✎Shin Hoseok [request]

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shin hoseok

[requested by @lizeth21cx!I am so so so sorry that this took so long. I'm absolutely awful!]

'Put your hands up!'

'Y/N stay behind me!'

'I won't tell you again, give us your fucking money!'


'We'll shoot your boyfriend sweetheart, stop your fucking shouting and hurry up!'

'We warned you!'



The darkness had finally started to lift.

Your head felt fuzzy, your hearing was muffled as if you were experiencing the worst hangover possible.

Pinching your eyebrows together, you groaned before slowly peeling your eyes open.

At first you thought that you were in heaven. Everything was white, the walls, the floor, the... bed?

Why were you in the hospital? What happened?

Slowly turning your head, you peered down towards your hand where you felt something attached to it. Your breathing hitched as light blue hair entered your vision.

"Wonho?" you croaked, grasping your throat in shock at how dry it was. Just how long were you asleep? In panic, you began to lightly shake your boyfriend's shoulder, "Hoseok!?"

The sleepy boy quickly bolted up into a defensive position, his hand subconsciously going to press the nurse button before he realised, "Y/N!?"

In a blur, he pounched onto you, pulling you into the tightest yet gentlest embrace you'd ever shared. You felt his hot tears soak through your hospital gown, making your heart drop in dred.

"Y/N, they were going to give up on you." Wonho blubbered, his grasp tightening on your shoulder, "Y-you hadn't woken up for so long. They didn't think you'd wake up at all. Baby, I was so worried that I would never see you again."

You threaded your fingers through his new fluffy, blue hair. Proabably for a new comeback whilst you'd been in a coma. You couldn't imagine how much pain he was in whilst dancing and recording.

"I'm here now," you softly croaked, "What happened?"

He finally, not without reluctance, let you go and passed you a glass of water from the bedside table.

Wonho sighed, running his hands through his hair. "Y/N, you were shot."

Your eyes widened as you nearly choked on your water, "What!?"

"There were some guys that cornered us in an alleyway. They knew that I was famous and probably had some money on me." tears started to fall down his soft cheeks into his hands, "Everything was such a blur, I panicked and tried to protect you b-but I failed."

Slowly, you placed your glass back down and took his hand; smiling, "It wasn't your fault. Don't blame yourself."

"Y/N, that bullet was meant for me!" he cried louder, almost in shock at tha fact that you'd forgiven him so suddenly, "Why did you jump in front of me Y/N? Why didn't you let me take the bullet?"

Sighing, you placed your hand on his chin and turned him to face you. Staring into his eyes intensely, "If it was me that was in the line of fire, wouldn't you have done the same thing?"

"Without a second thought."

"Then you have your answer baby. I love you, and in that split second of danger I vowed to protect you from it." you smiled, playing with the hair on the back on his neck.

Wonho closed his eyes in peacefulness, a smile upon his lips that hadn't been seen for months since you were hurt. "I love you. So much."

"I love you too. More than ever."


im such a bad person

Q: Top five favourite k-pop rappers?


1) Yoongi obvs XD

2)Changkyun lil bean

3)Jooheon i luv

4)Taeyong babe

5)Changbin his voice oml

(extras are Mark (nct), Jackson (got7), Hyuna (4minute), J Hope, Namjoon)

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