Reunion - Kim Taehyung

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"Do you regret it?"

Y/N had been dreading this day for weeks.

Ever since she got the news that her friends were going to hang out (summertime after a stressful university year), she had unintentionally let it take over her thoughts.
Questions arose about any single thing regarding that day.

Would she look bad wearing this? Is she overreacting?
How can she make the whole exchange not awkward? Wouldn't it be awkward from the start?

All because her ex, Kim Taehyung would be there.

She didn't hate the guy, didn't want him to not be there, he wasn't a prick.
She felt vulnerable because even after getting over him, she thought he truly was the one for her all those years ago at the start of high school all the way up to college.

Harsh words were said when they were going to different parts of the country for uni, long-term relationships would not work.
It all broke down, which a perfect relationship should not.

It should not go down without a fight, yet it did, as they simply weren't adults yet.
Now they kind of are, but could they really be together again?

She heard he had a girlfriend, who sadly wouldn't be able to come.
Y/N genuinely would've liked to meet her, she seemed like a good person.

You get my point, don't you?

The day had come, she made sure she had everything with her, taking deep breaths as she made her way over to the meeting place.
She didn't realise she would tear up when she saw some of the friend group there, running over to them and grasping them in her arms, not letting go.

They laughed, caught up, a familar person joining every time.
Somewhere along the loud chatter, Taehyung mixed into the circle, they hugged, only realising it was truly them until after.

They didn't say a word, instead smiling and continuing to socialise with the others until the group was complete.
It felt surreal to them all but normal, sure they're all a bit more mature, some with jobs and some without, but it felt normal. Nostalgically normal.

They went to a restaurant where a large reservation was made, got drinks and acted like the childish fools they had been for just a few moments.
Laughter emptied their chests, tight from life. Smiles graced their faces, youthful once again.

It was perfect, to Y/N's anxious gnawing.

Then, after the hours flew by and peachy tones filled the sky, it was time to go home.
The blissful reunion was a success and now goodbyes were held.

Promises were made by everyone to do it again, next year or maybe even next break because they can never truly be apart for so long.
Taehyung offered to walk Y/N to the bus stop since he was going in that direction too.

The others didn't think much of it (or maybe they did), but Y/N suddenly felt the dread come back again.
She couldn't refuse, it would be too suspicious.

So they walked together, side by side, not too close but not too far either.
They tried to make small talk but chuckled once they realised the questions had already been asked in the restaurant.

Then a wave of confidence surged through Y/N's body, something that she needed to ask or forever be left.
She stopped walking, tugging Taehyung's jacket sleeve back gently.

"Do you regret it?"

Taehyung looked at her, the strange question causing his eyebrows to furrow.
"Regret what?"

"I-I don't know." Her voice audibly shook without meaning to. "Everything."

The silence filled the street for what felt like the longest minute of eternity.
Heat flooded her cheeks, eyelids shutting in embarrassment.

She opened her mouth to tell him to forget it, that it was a stupid thing to ask.
But he answered.

"Just because we didn't work out doesn't mean you weren't the best thing that ever happened to me. Because you were Y/N believe me. You're my first love and first loves are never forgotten even if I try to replace you or store you far away, you stay inside my heart to teach me, to guide me and I am so grateful for all the years we spent together."

Her eyes glistened, even more prominent with the setting sun still shining.
"You too Tae."

It's all she had to say.
It's all they had to do.

Before acknowledging each others' feelings and walking two separate paths yet still accompanying each other.

The End ♥️

Not gonna lie, I'm actually really proud of this one. I had to take a week off (blame school) but that made me pour out my feelings even more so I hope you liked this one. Let me know if you did! <333

 Let me know if you did! <333

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