Lovely Laidback Anniversary - Jung Hoseok

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"Thank you so much. I'm truly happy," she states, resting her head on his shoulder. "I love you."

Rosy nails tap on the oak dining table, ebony hair flowing with the slight breeze coming from the open windows. A sigh is expelled from plump lips, an open palm supporting the person's - who is sitting at the table - head.

A young lady in a white blouse and blue denim jeans sits aimlessly but is waiting for something. She often zones out, before the current situation overcomes her daydreams.

'What on Earth is he up to?' she ponders.

She huffs, slouching forward and laying her head on the cool, wooden surface. She smiles when she hears movement coming towards the dining room, closing her eyes and wiping down the expression in an attempt to pretend to nap.

The door opens and she represses the urge to grin when footsteps slowly make their way to her. She feels a hand on her head, gently stroking her hair. "You were that bored?" a low, soft voice questions to themselves.

Y/N opens her eyes and gives a roar that is feeble enough to make a baby laugh, but surprising enough to make the person next to her scream. "I got you, Hoseok!" she exclaims in triumph, giggling as the male places his hand on his chest in order to calm down.

He runs that same hand through his chestnut hair, exhaling a deep breath. "I should have known," he states in a disapproving tone while pinching his nose. His sky boy shirt wrinkles a little at his movements, resting over his black slacks.

"Your fault for making me wait! Now for real, what's happening?" she inquires, brushing a few silky strands of Hoseok's hair into positions she preferred, earning a light swat on the hand from him.

"My hair is fine— and haven't you heard of patience?" he protests, poking her forehead so that she could stumble backwards.

She manages to stand steadily, only giggling before she replies, "a virtue neither of us has. Sometimes."

Hoseok feigns offence, shaking his head in distaste. "I think I'm more patient than you, missy."

"Don't missy me— oh my days. Can you just say or do what you want to do?" Y/N implores, mumbling to herself, "Why did I leave this anniversary in your hands..."

Ah yes, their third anniversary as a married couple. Y/N had been thinking of what to do to celebrate when Hoseok offered to take care of it. She had recently organised a joyous birthday party for him, so he thought it would be unfair if he didn't do something for her.

"Because you made my birthday awesome," he beams, wrapping his arm around her waist playfully. "Oh, and my hands are just capable anyway."

Y/N scoffs as she nudges his chest gently but she can't help smiling back. Then, Hoseok takes her hand in his and leads her elsewhere. Her soft, smaller hand entwined his more rough and bigger one makes her heart race even now.

Eventually, they're both at the kitchen where Y/N sniffs out the homely aroma of something being baked. Hoseok walks forward and puts on some oven gloves before opening the appliance and bringing out a scrumptiously stunning chocolate cake.

Y/N's mouth waters at the sight of her favourite, resisting the urge to gobble it all up as Hoseok turns to speak to her. "I figured that a peaceful day inside, eating cake, would be a nice change since we're always out and busy."

With twinkling eyes and lips curved upwards to the fullest, Y/N strides to hug her beloved husband tightly, squealing in excitement. "It's perfect." Hoseok chuckles, embracing her as he feels a weight move off his shoulders.

"I'm so glad you think so. Help me finish off the cake and then we can eat it." Y/N immediately separates from him and nods, bouncing to the decorative ingredients on the kitchen counters. Hoseok can't help but grin at how excited she looks, feeling as though they're both young again.

'Well, we're not that old,' he thinks instantly afterwards.

After waiting for the cake to cool down, the pair begin frosting the cake with white icing. Y/N scatters edible star sprinkles upon the surface, careful not to let any fall elsewhere. When they're done, Hoseok gets some cutlery out, as well as a white wine bottle.

Y/N raises her eyebrow in amusement when he pops it successfully. "Wine and cake?" she asks, to which Hoseok shrugs.

"Had to make it sophisticated in one way," he confesses, his cheeks tinting pink when Y/N giggles. He could never get over the way she smiles and laughs with him (or even at him.)

The two set up one of their phones to video record them cutting the first slice of the cake, to celebrate their long, beautiful relationship. When Hoseok presses stop, Y/N pecks his on the cheek.

"Thank you so much. I'm truly happy," she states, resting her head on his shoulder. "I love you."

Hoseok kisses the top of her head before replying with, "I love you too, I'll love you forever, and you don't need to thank me." They look into each other's eyes and Y/N pecks his lips again for a split second. It's teasing and tempting. "We'll continue that later."

Y/N blushes at his words but musters up the courage to wink at him. However, they both just laugh at how ridiculous she looked.

Then, they begin watching their favourite show together as the day turns into night, scoffing down Hoseok's delicious cake and sipping on wine glasses. With dessert filling their stomachs, they turn to other sweet things... But this isn't that kind of book.

The End ♥️

Hehe ;) I hope you enjoyed this! <333

Hehe ;) I hope you enjoyed this! <333

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