Chapter Fourteen A Friendly Bird

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Ealish sat down on the countertop of Jaquelin's kitchen as he busied himself with finding his telescreen. He could have sworn that it was in a drawer near the stove. But he hadn't been able to find it there. As he kept searching, he noticed that he couldn't find it anywhere. It seemed lost in his mess of an apartment. Though it was extremely pretty for a mess. There was a giant nest-like thing at one end of his living room and there were several pillows around it.

As well as giant, but lovely, stacks of books that he'd bought over the years. Only a third of them been read in his entire lifetime. Some he couldn't remember buying either. And they were all the same subject too. Romance. He admitted in a rather sheepish way that he had adored them for many years. And that he would buy so many that the people at the book store would keep some on hand. Which was a lot more than he was willing to admit. Finally he found his telescreen in his nest-couch thing. Jaquelin pulled it out as he said,"Found it,Ms Scarsberg. Hopefully your cousins will answer."

Ealish nodded as the man set the telescreen in front of her. She set the commands to reach her cousins' number and waited quietly. Then she waited for half an hour, they didn't pick up. Then she waited a bit longer in hopes that they'd pick up and after several tries gave up.

"I hate to bother,Mr Terrien. But if it's alright with you,could I stay here tonight? I don't think I'll be going back to my cousins' anytime soon.",Ealish asked. She looked up at Jaquelin as he sat down next to her. Turning off his screen,he said,"That's fine,Ms Scarsberg. I just hope my home is suitable for you."

"It's fine. And please call me Ealish."

"Call me Jaquelin then.",he said with a smile. Jaquelin glanced over at the clock to see that it was nearly past dinner. He asked,"Ealish. Is there anything you'd like for dinner? I'd be happy to make you anything your heart desires."

"Well I would very much like some soup. If that's not too much trouble, Jaquelin.",Ealish said quietly. She toyed with the edge of the frilly dress that Toad had given her. Getting up out of his seat,he said,"As you wish."

He winked at her as he walked over to the fridge and got out some ingrediants. Vegetables along with some boxed broth. Bringing it over to the countertop,along with a knife he said,"It's actually kind of nice to be able to cook for someone. I'm a little rusty at this. So forgive me if I mess up a bit."

"It's alright, Jaquelin. I bet it's going to be fabulous.",Ealish said. Smiling at him as he blushed furiously while he peeled a carrot over the garbage can. Muttering something she couldn't understand in french as he worked. His face slowly glowing red as he worked on the soup he was making. Getting out the right pan and then looking for something she could use as a bowl. All he had was a ceramic thimble that was flowery. But Ealish said she was okay with using it and thanked him for it. Jaquelin looked over at her as he cut the vegetables and he asked,"It'll be at least twenty minutes or so. Is there anything else you'd like with it?"

"Could we have some crackers?",Ealish asked. Nodding his head,he walked over to the cupboard near the fridge and pulled some out. Then he said,"Yeah. I hope you don't mind that they're just some cheap dollar store stuff."

"I don't mind. Can't eat a whole one though.",she said as Jaquelin set the box of crackers down. Opening up the box,he said,"They're not too big though. More like oyster crackers."

"Oh. Then that's fine.",she said with a smile. Taking one she started nibbling on it as she waited for him to finish the soup. He continued to cut and peel the vegetables. Then he walked over to the stove and plopped the veggies inside. Turning the heat from medium to medium high,he said,"Okay. I hope you don't mind that I made up most of this recipe as I went along."

"I don't mind. That's how my Mother usually cooks.",she told him. Ealish smiled at him as he came back to her. He sat down next to her as he asked,"I hate to be nosey but umm...could I ask you some questions about your life?"

"I'm fine with it. Honestly anyone who saves me from creepy jerkass can ask me anything.",she said with a smile. Jaquelin gave a small laugh as he said,"I'd be carefull with how you say that. People take advantage of that kind of thing."

" um. What do you want to know?"

"Are your bones brittle or very strong?",he asked politely. Glancing over at the stove,he looked Ealish in the eyes as she said,"They're actually pretty much like any other human's bones."

"How do you get around school?",Jaquelin asked. He toyed with the crackers as she answered,"I usually get lifts from friends or drive. I got this modified toy car."

"Are shoes hard for you to find?",he questioned. Glancing back at the stove,she said,"Yeah. We have a hard time finding comfortable ones for me. Thank goodness for doll clothes."

Getting up ,he walks over to the stove and checks the soup. It looked like it was getting warm enough but he wasn't sure. Jaquelin uses a spoon then sips it quickly as Ealish asks,"Is it done yet?"

"Almost. Just a few more minutes.",Jaquelin answered. He set the spoon down on a napkin,then he walked back to his spot. Sitting down,he asked,"Still okay with me asking questions?"

"Yeah. It's fine. Let's do this after dinner too.",she said. Ealish smiled at Jaquelin as he said,"Okay. I'll show you,your room too. I hope you don't mind using a silk handkerchief as a blanket and a cotton ball as a pillow."

"I don't mind. Thank you."

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