✎Shin Hoseok

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Shin Hoseok -you dummy

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Shin Hoseok
-you dummy

"Maybe confronting our worse fear was a bad idea" you said, clutching to your boyfriend's arm slightly.

The both of you decided that you would confront your fear of height, and what better way to do that than to go to the fun fair.

Unfortunately, Wonho seemed just as scared as you, maybe a little more.

"How about we just do the stalls for today?" He suggested, chucking nervously whilst looking down at you, secretly pleading that you would agree.

Still looking up, you nodded and he dragged you towards one of the little stalls. Teddies of various sizes were hung up all over the stall.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw an enormous teddy. Pulling on Wonho's sleeve like a child, pointing over to it.

He laughed, showing his brilliant, vibrant smile that you loved so much. "Do you want the teddy?" You nodded cutely as if it were more likely to make him do it. "Alright. I'll play."

"Okay sir, throw all three balls into the bucket for a big teddy. Only get one or two, it's a small teddy. None, and it's nothing." The stall owner explained.

Wonho concentrated as he threw the first one.

It stayed in

He threw the second one.

It stayed in.

He threw the third one and...

"Aw what a shame, young man!" The owner said a little too enthusiastically. "But you do get a small teddy!"

You were just as happy that you got a teddy as you picked out a small f/a teddy to take home. You named it Wonnie.

As you turned to leave the stall, you noticed Wonho give more money to the stall owner. "Wonho? What are you doing? I'm happy with the teddy I got."

"I'm getting you the big one." He said determined.

"But you'll waste your money!"

"Are you staying you don't have faith in me?"

"What? No?"

"Good," he nodded before throwing the first ball again

Oh boy

- -
About ten minutes later had you at least seven small teddies.

You smiled as you held them in your arms, walking back to car, naming them after your favourite idols.

When you put them in the back of the car, you noticed your boyfriend being quite.

"Honey, are you okay?"

He frowned slightly, "why did you name them after idols?"

You giggled, reaching from the back of the car to cuddle the first teddy he'd won you. "Well this one is named after my favourite idol." You said smugly.

He frowned deeper, but he tried to hide it, "oh yeah, who's that?"

You giggled again as he crossed his arms like a child. You leant over and kissed him on the cheek, "You, you big dummy. You're my favourite idol, because I love you."

He blushed furiously, "I love you too Y/N"

"I know"

I've had this planed for ages but never wrote it lmao oops

Q: favourite colour(s)?
A: grey, purple, yellow, baby pink, white

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