Chapter Twenty Preparing For the Date

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Asoka woke up from the light nap she had taken. It was early in the morning and she hadn't found any clues to Ealish. So far she wasn't sure that she'd be able to find Ealish. Or if she was going to be finding anything at all. But she had promised Roislin that she'd find her daughter soon.

And bring her back safely.

When she left the small treehole that she'd taken refuge in to sleep,she looked back to the sidewalk. All she really saw was junk and...a small plastic something. It was too far away to decide what it was. So she fluttered down to it as she said,"Okay. This is either a complete coincidence or I'm that lucky."

Picking up the plastic object, she saw it was a shoe. A bright pink high heeled one that looked like it'd be Ealish's size. Raising a brow,she said,"Yeah...this is some form of luck or something."

Looking around, Asoka realized that it wasn't really lucky that she found it. After all she couldn't begin to guess where Ealish was or who the creepy 'beetle person' was. But she could only guess that whoever this was wouldn't be hard to spot.

Especially with how the kids seemed afraid of him. Gripping her arms, she started to rub them to keep them warm as she said,"I'm pretty much not going to be finding her anytime soon."

"I think I'm going to need help on this one."

Ealish squirmed as Marsha helped with her hair,she asked,"Why are we braiding my hair like this?"

"So it curls nice for your date.",Marsha said as she carefully arranged Ealish's long, silky locks. When she was finally finished with braiding Ealish's hair,she said,"There. Now it's going to take a few hours then we'll do your make up and get you dressed. I've got a few dresses that I think are going to look lovely."

"Cool. Thanks so much.",she said. Ealish wasn't liking it but she realized that she had really no choice. Marsha didn't have a telescreen for her to call the cops on. And no one in the apartment bellow her ever seemed to hear her. It was like her voice was too quiet or they just weren't listening. She knew that she wouldn't really be able to be nice on the date either. All she was going to do was pretend that she gave a hoot.

But honestly she'd prefer to hang out with Asoka and maybe see Jaquelin again. He seemed like such a sweet guy. And a really great friend too. Also those kids he was taking care of really seemed nice too. She wondered if he was helping look for her like she guessed her mother was. But she didn't try to dwell on it as Marsha helped her find the perfect dress. They walked into Marsha's bedroom as she said,"I'm going to do your make up carefully. It'll be a bit harder since your so small but I think I can manage."

"Thank you,Marsha.",Ealish said. She felt like she was doomed. Like she was only being trussed up for some form of creepy sacrifice. Or something even worse than that. Ealish toyed with the braids that Marsha had done. Already she could tell that this was going to go horribly and end in tears.

If not for her,then for Miles. Who will tell Marsha who will try to harm her or worse. Though she wasn't too sure what the worse would be other than possibly killing her. Or throwing her back into the cold where she was found. Either option weren't good and were something she'd like to avoid. So she smiled as Marsha had her do some chores with her. Ealish asked,"So can we have lunch ordered? I'm a little too tired to cook anything."

"Sure. Do you mind that it's going to be pizza?",Marsha asked. She set Ealish on the coffee table carefully. Ealish said,"I don't mind. It sounds pretty good now."

Nodding she ordered a large cheese pizza and said,"It'll take at least twenty minutes. I'm going to put on a movie while we wait."

"Cool.",Ealish said. She laid back on the coffee table as she tried to relax. Her back was hurting from having to pull stuff out of tight places that Marsha couldn't reach. Half of which was hard for her to reach as well. Thankfully she didn't get stuck during the time they started cleaning. It would have been really humiliating if she had managed to though. She guessed that Marsha would have gotten Miles to get her loose. Miles smelt so awful and his fingers were too dirty that she didn't want him near her. Ealish hoped that he was going to at least wash up before the date.

Otherwise she wouldn't be able to keep her composure for very long.

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