlin, a little help getting back to you!" Nicolette almost nagged.

"Gwen, the next left," Merlin said quickly.

Nicolette was the one running in the lead of her and Eggsy, so she led the way towards the plane.

"Two guards up ahead," Merlin relayed.

Nicolette dropped down to her knees and slid along the ground, knocking down the first guard.

Eggsy jumped over the two and took out the second guard, grabbing his gun in the process. He shot the first guard while Nicolette grabbed his gun.

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