✎Lee Minhyuk

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Lee Minhyuk -bad dreams

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Lee Minhyuk
-bad dreams

'I'm sorry Y/N, but your training just isn't good enough. We're going to have to let you go.'

'God Y/N, you're so annoying. Stop bugging me for dancing tips! You're never going to be good enough to become an idol. Why don't you just go back home already!?'

'Have you seen her? She's apparently Minhyuk's girlfriend, why would he go for anyone like her? We're obviously better trainee's than her, why does she get the special treatment?'

'I'm sorry Y/N, I just don't love you anymore. I think it's best if you just go"

Your body threw itself forward into a sitting position in your bed. Heart beating fast, you clutched your chest harshly as if your heart was going to explode.

Hot tears glided neverendingly down your cheeks as you thought back to the recurring horrible dream.

Once you had calmed down, you quietly bolted out of bed, mindful that other trainees were in your dorm sleeping and you didn't want to come across as a crybaby

You made your way down the familiar halls before your panic started to spike. The flickers of the darkness started to play tricks with your minds.

In fear, you slid down the wall and huddled into a ball, sobbing relentlessly, thinking back to your dream.

You hated how real it felt. You hated that your dream could be a reality if you didn't debut soon. You feared that the managers were going to give up on you. Your boyfriend and his group had already debuted and you both started at the same time.

Maybe I'm just not cut out for this anymore. There's clearly other girls here that are much stronger than I am.

A sob caught in your throat at the very thought of leaving. It just hurt so much to keep going on like this, especially with the strict time schedules.

"Y/N?" you heard a familiar voice, but in your panicked state it sounded muffled and broken as if you were underwater, unable to breath. "Holy crap, Y/N? Are you okay? Kihyun go get Minhyuk!"

Your grip on your knees tightened as you tried to hide in a ball.  You could faintly make out the lights of the hallway turning on. Through the commotion, everyone had woken up and opened their doors, peering into the hallway.

You felt someone place a hand on your arm. "It's okay Y/N." It was Hyungwon. You felt some sort of safety that it was him and not another trainee. However, not safe enough to raise your head to look what was happening.

Your breathes increased as you heard muttering from the younger trainees, asking what was happening. Goosebumps rose on your skin as you began to feel sweaty and hot.

Everything suddenly stopped when you heard shuffling and a hand enclosing one of yours. Muffled still, you faintly heard someone telling everyone to go back to bed whilst rubbing their thumb against the palm of your hand which you had reluctantly opened for them.

You heard shuffling again before someone pulled you into a hug. "Y/N, it's okay now. Just try to breathe."

"M-Minhyuk?" you stuttered through your sobs, moving your tight grip to his shirt.

You felt him hum against you, something that he found always calmed you down when you got like this. He rubbed gentle circles in your palm still as your erratic breaths started to match his steady ones.

When he thought you were ready, he let go of you and gently placed his hand on your cheek. "What happened? You were doing so well." Referring to the last time you had a panic attack, which was a while ago now.

"I h-had a bad dream again." You whispered hoarsely, your throat becoming dry with all your open-mouthed gasps, "I-t felt so real. Y-you broke up with me."

Minhyuk couldn't help his heart break under your soft, broken stare. You'd told him about the dreams before, they were nothing new, but you'd never reacted like this before.

The moment Kihyun woke him up, he'd never felt such panic for you before and bolted out the door to find you. The moment he saw your huddled figure was the moment his heart shattered across the floor.

He slowly helped you to stand up and took your hand, heading to his room. You didn't say a word nor protest, too tired to process anything. There wasn't a chance in hell he was going to leave you alone after this.

The moment the both of you got into bed, you fell asleep, the grip on Minhyuk's shirt still there as you snuggled into him. He stared at you, your cheeks wet and sticky from the tears shed only minutes ago.

He gently pressed a kiss to your head, then muttered 'I love you' into your hair softly as he too fell asleep.

No matter how many bad dreams you got, you knew that Minhyuk would always be there to drive them away.

Im soft for minhyuk tbh

Q: do you have any pets?

A: I have a kiggy cat, and I luv him

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