Chapter Twelve Escape

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All that was permitted of Ealish when she was with her 'admirer' was some time out of the case. But not too much. He feared that she'd become 'damaged' or 'filthy'. Though she doubted that she was really staying clean by being in a case. Especially one that did not allow her any freedom of movement. Or really much of anything. Breathing was hard for her in the glass case. Mostly thanks to the stand digging into her ribs so deeply.

Her admirer never gave her a name so she just called him, in her head of course, Toad. Simply because he closely resembled one. What with that gross tongue in all. Though she never told him that she found him disgusting. After all he kidnapped her once. Who's to say that he wouldn't harm her? Oddly enough he had friends come over. Each time she was somewhat drugged into doing as he wished. Which was be very quiet along with never moving. None of his friends seemed to notice that she was hardly breathing. But she thought that one of them seemed to notice. Though she definitely knew she was probably just imagining that he did. After all who would believe that Toad somehow obtained the smallest woman alive?

No one.

So she figured that she should try to escape on her own. Not like she'd be able to escape with help anytime soon. No one knew that she was there. Toad took her laptop away from her. He had even told her that he had broken it. Said it was easy too. But she wasn't too sure if she could believe him. Though she didn't think he was much of a liar or even a decent one either. There's a chance he just hid the dollhouse very well in the apartment.

But she guessed that she would have to search everywhere while hiding. Though she suspected that would take a lot of effort as well as time. Time she did not have in that place. Especially considering that Toad was unpredictable when it came to being there. Ealish could never pinpoint a time when he would be there or not. After a while she assumed he had a job with random shifts. What he worked at was a mystery to her. All she could come up with was that he possibly stood in some farmer's field scaring crows. Or he got a job as at a haunted house.

Toad's face was disturbing enough for that.

When he let her loose from her casing today,he smiled politely. Then he walked to the kitchen for food. Quietly, she got down from the table, ran over to a laundry basket and hid behind it. Quickly she ducked down out of sight. And not a moment too soon, for Toad came back in the room with a burrito in his hand. When he noticed that she wasn't there, he panicked. Dropped the burrito, then started frantically searching for her. He said,"No Ealish. That was very selfish of you. You need to go back to your case. My pretty little doll."

Ealish didn't budge an inch from her hiding spot. Her hands held tight over her mouth. Glancing at the forgotten burrito, she felt her stomach rumble. It wasn't very loud, nor did it seem to be heard over his frazzled attempts to find her. So deep in his search for her, he hadn't notice her sneak over to the food and steal a little. Nor did he notice her walk over to his room. Carefully, she walked along the garbage strewn room with her eyes constantly checking the doorway. At any moment, he would possibly bust in. But she needed to find her dollhouse. The laptop could be her best hope of leaving the stink filled dungeon that was Toad's home.

His footsteps started sounding closer so she hid inside a small box on the floor. Carefully, she sat down and listened for Toad's footsteps to stop.

They didn't.

But they didn't get closer to her hiding spot either. As she held her breath, she heard him dialing a phone. Then he started hissing into the phone,"I need you to come over. No it can't wait. She's hiding in the apartment. Dude! You owe me big. Now get over here and help me find her. Bring our other brother too."

"No don't tell did, didn't you? Great. Fine. Bring him over too. Just get over here.",he snapped. Then he seemed to have turned off whatever he was using. Ealish took in a quiet breath when she heard him leaving the bedroom. Her hands gripped her face gently as she thought,'I'm not going to be leaving here, am I? '

~(Thirty Minutes Later)~

Ealish scrambled to get into the dollhouse, then quietly walked around it. She ran up the stairs to the small bedroom,opened the door expecting it to be in ruins. Instead she just found a neatly arranged bedroom. On the bed was the laptop that she had come looking for. Closed but looking ever so undamaged.

Or at least not as damaged as she thought it would be.

Walking over to it,she opened it up to find the screen was alright. So was the keyboard. Pressing the button she found that there was a problem. It didn't turn on. Inspecting it carefully, she checked for any signs of tampering and she found that he somehow removed the battery. And possibly hid it in the room. Hell anywhere else in the apartment even. Cursing under her breath, she began searching the bedroom when she heard footsteps. At first she thought it was Toad...but then a voice said quietly,"Young Scarsberg? Are you in here? I've come to help you.'

She carefully peeked out the window to find a young man standing near the doll house. Wearing a blue large coat, scarf and fancy feathered hat with boots. His hands on his hips as he looked for her.

Ealish was hesitant to trust him, but she figured that she had no choice. It was either him or staying hidden in her tiny house to someday be seen by Toad. Quickly,she ran out of the house, arms flailing and catching the young man's attention quickly. He knelt and quickly scooped her up in his hands. Then he hid her inside his coat pocket as he whispered,"I'll tell him that I couldn't find you. Sorry about this."

"It's fine. Please just get me out of here.",she pleaded. Nodding he carefully did up his coat then walked into the living room. Toad asked,"Did you find her?"

"No. I'm sorry. Also so sorry that I can't stay. I remembered I need to go do some errands.",Jaquelin said rather quickly. He barely waved to his other friends before nearly running out the door. Then out of the building entirely. His hands carefully holding the coat as he ran five blocks before he figured it'd be safe. Ealish poked her head out of his coat as she asked,"We safe now?"

"Yes. Now where do I go?",he asked her quietly. Looking around she noticed that nothing looked familiar and she whimpered,"I don't know. I don't recognize anything."

"I'm sorry. How about we go to my place then we'll try to call someone you know. Then I'll give them directions to my place.",Jaquelin offered. He smiled down at her as she considered this. He then said,"If that's alright with you."

"Yes. Sounds lovely. Thank you."

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