✎Im Changkyun

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Im Changkyun-midnight studies, midnight worries

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Im Changkyun
-midnight studies, midnight worries

[ ⚠️ may be some mistakes, i'm tired]

"Y/N?" a deep, rumbled voice sounded from next to you. You felt a warm hand on your shoulder. "Baby, wake up."

Peeling your eyes open, you glanced up to see your boyfriend, Changkyun, towering over you with a concerned look on his face, "Hmm? What time is it?"

"Almost midnight, why are you still downstairs?" he asked as he sat down next to you on the small sofa you had fallen asleep on. How the hell did you sleep comfortably on this?

You rubbed your eyes, yawning before looking over to the sprawled notes over the floor. "Oh, I was studying. I must've lost track of time." You paused, "Plus you were out at practice, I usually realise the time when you're around."

You saw that Changkhyun's face contorted into a face of worry and dismay. "Studying? Again?" he sighed, rubbing his forehead in an almost frustration. He stood up, "Baby, you can't keep doing this to yourself. It's not good for you."

"I have to pass my exams Kyunnie." you defended as you stood up as well.

"It's gonna destroy you." he huffed slightly angrily, "Don't think I haven't noticed that you get up in the middle of the night to read notes. Or the fact that you skip lunch or dinner just so you can save some time."

You crossed your arms, as though it was going to protect you from his words. "I don't have a choice, Changkyun! If I don't pass then I'm going to disapoint everyone." You felt hot, burning tears threatening to burst from your eyes, unfortunately Changkhyun failed to see this.

"You do realise that it hurts me too right?" he said deeply, a frown painted upon his face "Everytime I see you stressed, I know that I can't take that away. I just want to make everything easier for you."

You slumped back down in the sofa and looked down at the carpet, evaluating all the times that he'd offered to help and you'd just rejected the offer straight off the bat.

'Do you want me to make you some food Y/N?'

'N-no, I'm okay. i just going to go upstairs for a while.'

'Y/N, you coming to bed?'

'Yeah, let me just finish this page.'

'Baby, I'm going out with the boys today, you wanna come?'

'Sorry Kyunnie, I'm really busy right now.'

You mentally face palmed as you began to realise that within the time that you'd stressed yourself out, in turn you'd completely stressed out your boyfriend, who only wanted nothing but the best for you.

Tears slid down your cheeks as you stood up abruptly; Changkyun's eyes widened when he thought you were angry. "B-Baby, I didn't mean to upse-" he was cut off when your body hit his in the tightest embrace you could muster alongside your exhaustion.

"Thank you Kyunnie." you muttered into his hoodie. You smiled into his clothes when you felt his arms wrap around your waist tightly and placed his chin on top on your head.

"Anything for you."


i'm sorry

i'm just so tired

i'll be better next time xx

Q: how are you guys?

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