Spilt - Kim Seokjin

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'I'm getting sick of this'


That is what described Seokjin perfectly.

Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if someone heard him yell Bah Humbug! every once in a while.

Unlike dear Scrooge, Seokjin actually enjoyed Christmas.
He'd love the shining lights, the feast with family and friends.

What he didn't enjoy, was wretched Valentine's Day.
Or any day he saw a couple, which was pretty much everyday.

When he was in high school, Seokjin found himself with plenty of girls after him.
For he was charming, intelligent and quite handsome.

Correction: extremely handsome.

Yet, he seemed to land himself with the obnoxious girls, the ones who used him for popularity.
And no wonder he become more and more skeptical when it came to relationships.

But was that really a good excuse?

He was sitting on a plaza bench, enjoying the bustle of the town.
Though he immediately regretted because of course, it's Valentine's Day.

He should've known he was only going to feel bitter, he thought maybe he'd be able to smile.
But no, he felt envy and disgust yet felt nothing at all.

It was like he was jealous of these people in love yet he didn't want to be in love himself.
Or did he?

After deep sighs, he got ready to go home, maybe to watch movies that did not have a single ounce of love in them.
Horror? Mystery? Sounds like a plan.

Until he felt hot liquid fall down his shirt as he stood up with his eyes closed, sitting back down instantly in shock.
He opened his eyelids to the sound of a feminine yelp, seeing a young lady with brown stains on her white top.

She had chestnut coloured hair, just above her shoulders, pale skin complimenting dark brown irises.
Her hand was shaking, hot coffee streaming down to the pavement.

Oh Seokjin, you couldn't look beforehand?

"I- I am so sorry sir, i was rushing and I didn't think to look."
The woman said frantically, a deep frown settling upon her dainty features.

"Don't apologise! It was my fault- wait I have tissue."
Seokjin quickly unzipped his backpack and handed her tissues, to which she received with gratitude.

He took her coffee cup and placed it onto the bench, waiting for her to dry herself.
Even though those stains won't be going for a while.

"Again, forgive me. I should've been looking."
He stated, seeing heart-shaped balloons in his peripheral vision.

Better to leave before he got annoyed.

He stood up again, bowing his head respectfully to the still shocked young girl.
"Um, I ruined your shirt..."

She said, pointing timidly to his chest.
Seokjin just smiled awkwardly, before saying, "and I ruined your top. Even?"

The girl looked at him in surprise, before giggling.
"I guess, how about I get you coffee? I still feel bad."

Seokjin pondered for a little, eyebrows furrowing, thinking it was an awfully good chance for romance.
Which he hated even the thought of.

'I'm getting sick of this'
He thought, opening his mouth to reply.

"No," he spoke sternly, seeing the woman get dejected before adding, "I was just about to leave and I don't want to miss my bus, you know?"

The girl's pink lips turned downwards, nodding understandably.
"You're right. Have a nice day...?"

He said, before cursing himself; giving her your name? Really?

"Ah, my name's Y/N. Not a great meeting ahah..."
She looked down, embarrassment creating tension between the two of them.

Seokjin nodded, "you... have a nice name. Bye."
He turned around on the heels of his feet and began to walk, not forgetting his backpack in the process.

Really? Nice name? Just bye?

Oh no wonder he would never find love.
He pushed it away every time it came close to him.

The End ♥️

The End ♥️

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