✎ Yoo Kihyun [request]

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Yoo Kihyun -a promise kept for a lifetime [requested by @fairytail143_family! Thank you for requesting again! I'm sorry it took so long!]- -

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Yoo Kihyun
-a promise kept for a lifetime

[requested by @fairytail143_family! Thank you for requesting again! I'm sorry it took so long!]
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'I'll pick you up at 7.'

'But Kihyun, I have to-'

'No excuses.'

So here you were, sitting in the passenger seat whilst Kihyun drove.

Despite how hard you tried, you couldn't keep your eyes off him. He looked so spectacular in that suit of his. Kihyun had really gone all out tonight, it made you a little nervous.

He'd planned a much-needed date after weeks of having not seen each other. It was no secret that the both of you had missed each other.

Even now, driving to an unknown destination to you, Kihyun was holding one of your hands whilst handling the wheel.

You smiled softly as you stared out of the window into the dark skies that covered the once bright and beautiful one.

"You alright sweetheart?" Kihyun muttered quietly, only barely talking over to the comforting, gentle rumble of the car. You 'hmmed' in response, tearing you view from the voided sky and towards your more than beautiful boyfriend. His thumb rubbed against your hand comfortingly.

He smiled, "You look ethereal tonight."

Redness formed onto cheeks lightly at the comment. Kihyun never failed to make you feel beautiful.

The car suddenly stopped, and you realised where you were.

The first place you'd ever had a date. It was an unspoken quiet place between the two of you. Somewhere that the both of you treasured more than anything.

There was a blanket on top of the soft, white sand that Kihyun had put down on the floor. You smiled before sitting down.

You instantly closed your eyes, feeling the soft breeze flow through your hair, past your shoulders and through your fingers. It hit your cheeks, but the wind was comforting and peaceful.

You felt warm enclose your hand and immediately recognised the familiar warmth. You opened your eyes to see Kihyun mirroring your actions. His eyes were closed with a soft smile on his face.

"This is nice," you commented softly in the salty breeze. He turned to you with love in his eyes. "I'm glad we could come here again."

He nodded, skimming his thumb across your fingers, slowly pulling you into a hug. Resting his chin on your shoulder, he lightly kissed your jaw. "I love you."

You giggled as the small pecks of love started to tickle. He grinned before tickling your sides never-endingly, you squealed and wiggled to get out of the trap.

He finally stopped and stared at you. You frowned in confusion, slightly concerned by the sudden change of mood. "Kihyunnie, are you alright?"

He sighed, however it wasn't a sad sigh, it was more of a sigh on content. "It's just, I've missed these moments so much in these past weeks. I never knew how much I could miss someone, until I was taken away from you. I- "he paused, wrapping his arms around your waist. "I really needed this. I needed you."

You smiled.

"I have something for you." He whispered behind you, removing his arms and reaching over to his blazer that he'd discarded earlier.

Your heart sped up as he pulled out a small box. Your mouth went dry, and your hands shook slightly from the shock, "Kihyun. I-I'm not- I can't- "you stuttered fearfully.

Surprisingly, he chuckled before opening the box that indeed reveal a small ring. "Don't worry, it's not what you think".

Your eyebrows creased together in confusion.

"I know that we still have lots of time to enjoy together. And this- "he slipped the ring out of the box and with a confirming look from you, put the ring on your finger, "this is a symbol that I will never let you down. A promise. A promise that I will love you always and protect you from anything I can." He bent down and kissed your cheek softly, "It's also a promise that one day I hope to marry you, but for the meantime we'll experience new things together and stick by each other no matter what."

A small tear fell from your cheek. Your smile never failed to leave your face.

With all the force you could muster, you pressed your lips against his passionately in an advance to show your love to him. He smiled back into the kiss, wrapping one of his arms around your waist and tightly grasped the material of your shirt in a desperate attempt to keep you close.

As your parted, you noticed the matching ring upon his fingers. You kissed him again, before curling into Kihyun with a happy smile.

"I promise to love you forever."

"I promise you too."


I've got mad sunburn for someone who lives in Britain

How are you guys? I'm lonely and wanna chat w/ people in the comments lmao

Q: what are your favourite five emojis?
A: 🌻💜🌈🌷☺️, you can guess what type of person I am XD

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