Weekend Discovery - Park Jimin

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"If you wanna hang out, hit me up." He walked off with a wink, leaving me at my doorstep completely speechless.

Weekends are the best.

I'm pretty sure everyone agrees with me.
But... I'm not sure I agree with myself.

Because a certain thing happens every time.
I see a certain person.
Every. Single. Time.

My crush walks by my house on Saturday and Sunday, at exactly 6pm.
Okay not exactly but you get what I'm saying right?

Nevermind, most people don't get what I say anyways XD

Anyways he walks past.
And I don't know how to feel about it because-

One: it happens every time so I'm a bit weirded out even though it could just be a coincidence (A/N: SERENDIPITY IS AMAZING BTW).

Two: He makes me light-headed because he's so good-looking.

Three: I'm a guy. I'm pretty sure he's not gay.

Like I can't just waltz out my house and be like "Yo Jimin! You always walk past my house so I thought I'd say hi. I totally don't watch you walk by helplessly every weekend."

He will hate me.

Oh right, his name is Jimin. He's just perfect.

He's nice, caring, popular in school, great grades, wonderful voice, amazing dancer and so good-looking.
I mean, he has all the girls in our school fawning over him.

Why would he ever date me?

Yeah, weekends are great but stressful for me, even if I see Jimin for only a few seconds.

And great, it's 6pm. He's almost here and I'm just waiting for no reason.
I walk to my window and there he is... Damn those jeans show a thicc booty-

Wait, why did he stop next to the tree in front of my house?
He's leaning against it and looking at my house but not where I am.

Okay relax probably he probably just wants to rest or something.

He gets up and walks... TOWARDS MY DOOR WAIT WHAT NO.

*Bell Rings*

Oh. Hell. NO!
Nonononononono I can't see him like this!
How does he even know I live here? Maybe he's mistaken. Maybe he's not here for me.

Yep, just a mistake haha... ARGH WHAT THE HELL!

Okay... Deep breaths... I should open the door.
Thank God I'm wearing sensible clothing and not my PJs.

I open the door and he's... Smiling.

"Hey Y/N, I was passing by your house and thought I'd say hi." Yeah I know you pass my house mate-

"Oh cool man, so what's up?" Other than my heart rate- "Wanna come in?"
That's what he said- NO STOP.

"Nah it's good, I need to go soon anyways. You've got a nice looking house by the way." He said.

"Ah thanks man." Man? Yes that seems like a friendly term.
Wouldn't wanna call him daddy or something like that...
Oh god the cringe.

"So I've got something to say actually..." Oh no.
Oh lord help my soul, no.

He's probably noticed me looking at him.
He thinks I like him.
And wants to tell me it won't work.
No I don't wanna hear this.

"Would you like to hang out with me later?" Eh?

"O-oh, sure Jimin. Um, why though, we don't know even other well..."
Yes of course just make me feel like I don't want to go with him,  great bloody idea.

"That's exactly it, I think you're cool and that we would get along."
Oh, I think I got friendzoned...

"Also, I've noticed how you act around me..." NEVERMIND!
Abort mission.
Abort the mission.

(A/N: Dashi) run run run!!!

"Oh... Really?" He looks at me intensely.
"Look I can explain-"

"I'm Bisexual."

"You- you what?" He chuckled at my shocked expression and nodded.
"...this isn't some kind of prank right?"

"Nope, I'm being serious. I'm interested in you." He smiles before handing me a piece of paper which has a phone number on it.
"If you wanna hang out, hit me up." He walked off with a wink, leaving me at my doorstep completely speechless.

...wait what?

Did my crush... Knock on my door... Which means he always knew this was my house... Tell me he's bisexual... And say that he's interested in me?

I close my door and place my hand on the nearby wall for support.
"...this has to be a dream."

I pinch myself, "OUCH okay maybe not."

I take a deep breath, what the actual hell.
How did this just happen?

I look at the piece of paper in my hand before smiling.
"...okay let's never lose this." I lean against the wall and just stay there, trying to make sense of the situation...

The End ♥️

I wanted to make a guyxguy imagine for any fanboys reading my fanfics, they deserve my love too~
I'm sorry if this was bad, I'm not used to writing guyxguy. I tried hard for my male readers, I hope everyone likes it!
I'm not sure if I'll write more like this, it wasn't easy and I wasn't used to it but stay tuned for the next part! <3

 I tried hard for my male readers, I hope everyone likes it!I'm not sure if I'll write more like this, it wasn't easy and I wasn't used to it but stay tuned for the next part! <3

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