Chapter Sixteen Beetle Creep

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Ealish was a little humiliated when the staff at the place got her a doll table. Along with porcelain plates and silverware. She blushed a little as she toyed with the cup as she said,"They shouldn't have gone to the trouble."

"They want to make sure that you give them a good review. After all they wouldn't want someone as popular as you unhappy.",Jaquelin said quietly. He smoothed out a cloth napkin on his lap as she sighed. Akamere pipped up,"Besides we're getting our food quicker now. Also you're going to have left overs cuz of this."

"Yeah and we're gettin' free dessert too.",Chioma said. She drank her juice as she grinned at the idea of getting free dessert. Setting her glass back down on the table, Olayemi said,"It's so cool, Ealish. They really are a huge fan of you."

"I know that seems nice in all. But it's kind of silly how they've gone to so much trouble over me.",Ealish said toying with her silverware. She watched as the waiters brought over their food. Each with a plastered grin that showed a bit too much teeth. Setting out their food, a waiter asked,"Is there anything else I can get for you?"

"No. I think we'll be fine for now. Thank you.",Jaquelin said. He waved them off as he started helping Akamere cut up his food into easier to eat. Olayemi just put ranch on his fries and he asked,"Dad? Can Ealish play with us after dinner?"

"That's entirely up to her, Olayemi.",Jaquelin said. He gives Akamere back his silverware as he starts on his soup. Chioma giggles as she starts eating her salad and gives Ealish puppy dog eyes. Ealish toys with the rather large pickle near her table. Poking it with her fork as she said,"Well. I suppose I could stay for a little while longer. So long as it's alright with Jaquelin that is."

"It's completely alright. You might be staying at my place if we don't get in contact with your cousins.",Jaquelin said quietly. He watched the children frown at this as she said,"Well I'd visit you children as often as I can. And you could visit me at my cousins' place. I don't believe they would mind so long as you behave yourselves."

Each child swore that they would be on their best behaviour. And that they would like her to visit every single day. With a grin, she said,"Well I'll see what I can do. Though I'm not here for very long you see. I do have to go home. My Mother would be very worried if I didn't."

At the mere mention of her Mother, she said,"I wonder if they've told her about me being missing yet. I bet she's probably really worried by now."

"Well of couse she would be. M'mas always worry about their kids.",Jaquelin said. Akamere nodded his head violently as he said,"Yeah! Cuz they love ya."

"What kind of Mommy wouldn't?",Chioma asked. She looked at Ealish intently as she started on her own dinner. With a shrug,she said,"Well. My bio-mom didn't. I'm adopted."

"Oh...but she does love you. So that still makes her your Mommy.",Chioma said. She gave a very stern nod that a girl her age could give and continued eating. Jaquelin gave a small grin as he looked over at Ealish. Who just rolled her eyes with a polite grin. Then continued on with her dinner. When they were half way through their food, a man with rather reflective glasses walks up to them. Slicked back hair, rather bright-colored suit and creepy face. This man was a sight to see. And none of the children seem to have trusted him as he came closer.

Each gave a disapproving glare as he asked,"I'm sorry, I'm not usually this bold but umm...are you Ealish Scarsberg?"

"No I'm Tinkerbell. Just hiding my wings.",she replied. Jaquelin smiled behind his hand as the kids just laughed openly. Ealish then politely grinned as she stood up and asked,"Sorry. I am indeed Ealish Scarsberg. Who are you?"

"Blaise Ettleson, talent scout. I have an eye for talent and Miss Scarsberg I do believe that's you.",Blaise said as he took off his sunglasses. His eyes were creepy, large and disturbingly pale blue. The kids squirm to keep their distance. Jaquelin looks at him suspiciously as he said,"Talent scout huh. Not sure if I can believe that. Who have you worked with?"

"I worked with that young singer, Aiyanna Dunwich.",Blaise said. He put his hands on his hips as he grinned down at Jaquelin. Who gave this look of disgust as he said,"Ah yes. The wonderful singer with a lovely voice whose career went down the tubes thanks to her producer. Forgot that was your name."

"She got hooked on all those drugs and booze. I didn't force them on her.",the producer snapped. With a tired glare,he said,"And she's doing better now. Working with underpriviledged children who have been abused."

"And Aiyanna would never have been interested in any of that if it weren't for you pressuring her.",Jaquelin snapped. He hovered his hand around Ealish as he said,"And I will not let you poison the mind of another innocent young woman. You will leave us alone sir or I will call security."

Holding his hands out in front of himself,he said,"Okay. Okay. I get the message. But if you'd like to become more famous, call me."

Blaise sets one of his personal business cards down next to Ealish's feet. Then puts on his sunglasses and walks away. Akamere said,"He's icky. More like a big bug than person."

"Yeah. I thought he was going to just take Ealish away.",Olayemi said. He finished off his food then looked over at everyone else's ,but Ealish's plate of course, was empty. He asked,"Can we have desert now?"

"Well you've behaved yourself. I suggest we all get a little desert. If you don't mind sharing with me, Ealish?",Jaquelin said. He glanced down at Ealish,who merely nodded. Waving over the waiter, they ordered some ice cream. Ate in relative silence then Jaquelin went to pay for their food. He gave them a wink as he walked up with the waiter from earlier.

A second later, Blaise snuck up on Ealish then snatched her. And ran for his like a bat out of Hell out of the restaraunt saying,"I don't like being treated like that,Ealish. You're going to accept my help."

"Whether you want it or not."

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