✎Lee Minhyuk [request]

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Lee Minkyun-jealousy

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Lee Minkyun

[requested by @fairytail143_family! I actually loved writing this. Clingy Minhyuk is the cutest Minhyuk 😂]

"It's been forever since we could go anywhere like this," Jooheon sighed in a relaxed manner as you and the boys stepped out of the van.

The eight of you had taken an hour road trip up to a new waterpark that had opened. The boys were beyond excited.

You stretched your legs as you felt cramp in one of them. You didn't want to hurt yourself before you even got into the water. By your side was you boyfriend, Minhyuk who was carrying yours and his bags to take to the hotel room on site you'd booked for the night.

"Would you let me carry one of them?" you groaned as you tried to pry a bag off his shoulder, but he refused.

"My angel doesn't need to do anything other than have fun today." He replied, which flared a crimson blush upon your cheeks as the boys make fake gagging sounds at his compliment.

You'd finally got to your hotel room, where you flopped onto the bed a little less elegantly that you'd liked. Sighing, you noticed Minhyuk taking his swimwear out of his duffle bag.

Rather than accidently falling asleep on the comfy bed, you got up and took out your swimming costume as he went to the bathroom to change.

You'd brought two with you, because you were undecided. There was a full body costume, which you would've felt the most comfortable in with your self esteem not being the best it could be.

The other was a beautiful two piece that your best friend had convinced you to buy, but you never had the guts to wear it.

You know what, screw it

You placed the one piece back into your bag just as Minhyuk returned from the bathroom. He grinned widely, "I can't believe management let us have the day off."

"I can't believe I convinced them." Yes, it was you who had told management that you were going to take the boys for the day. You didn't even let them question it, they deserved the day off because they'd worked so hard on their newest album.

He smiled, wrapping his arm around your waist and kissing the side of your head. "I'm gonna head out to find the boys, you know where to find us?"

You nodded, "I'll follow the screams." He chuckled as he left to which you gave a hefty sigh.

"Right Y/N let's do this."

You'd finally finished getting ready. It took a little longer than usual because of your indecisive mood to whether you should wear what you were.

But you only live once, so you took the chance.

However, you did wear a shirt over the top just to cover up whilst you walked there.

You finally found the boys messing about the pool. Hyungwon was sat on one of the chairs at the side of it, so you decided to join him.

"Come on Y/N!" one of the boys hollered just as you sat down.

You knew that if you didn't go in voluntarily, then you'd probably be thrown in against your will.

Standing up, you took a deep breath as you brought your shirt over your head, tightly closing your eyes, waiting for the response. Your eyes flew open as you heard a chorus of wolf whistles and compliments.

"Damn Y/N, looking good," Hyungwon complimented.

You grinned widely, before jumping into the pool.

The moment you hit the water, you felt two arms wrap around your waist. You giggled as you turned to see Minhyuk, "What's up?"

"Everyone's staring at you." He mumbled, sinking into the crook of your neck, his grip tightened on your waist.

You felt your heart drop in slight sadness. Wasn't he proud of you? "I-is that a bad thing? I-I can change."

"No!" he whispered, "God no, j-just stay by me alright baby?" he muttered quietly into your ear. You nodded and the both of you went to join the rest of the boys.

You got back to your hotel room after a day full of a clingy Minhyuk and never-ending compliments and flirts from the boys.

You sat on your bed, drying your hair as Minhyuk came in dressed for bed.

You sighed, "Was it really such a bad thing that everyone was staring?" you looked down at your chipped nail polish, reminding yourself that you had to paint them again before you left tomorrow morning.

"Yes," Minhyuk replied as he bent down to meet your eye level, "It is when you're my girlfriend and everyone was infatuated with you. I'm the only one that's allowed to look at you like that. You're my super-hot girlfriend." He placed his hand on your arm before pressing a soft kiss against your jaw. "I love you baby. I couldn't bare it if someone took you away."

You smiled and returned a kiss on the cheek, "No one ever will."


you are all beautiful

I won't any hate on this imagine bc I know that you're beautiful 💜💜

Q: have you ever been to a waterpark?

A: i have never been to a waterpark, and i've only been to a themepark once. I don't have enough friends or time to go out like that 😂

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