✎Chae Hyungwon [request]

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Chae Hyungwon-persistence

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Chae Hyungwon

[requested by @Tapikachu ! Hyungwon is stealing my heart more and more. Thanks for requesting! I hope this was a nice surprise!]

"You can't just sit there all day"

"Watch me"

You groaned at your childish boyfriend's behaviour. "Hyungwon, this isn't funny anymore. I've got to go to work."

He shrugged nonchalantly as he scrolled through his phone. "Call in sick."

Your eyes widened in slight frustration and anger, "Call in sick? I can't just call in sick every time that you get clingy." You sighed when you saw no movement from him.

Your threw down your bag onto the table, "Hyungwon I swear to god, if you don't give me my car keys I'm gonna-"

"Come get them," he taunted with a sly smile as he shuffled in his chair.

Your eyes widened in realisation, "you're sat on them, aren't you?"


"Hyungwon why can't you ju-"

He stood up quickly in retaliation, "because I miss you!" He burst.

Your froze in shock at the conflicted emotion in his eyes.

He sighed sadly, "I know that you might find me clingy. I know that I can be annoying. I know that sometimes all I do is hold you and hug you."

You could've sworn that you saw tears glisten in his eyes, "it's because I miss you. I miss not being with you. It seems that whenever I'm finally off on a break, you're at work. Vice versa."

You frowned, finally realising why he'd been so desperate to get you to stay.

Slowly you began to make your way to his seat and picked up your car keys.

Great, I've upset her, Hyungwon immediately thought to himself as he slumped back onto the chair sadly.

Your placed the keys into your bag and began to take your coat off.

He frowned on confusion at your actions.

"So what's our plan for today then?" You gave a large smile in his direction, siting next to him to cuddle.

Hyungwon returned with a grin as he wrapped his arms around you. "Well there's this new ice-cream shop around the corner."

"You had me at icecream!" You squealed as you ran off to get out of your work clothes.

He smiled at your retreating figure, grateful he had the whole day with you.

He was glad he'd been persistent today


I'm on a roll w/ updates ayoo

Hyungwon is a big wrecker

Q: what's your favourite icecream flavour? Or ice lolly?

A: chocolate and mint ice-cream🍦 Frickin' beautiful 😍

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