♡When they want to cuddle you

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-when they want to cuddle you

When he's tired

He'd get home from a busy day of looking after 6 hyperactive boys, looking for you instantly. You would be on the sofa probably watching tv or read, until he dropped his bag dramatically and walked over you. At first you would be concerned at his actions, thinking he was upset but as soon as you saw his tired, cheeked smile, you'd relax. He'd literally fall onto and rest his head on you crossed legs. He'd hold one of your hands tightly and place it onto his chest, whilst you ran another through his hair.

'Sleep you big baby.'


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When he's just clingy

one day he was really clingy. You didn't mind but you were trying to study and get work done for the next day. He'd whine and pull at you all day, trying to get you to snuggle with him. You'd finally fall for the boys cute antics and quickly hug him. Not satisfied as you tried to walk away, he'd grab you again and probably try to sit on you so you couldn't get up. He'd squish you and lie his head on your shoulder as you laughed at his childishness.

'ok I get the message now'

'ok I get the message now'

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When he's overprotective

You'd both probably be out in public when he noticed that guys were staring at you. You'd notice that he kept wrapping his arm around your waist or that he'd pull at your sleeve when you were looking at clothes. After half an hour of it you'd finally question him, but he'd just go quiet and pull you into him. You'd get concerned at his sudden quietness, but then you'd notice men avoiding your gaze and walking away. That's when you realised the truth. You'd run your fingers through his hair and mutter reassurance into his ear that you'd never leave him. 

'don't worry baby, I love you and only you'

'don't worry baby, I love you and only you'

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