✎Lee Jooheon [request]

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Lee Jooheon -attention

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Lee Jooheon

[requested by @yumikokobayashi34! I hope this is cute enough for you! Thank you for requesting and thank you for all the supportive comments you've left <3]

[ ⚠️ not proof read yet bc I'm very tired. It's like 11:49 pm here oops]

"Aw Y/N, that's cheating!" Kihyun whined as you and all the boys sat around the board game.

"What?! How is it cheating?" You giggled at his childishness, "I'm just counting money out."

Kihyun suddenly tackled you in a playful manner and slowly all the boys started a group hug/tackle, which you unfortunately was stuck at the midst of.

"Alright! Alright! I give in," you chuckled whilst wheezing in their squeeze.

Just as they let go, you saw your boyfriend, Jooheon, run off out of the living room.

"What's his problem?" Hyungwon muttered as the boys stared at Jooheon's retreating figure.

You sighed after getting up, "I'll see you guys later." You didn't stay to hear their protests.

Opening your bedroom door quietly, you quickly slipped into the room. You saw from the corner of you vision, your adorable pouting boyfriend listening to music so loudly that you could hear it through the headphones.

You rolled your eyes as you sat down next to him. Jooheon was quick to realise that you were there but pretended differently.

"So that's how you're going to play this? Childish silent treatment?" You sighed as you picked at the covers of the bed.


"How can I apologise if I don't know what I've done?"


Sighing heavily in frustration, "Okay fine. Don't talk to me."

Just as you got up to leave the useless conversation, his hand quickly grabbed your wrist and pulled you back down into his lap.

He quickly snuggled into your neck, his earbuds now pulled out and turned off. Arms wrapped around your waist he sighed sadly, "why do you spend more time with the boys than you do with me?"

"What?" You whispered as you played with his fluffy, puffy hair.

Jooheon looked up at you, "You always have your attention on the boys and not me. I'm your boyfriend. I'm the only one who should have your attention."

Chuckling, you grinned, "There's no reason to be jealous Joohoney. The boys are great, but you are amazing. You're sweet and kind. Caring and generous. I couldn't ask for a better best friend and boyfriend, so you have no need to worry."

Jooheon cheeks flared up in a reddish tint, "I love you baby."

You pecked his cheek and smiled, "I love you too." You paused before snuggling into him, "and for the record..."


"My attention is always on you, you just don't see it."


Wowie I'm tired

I'm getting such lovely messages from people

So thank you for keeping me company as I have no one to talk to atm <3

Q: Day or Night?
A: Night, I love to look at the stars and listen to the nighttime sounds

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