Hurting But Lucky - Jeon Jungkook

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"I don't know why most girls feel better after having chocolate on their period but I'm glad it works"

Y/N woke up from a deep slumber, feeling the light seep in through the curtains.
It wasn't the only thing that woke her up though, she felt aches in her stomach.

She groaned, remembering that she was on her period.
Using her left hand, she slightly massaged her stomach.

The pain seemed to multiply and she gave up quickly.
She thought it'd be best to stay in bed for a little bit but the ring from her phone made her sigh.

A small smile appeared on her face once she saw the Caller ID.

"Y/N-ah? Good morning. I just wanted to say that I'll be out with Jimin and Hoseok hyung to practice."
Ah she had completely forgotten about that.

"That's cool- argh..."
She let out a groan uncontrollably as her stomach coiled tightly.

"Baby, are you okay?"
Jungkook asked, worried.

Y/N wanted to say that it was alright but her cramps had never been that bad before.
She hummed quietly in response.

"You don't sound fine, wait I'll be there."
She was about to protest loudly but the line cut immediately.

He had hanged up, Y/N wanted to sit up in order to call him again but her legs ached.
Was this from not getting her period for a while?

After a few agonising minutes, she heard the front door of her apartment open.
A tall and somewhat panting figure entered her room, panic evident on his face.

Y/N began to sit up to greet him, which he quickly helped her to do.
"What's wrong babe?"

He rubbed her arm reassuringly but she couldn't handle the pain.
Tears filled her eyes, why was it hurting so much now?

"C-cramps..." She managed to get out.
Jungkook immediately understood and stroked her hair.

"I think it's 'cause I got it late, the pain built up, m-maybe?"
She stated, almost unsure as she frowned.

What the couple were both sure of, was that it was painful.
"Okay wait, do you need to change your pad?"

Y/N's cheeks tinted pink at his question but she nodded slowly.
She pointed to a drawer nearby and Jungkook went to get one out and placed it on her nightstand.

"I'll change it later, it hurts moving."
Y/N groaned again and Jungkook quickly kissed her cheek.

"Wait I'll get something to help, okay?"
Y/N didn't know what he meant but nodded nonetheless.

He rushed outside and she was left with her misery.
Her throat felt dry and her stomach still hurt.

She decided it'd be best to change her pad before Jungkook came back.
Slowly, but painstakingly, Y/N went to the bathroom and changed it.

She sat on her bed straight afterwards, her energy to brush her teeth and wash her face depleting.
Even her appetite seemed to have vanished as she groaned again.

Soon, the sound of her door opening filled her ears again.
Jungkook had came back, this time with a plastic carrier bag in his hand.

He brought out a bottle.
"Y/N-ah, drink this."

She thought it was some sort of medicine before she saw the words Chocolate Milk on the bottle.
"Aww Jungko- argh!"

"Shh, it'll make you feel better."
She instantly opened the bottle and let the cold, flavoured milk calm her.

There was still a throbbing pain in her abdomen but the drink seemed to have taken her mind off it.
Jungkook smiled, feeling relieved.

"I don't know why most girls feel better after having chocolate on their period but I'm glad it works."
Y/N was able to smile at that.

"Wait... You bought pads for me?"
She signalled feebly to the other item in the bag.

"Ah, yeah. I saw you were running low so I just thought I'd get you it as well."
He scratched the back of his head awkwardly, making Y/N smile.

"Could you distract me with the tale of how you got me those?"
Jungkook chuckled at her posh manner, surprised she could still be like that whilst in pain.

"Well I went to the nearby convinence store to get the chocolate milk for you and when I got the idea of getting you the pads, I went into the small women's section. I saw a brand that looked the same as the one I had gave you earlier and took it. As I was going to pay, a young girl came up to me asked if I was getting them for my mom or sister. When I replied that it was for my girlfriend she smiled widely. She said to me, 'tell her she's lucky to have a great boyfriend like you," and I smiled back and thanked her."

Y/N giggled a little before giving him a quick peck on the cheek.
"I am so lucky."

Jungkook smiled humbly, getting embarrassed but happy.

"Thank you, I'm sorry about making you cancel your practice."
She added in a softer voice.

Jungkook shook his head, "Your health and safety comes before my work."
He kissed her forehead lovingly before stroking the back of her head.

The End ♥️


I would like to say thank you to everyone that has read this book! The fact that I've got over 1K reads is breathtaking, honestly I didn't think this would happen and I'm just extremely grateful <333Also for any of those silent readers, please don...

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I would like to say thank you to everyone that has read this book! The fact that I've got over 1K reads is breathtaking, honestly I didn't think this would happen and I'm just extremely grateful <333
Also for any of those silent readers, please don't hesitate to comment or even vote! It warms my heart more than you know Sends hearts~

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