Blood Thirsty Gazelle

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The 21st of June, 2014

Gazelle did something akin to a kip up when she landed, using the blades on her prosthetic feet to cut the freshly reloaded guns that Eggsy and Nicolette were holding. She rolled forward a little before standing and giving a kick, attempting to put the blade on her "foot" through Eggsy's head.

"So I'm gonna guess you're the one who killed my father," Nicolette said as she used her forearms to block some of Gazelle's kicks short.

Gazelle's kicks were both random and calculated. They were precise kicks, but quickly switched from going after Eggsy, to going after Nicolette, to going after Eggsy again.

"Now that I've found you, I'm not going to allow you to live!" Nicolette yelled.

Gazelle gave a kick which threw Eggsy back. Gazelle's gaze then flew to Nicolette.

Nicolette quickly did a back handspring away, giving herself more prep space.

The flashing lights and music then came back on, signalling that Valentine's hand was back on his desk.

"Eggsy! Gwen! Fuckin' get on with it!" Merlin yelled.

Eggsy was back on his feet, and Nicolette was near him.

Gazelle, Eggsy, and Nicolette were now circling each other.

"Kick their asses, Gazy!" Valentine yelled.

Gazelle then ran towards Eggsy.

The two quarelled and Nicolette attempted to catch one of Gazelle's legs. She caught an arm instead, pulling Gazelle away from Eggsy. Nicolette tried to throw Gazelle, but she caught herself on her feet.

Gazelle then attempted to use the momentum to throw Nicolette.

Nicolette was lifted into the air, but let go of Gazelle so that she could land on all fours several feet away.

Eggsy grabbed one of the metal flower vases and started to swing it as a blunt object.

"Gazelle! Kill those motherfuckers! They killed all our friends!" Valentine yelled.

Gazelle then did a move similar to a street dancer, her bladed feet acting like the blades of a spinning blender. Eggsy was scooting back on the floor and Nicolette quickly pushed herself back in a leap.

The metal vase Eggsy was using was then broken by the blades on Gazelle's "feet," and he lept away from the dance floor area of the room.

Gazelle went back after Nicolette.

"Eggsy, Gwen, the world is going to shit!" Merlin said in an anxious voice again.

"You don't think I could've guessed that, Merlin?" Nicolette quipped.

"Are they dead yet?" Valentine yelled.

"Not yet!" Gazelle returned.

"Stop playing with your food! Kill them!"

Gazelle ran at Nicolette and jumped up, attempting to stab her with both blades.

Nicolette quickly ducked underneath Gazelle and tried to roll away.

Gazelle, however, was quickly rebounding from each bounce and nearly hit Nicolette with each landing.

Eggsy attempted to intervene, using a metal fruit bowl as a blunt weapon.

That fruit bowl, however, was quickly cut in two.

"Eggsy! Think like your opponent!" Nicolette yelled, going into handler mode towards the former candidate.

She was barefoot, but knew that Eggsy was wearing Kingsman issued Oxfords with a poisoned blade in the shoe.

Eggsy quickly gave Gazelle a swift kick and shove to the chest with his foot, allowing himself space to react; even if he did smash a table in the process.

Gazelle ran towards Eggsy after she got back onto her feet, and Eggsy followed suit. They both lept into the air, and what happened next happened very quickly.

Gazelle had swung out one of her "feet" to hit Eggsy.

Eggsy, on the other hand, had rolled his body and clicked his heels together before swinging his left foot towards Gazelle.

When the two landed on the ground, they stared at each other.

Eggsy pulled out the chopped off tie that was tucked into his coat.

Gazelle then looked to her arm, seeing a gash on her arm.

"You'll be dead shortly," Nicolette said, moving to stand next to Eggsy, "This is what you get for killing a Kingsman. Especially when he was the father of another Kingsman agent."

Gazelle let out something akin to a gasp, then collapsed on the floor.

"Gazelle!" Valentine called, his back to the "ballroom," "Gazelle!"

"Come on, come on!" Merlin yelled incessantly, "Kill him!"

Nicolette then ran over to Gazelle's body and pulled off one of her prosthetic feet. She jerked the "foot" to deploy the blade before tossing it quickly to Eggsy.

"Throw this at Valentine. We need him to be dead," Nicolette said quickly.

Nicolette backed out of the direct path as Eggsy charged forward and threw the prosthetic like a javelin.

The blade pierced through Valentine, who cried out in pain.

The flashing lights and music stopped in the room once again, meaning Valentine had pulled his hand away from the desk.

"Hey hey!" Merlin said in a sing-song tone.

Valentine staggered backwards a bit before he fell onto the ground below him.

"Well done, you two!" Merlin praised, "Well done. And you, Lancelot."

There was a paused where Nicolette was able to catch her breath, the adrenaline starting to fade.

"Harry would be proud of you, Eggsy. And James of you, Guinevere," Merlin said in a calmer voice.

Eggsy and Nicolette then both started to walk over towards Valentine, who was still barely alive. Nicolette's steps were careful though, as there was broken glass and she was barefoot.

"What's up, man?" Valentine said casually, "Is this the part where you say some, really bad pun?"

"It's like you said to Harry," Eggsy said before bending down a little, "This ain't that kind of movie, bruv."

"Perfect," Valentine said with a weak smile.

"At least now my dad didn't die for nothing," Nicolette said, loud enough for Valentine to hear, "And not the Kingsman you shot. The first one who was on your trail."

Valentine was about to say something more, but his breathing stilled and his eyes glazed over.

Eggsy then walked from Valentine to a near by table. He grabbed two empty glasses and the bottle that was in an ice bucket before running off.

"He's not really," Nicolette asked in a stunned voice.

When Eggsy left the room, all Nicolette could do was grit her teeth.

"Merlin, send me a map to get back to you. I'm taking out my ear piece," Nicolette simply said before digging the ear piece from her ear.

She didn't want to be hearing anything more from Eggsy at this point.

A map of the base appeared on Nicolette's lenses and she started to make her way back towards the plane, grinding her teeth and fists clenched as she walked.

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