✎ Im Changkyun

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Im Changkyun ft Chan from Stray Kids- I love you, you idiot!

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Im Changkyun ft Chan from Stray Kids
- I love you, you idiot!

Somehow when you started university, you didn't think the music majors would be that cocky.

But then you met him.

Im Changkyun.

Or as you called him 'Im a pain in the ass'.

You swore that the boy's second nature was flirting. The typical frat boy player who couldn't hold down a stable relationship (or so the rumours go)

You met him through your best friend Chan, who was also a music major. The moment Changkyun saw how easy it was to fluster you, it was his main goal to tease the fuck out of you.

And god you hated that you loved it.

"So you, me and sexy music, what do you say?" A familiar voice rumbled from in front of you as he slid into your booth.

"Hmm" you teasingly smiled, still looking down at your research for your newest assignment. Needless to say, you were going have to ask a classmate for help later on. "I'm going to have to pass on that Kyunnie." You jested, using the name that he hated you calling him by.

The boy rolled his eyes with a small smirk as he fiddled with the rope bracelet both you and he shared. It was a present for his birthday a couple months back and he hadn't taken it off since which only made your heart yearn for him more.

Leaning his palm against his cheek, Changkyun stared at you as you continued to work. "Sooooo..."

Pausing the movement of your pen, you peered up at him with a raised eyebrow in curiosity.

Every time you saw Changkyun, you couldn't help but get flustered. As much as he was a pain in the ass, you had to admit he had great fashion sense.

Although you were convinced all he owned were white t-shirts, you weren't complaining.

"Sooo?" You mimicked back, finally placing down your pen down to give him your attention.

Little did you know Changkyun's heart fluttered a little faster when you did.

"Well." He began with that infamous cheeky smirk, "I saw wondering is you wanted to g-"

"Hey Y/N!" Your classmate shouted suddenly as he came running towards at full speed, squeezing next to Changkyun in the small booth as if he wasn't there to begin with.

Changkyun couldn't help but swear at him quietly, which no one caught.

"What's up Minho?" You smile brightly at the boy, awkwardly trying to keep Changkyun in the conversation.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to that new cat cafe down in town, I've heard they've got some cute fluff balls." The boy named Minho smiled back a little too flirtatiously in Changkyun's eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2020 ⏰

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