20. Discovering the AU with Jack and Mary

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Aloha cowboys!
I am excited for tonight's episode. I just saw the promo where Michael is hurting Jack. THIS IS NOT ALLOWED. I AM CALLING 911!

Y/H - Your height
Y/H/C - Your hair color
Y/E/C - Your eye color
Jack looked up to Mary, he knew it was her and so did she know who he was. Mary was trapped inside something that looked like it was used to torture people back in 1600. "I am going to help you.", Jack said and got up. She couldn't speak, her whole body was in pain. Jack touched the iron but nothing happened. "They..locked it...", Mary whispered. "Only Michael..can..", she started but couldn't finish her sentence. She was too weak. "I'm going to get you out. Sam and Dean are waiting for you. They thought you were dead. Mary nodded carefully. The young nephilim shook his head and looked around, but there was nothing usable. "I don't know what to do.", Jack admitted but froze when he heard footsteps coming closer. Mary looked up, she seemed confused. "Don't come any closer.", Jack said and his eyes went golden. He would protect Mary, no matter what.
"So you don't want my help?", an unfamiliar voice said and Jack turned around to see a girl, she was about Y/H tall, had Y/H/C hair and Y/E/C eyes which were bright and deep. "Wow, let's calm down.", she said and looked into his golden eyes. "What are you? A prince of hell?", she asked and Jack shook his head. "I'm Jack.", he said and she smirked. "So Jack, what are you doing here? You shouldn't be here.", she said and kept walking. "I need to get Mary out. Her sons are waiting for her.", he said and his eyes went back to their original color. "You know that Michael could come in any second? He'd be pretty damn angry at you, trying to free one of his prisoners.", she said and got her knife out. "What are you?", Jack asked and looked at the knife, which looked very familiar. "I am a huntress.", she said and kept scanning the boy in front of her. "What are you doing here? This is a dangerous place.", Jack said and she laughed quietly. "I work for him.", she said. "You work for him?", Jack asked and she nodded. "But you said you'd help us.", Jack said in disappointment and she rolled her eyes. "I am not really working for him. I am just pretending I would. That's how I protect myself. This whole apocalypse thing started and I just needed someone to protect, little, defenseless me.", she said and gave Jack a little piece of paper. "He is using some weird spell to keep her in there. I've never seen him doing it. These words are everything I found so far.", when she finished her sentence she turned around. "You two better be saving the world.", the girl smirked and left. Jack unfolded the little paper. A few words were written on it. He sighed. "We need to get you out of this. Sam and Dean are waiting for you.", Jack said and Mary nodded as good as she could.

"Humans.", a voice said. Y/N hid behind  a big stone. "She got them out. Find her!", Michael ordered and the angels started looking for her. She couldn't move. Michael was the one she feared more than anyone else. I'm gonna die. These were the only thoughts the young woman had. When she carefully tried to take a look at them, someone touched her shoulder. "Psh.", a familiar voice said and she turned around slowly. It was Jack. Mary was standing right behind him. Her bruises and wounds were even darker than they were before. "Let me help you.", Jack whispered and offered her his hand. She shook her head. Michael would see her and destroy her. "You got us out. We will get you out.", Mary said and looked at her. Y/N carefully took Jack's hand. He helped her up. Only a few inches kept them apart. Jack smiled, he could feel her hot breath on his neck. She breathed fast, like she just ran a marathon. But she had the feeling that she was save with him.

Part 2 coming soon ;)

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