✎Yoo Kihyun [request]

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Yoo Kihyun -acceptance of a family

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Yoo Kihyun
-acceptance of a family

[requested by @yookimmi! This is such a cute idea! I loved it. I changed the age of kid, but I think it fits a bit better]

"Y/N, I'm so glad you're back!" Kihyun smiled enormously as he brought you into a hug, rubbing your lower back.

If you were told in your earlier life you would date a famous K-idol with a daughter of his own, you would've scoffed, laughed and walked away.

And yet, you couldn't imagine your life any other way.

Kihyun had just gone into the kitchen to make lunch for his little girl, Sumi, as you sat down on the sofa.

After a few months of dating Kihyun, when he finally realised that he and you were going to commit to each other, he finally introduced you to his daughter. That had been about a year ago.

And my god she was adorable. She had been granted the beautiful gene from Kihyun. Sumi adorable button nose and big, brown eyes made it hard to ever say no to.

You never had a problem with talking to the 5-year-old girl. She had an excitable nature that matched your own.

However, there was always that nagging feeling in the back of your mind that you wouldn't be enough. You never had the chance to have a child of your own, so you didn't know if you had that maternal instinct that she needed.

You never knew if she liked you.

You never knew if you were doing it right.

You'd even sat down with Kihyun, after Sumi had gone to bed, to talk about it.

'Do you think I'm doing okay?'

'What do you mean?'

'With Sumi.' You explained, 'I never know if I'm doing things right around her. I've never had to look after a child before. I just don't want to go wrong an- "

Kihyun chuckled, rubbing your arm gently, "Baby, you're doing fine. Amazing. You have nothing to worry about. You're a great mum.'

Even after the little chat you'd had, it didn't evoke that much confidence in you. In fact, you were terrified but determined to get over it.

"Y/N?" Sumi softly said as she tugged on your, well Kihyun's, jumper sleeve. You turned and smiled at her softly. "You seem upset." She frowned slightly, her eyes sparkling with something that imitated concern if children could even feel that what with their innocence.

You shook your head, "No, I'm okay Sumi." You looked behind the small girl to see loads of colouring books and pens spread across the floor. "What are you drawing?" you asked as you sat on the floor cross legged with her.

Sumi smiled, a smile that mimicked her father's greatly, and excitedly picked up a piece of paper.

It was crumpled, but somehow you could see the sentimental aspect the paper held for her.

She shuffled into your lap as your showed you the paper. You wrapped your arms around her, in a hug.

Your heart stopped

Then began to beat very very slowly

"Sumi, w-what's this?" Not believing your eyes.

She turned her head to you to smile, before turning to the paper to point at the picture. "That's Appa." She pointed to a picture of a very tall stick man, "That's me in Appa's arms, because he says I'm his princess and princesses are always carried around."

You chuckled at her response before pointing to the last figure, who was holding hands with the 'so called' Kihyun figure, "And who's this?"

She frowned in confusion as if it were obvious, "It's you, Eomma."

Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes when you heard the word you wanted to be to her. "M-me? Eomma?"

She nodded with a smile, "My real one is gone. I know that, but I think she would be happy for you to be my new Eomma. You're really nice and kind and you always give me cookies without Appa knowing."

More tears fell from your eyes. Her face fell as she jumped over your lap and ran into the kitchen. "Appa! I made Eomma cry by accident, can you kiss her to make her feel better?"

Kihyun came out of the kitchen with a confused look when he heard that you were crying, "Sumi what are yo- wait? Eomma?" he smiled as Sumi clung to his leg to drag him over to you.

You stood up and smiled back at him, he understood why you were crying.

"Yes, she started crying. I didn't mean to, I swear!" she squirmed as Kihyun picked her up.

"And what would you say make her happy again?" he teased.

"A kiss!"

A blush fell across your face as Kihyun looked at you and pecked you on the lips. You smiled widely as he hugged both of his girls. "God, I love you so much Y/N." he whispered into your ear, which had your heart thud.

Before you could reply, Sumi pushed the pair of you apart with a pout.

"You love me too right!?"


Im sorry these requests take long

My mind isn't feeling good atm

Q: Who's your youngest bias?

A: Park Jisung! I love him so much <3

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