3. A Winchester girl

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"So this is Jack, huh?", I said looking up and down, scanning the guy in front of me carefully. Dean nodded, opened his mouth but got interrupted by Sam:"That's Jack. Jack, this is our sister Y/N." I smiled slightly and looked at Jack who was confused and happy at the same time. "I thought everyone you loved is dead?", he asked. A huge mistake. Dean was about to say something, his face got more aggressive and angry. But Sam just shook his head and tried to calm him down. "Well, I am alive. Pretty alive if my brothers don't screw it up.", I laughed and Jack nodded with a smile on his face. Dean looked at me and said:"Sam and I need to do research on this Asmodeus guy. Is it okay if we leave Jack with you?", he asked almost begging me but I just nodded my head laughingly and said:"It's okay. Are you hungry?" Dean and Sam walked out of the room and left Jack and me alone. His eyes were on me all the time and he still smiled. "Hey? Jack?", I asked and he whispered:"Yes I am."
"What do you like?", I asked and it didn't take him a second to answer. "Nougat! I like Nougat!", he said full of joy and happiness. I smiled. "Nougat? That's sweets. You should eat something else. What about a salad or burgers?", I asked and he seemed obviously confused. "But I like Nougat. I need to-", someone entered the room, opened the fridge and said:"You can't get whatever you want just because you're Satan Junior.", he exited the room as fast as he entered. I rolled my eyes at my older brother Dean as he left. Jack sighed and his smile was gone. Dean could be a pretty rude guy. "He..he doesn't like me very much", Jack said and I shook my head. "He is just not able to control himself. He lost everything and mom. Even Crowley, Rowena and Kelly. Sam, me and you were are the only things he has left and he doesn't want to get too attached to you since everyone who gets close to him..", I took breath and whispered:"dies."

Castiel was a good friend of mine, I missed him a lot. But I knew Castiel and Dean had this bond, they had been through a lot. He missed mom as well, we got her back after he saved the world and that was his reward. Now she was gone. Crowley and Rowena weren't the nicest people with the best intentions. But they became a part of the team and you could feel that their was a gap now that they were gone. Kelly was probably just like any other person we've lost to a monster, demon or angel. But even that made Dean sad. Losing all those people at once, was something Dean Winchester couldn't deal with and I knew that.

"He said he would kill me.", Jack said and looked up again. "If I'd turn bad.", he added and I smiled."We have to prevent that. I'm sure we got this.", I said and opened the shelf, got out a candy bar and handed it him. Our hands touched and I looked up into his eyes. He had beautiful yes. As I took a step back he smiled and looked at the candy bar I just gave him. "I thought candy is not-" "It's okay. We all have cravings", I said. Jack unwrapped the candy bar, broke it into two pieces and gave me the one of them. "We all have cravings.", he said and started eating.

It has been a week since I met Jack. This guy never left my side since that day and I felt like he'd even sleep in my room if he could. Dean and Sam were totally clueless and couldn't find Asmodeus so they stayed here at the bunker. But Jack still didn't leave my side. He seemed to like me more than the guys, what I could totally understand after I saw how Dean treated him.

"Do you like cartoons?", I asked Jack, sat down next to him and handed him the bowl with popcorn. He nodded and started eating. "Don't eat everything!", I laughed, grabbed some popcorn and threw it at him. He looked at me in confusion but as I smiled he realized that I was doing it just for fun. He grabbed some popcorn and looked at me, a few seconds later I was attacked with popcorn. Both of us laughed and were about to grab some more but we heard steps as Dean entered the room. "Y/N? Can we talk?", he asked not looking at Jack but me. "I wanted to watch this cartoon with Jack", I said and got some popcorn out of my hair. "It's important.", he said and I sighed. My brother used to be one of those guys saying he's busy while just watching TV. But since that day he was different. I stood up, Jack did the same. "Not you. Just her", Dean said and Jack sat down. I rolled my eyes at my older brother and we left the room. We went to the kitchen and I leaned against the wall saying:"What do you need to discuss?" Dean closed the door and looked at me. "The fact that you're becoming friends with satan's kid!", he said and his voice got louder. "Can you stop calling him like that?"
"Just facts.", he said and I heard steps coming closer. They stopped in front of the door. Was it Sam or Jack?
"He tries everything to be a good guy and you treat him like-" "I treat this evil son of a bitch how I want to treat him.", he interrupted me and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Well, I don't and you need to accept that.", I said. "What if he hurts you? He is a monster.", Dean said and I shook my head:"You're being the monster. I know you miss Cas, mom..probably even the others. But it's not his fault! I am being nice to him cause he's doing the same. You should stop being a dick and get that he is not evil. And even if he becomes evil one day, it's not his fault. It's most likely to be yours cause you treated him like a piece of shit when he was younger. We both know that", as I finished my sentence I left the kitchen. Dean couldn't say anything.
I walked back to my room when I heard someone slamming the door. Dean could become so aggressive when he was hurt but I didn't care. "Jack?", I asked carefully and looked around. But Jack was gone. "Jack? Where are you?", slowly becoming scared. He was gone.

Part 2 of this is coming tomorrow! x Love you all so much, guys. Please request more Imagines! 💗

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