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The 22nd of February, 2014

"Hey, Eggsy, would you mind helping me clean up in here?" Benjamin asked, "I'm going to figure that you're not going to want to go home for a bit."

Eggsy's attention was pulled from the door to Benjamin, who was holding up a broom and a long handled dustpan. Eggsy looked around the pub before letting out a sigh.

"Yeah, alright," Eggsy said, standing up, "But only 'til they start wakin' up. Then I'm gonna get the fuck outta here."

"What else would you do?" Benjamin asked with a chuckle, holding the broom and dustpan out to Eggsy.

Eggsy took the broom and dustpan before starting to sweep up firstly the broken glass that was strewn across the floor.

Benjamin started to clean off the bar top after Eggsy took the broom and dustpan.

"Hey, Ben," Eggsy started.

"Yeah?" Ben returned, not looking up from what he was cleaning.

"Why didn't Harry threaten you with anythin'?"

"Because he's known me for a long time. He knows I won't tell anyone. He trusts my word almost as much as he trusts Nic's."

Eggsy didn't say anything in return, instead taking the time to try and figure out everything that had just happened.

Eggsy had only started to sweep up some of the splintered wood from the broken table before he heard a groan. Not bothering to find out who groaned, Eggsy dropped the broom, left the dustpan standing, and bolted out the door.

Eggsy then went on to putter around for a few hours before he decided to return home.

Meanwhile, Nicolette had been led by Harry back to his home. They had looked once again at Eggsy's file, which had information such as his school marks and his military file. There had been a relative quiet in the home while Nicolette was letting the alcohol she had consumed work through her system.

It wasn't until about ten 'til four that Nicolette heard a voice she recognized.

"Eggsy, just go please, because he's gonna-," Michelle Unwin said in a hushed voice before she was interrupted.

The sound of clattering and shouting broke across the speakers in Harry's study.

"No, please! Don't hurt him!" Michelle yelled.

"Fuck off!" Dean yelled, most likely directed towards Michelle.

"Don't hurt him!"

"Get the fuck away with you! Shut the fuck up!" Dean yelled before directing his yells at Eggsy, "Who was with you in that fuckin' pub? I wanna know the name of the geezer you was with!"

"I wasn't with no one!" Eggsy cried.

The sound of a slap and a cry of pain from Eggsy broke across while Dean continued to yell, "Who was it?"

"I don't know what you're on about!"

"Who was it?" Dean yelled, punctuating the question with another slap.

"I don't know what you're fuckin' on about!" Eggsy yelled louder.

"Fuckin' tell me his name!" Dean yelled, also louder, while slapping Eggsy once again.

"I don't know who you're fuckin' on about!"

The sounds of Eggsy screaming and Dean shouting continued on.

"Uncle Harry, why are you making me listen to this?" Nicolette said, empathetic pain lacing her voice.

"Patience, Nicolette," Harry said quietly, taking a sip of his drink.

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