11. I love and I lost you.

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The last episode was a blast! I am still amazed. Season 13 is really good so far, mate!
But I am sad that Jack feels so sad and worthless. He is too precious :(

A-N-Y-W-A-Y-S I have done something else today. It's sad so prepare to get some tissues and chocolate.

"No!", I screamed and tried to get to them but waves of energy kept me from walking. I was pushed back and fell onto the ground. Everything went black. But I still could feel the pain, the cold merciless pain who went through my whole body. I tried to remember what I've seen. It was a boy, he was kind of screaming noiseless. His eyes were glowing in a light gold tone. He was sending those waves of energy. My parents were almost exploding. Blood was coming out of their eyes and ears. They were dying. I had to help them!

I tried to get up, my vision was still gone. I felt dizzy and was about to fall when two arms catched me. I felt a big but soft hand on my head, this was the last thing I could remember before I lost my consciousness.

"You can't just walk around and kill people, Jack!", a deep and furious voice said. "I was trying...to help.", the other one responded. I was awake! I opened my eyes and took a breath. Immediately someone's hand was on my shoulder and that person said:"Easy, girl."
I looked around and at the man who was sitting in front of me but turned around to look into my eyes and calm me down. It was a man, brown hair and probably in his mid-thirties. Three other men were in the car as well. Wait, I was in a car and we were driving! "Are you kidnapping me?!", I said and almost panicked. The man next to me shook his head. He had these significant blue eyes who were staring into my soul. They were beautiful but yet scary. "No, we are not. You fainted. You were unconscious. What can you remember?", he asked. I bit my lip, tried to remember and looked around. When I saw him. He was the only thing I could remember. I pressed myself against the door to get as much space between me and him as possible. He was the one who killed my parents. "That's what I thought.", the guy who was driving said. The boy looked at me. He was my age, his eyes weren't glowing anymore. He seemed to be scared, sad and guilty. "I am-", he was about to say something but got interrupted by me. "You killed them! Didn't you?",I screamed but the man next to me tried to calm me down. Tears started running down my cheeks. "You killed my parents! You are a killer!", I continued screaming and sobbing. "It wasn't like you-", his second attempt failed as well. The man driving the car interrupted him. "We'll give her the talk later. We're almost there."
"Almost where?", I asked in confusion. I completely forgot to ask why they even took me with them instead of bringing me to a hospital. "You'll see.", the man next to me said.
Silence, the radio was playing music but it was almost noiseless. I leaned against the window. It was cold, but I didn't care. My emotions were gone anyways. Now that my parents were dead, there was nothing to live for. "I'm Castiel.", someone suddenly said. I looked at the man sitting next to me. "Y/N..", was all I could mumble. "The guy with the long hair is Sam. Dean is driving and next to me is Jack.", he said and kept looking at me but I didn't bother to look at him as well. "Jack the Ripper or what?", I sighed and the man got confused. "I...don't think so.", he said and looked at Dean but he just smirked a bit. "I wanna go home.", was all I said. Castiel looked at me and shook his head. "It's better if you come with us.", he said and I shrugged saying:"Well, you're some strangers. One of you killed my parents. That's better than anything, right?"
I always used to be sarcastic even in situations like these. Just a few moments later Dean parked the car. We were in a forest. Everyone got out of the car and I looked around. What was that? It looked like some bunker they used in times of war. "Where are we?"
"Kansas.", Dean said and I sighed. "That's like three hours away from home."
"I think this is going to be your new home", Sam said. But he didn't say it in a  harsh or bad way. His voice was soft and he seemed concerned. Jack was standing a few meters away from us. Looking at us. I looked up for a second and our eyes met. But both of us looked away as soon as we realized that we were staring at each other.
The others got in, Castiel and Jack were the only ones outside. I looked at Castiel. "What are we going to do now?", I asked and he shrugged. "You need to shower and relax. We'll see what happens next later.", he said. Both of us went inside but I realized Jack was still outside. I opened the door and looked outside. The door was heavy and big, but I didn't care. "Are you coming?", I asked and he looked at me. His face softened and it was almost like he smiled a bit. "Yes, I am coming.", he said and went inside.

Sam showed me around and also showed me the room where I'd be sleeping in. It was cold and empty. But I was okay with it. At least the bed seemed comfortable. I sat down when someone knocked on the door. The 4 boys entered the room and looked at me. "Pajama party, huh?", I asked and smirked. "Almost. Someone needs to give you the talk.", Dean said. I laughed:"My mom gave me that one when I was 14 already.", I said and Sam shook his head. "It's something different. Who should give it to you?", he asked and I looked at all of them. "You seem like you'd be good at doing these things.", I said and looked at Sam. He nodded and the others left the room. When he said down I looked at him and he smiled. "Is it okay? Do you need another blanket or more pillows?", he asked softly. "It's okay. I'm fine.", I said and he just nodded. Before he started talking he took a deep breath: "It's not easy. I've been doing this a lot of times already. But this is different from all the other times.", he said and I nodded and said:"Just let it out. It's going to be okay."
Sam smiled at me and finally started:"First of all, monsters do exist. Me and Dean we hunt them since we're kids. Vampires, demons, werewolves..all that stuff is real. Even angels. Cas is one of them. He's an angel. He healed you back when you got hurt. And Jack..he is..a nephilim."
When he finished his sentence I was about to burst out laughing. But it kind of started making sense. The pain was completely gone. All my wounds were gone either. I looked at Sam:"So you..are..wait. What is a nephilim?", I asked. He took a breath. "A nephilim is the kid of an angel and a human.", he said. "So Castiel here had a little one night stand with a sexy lady or what?", I asked and he shook his head. "That's another thing. Jack is the son of Lucifer.", he said and waited for my reaction. "Lucifer? Like Satan?", I asked. "Yes, Lucifer, Satan, fallen angel. However."
"And he killed my parents because his daddy told him to or what? Why are you even nice to that monster?", I asked in  confusion. "Jack he's not bad."
"Oh well, sorry but I don't really believe that. He killed my parents!", I got louder. How could he protect that monster?!
"He thought they were demons. We were on a case where demons killed several people and it seems like he-"
" I don't care what he did or what he didn't. Fact is, that he killed my parents. I am not going to live here with you and act like nothing happened. You know what I am going to do? I am going home. You're crazy. You may be nice and all good. But this is too much. You brought me here without my permission. But I am going. Now.", I pushed Sam aside and got up. Before he could even say anything I left the room, went to the big door and opened it. I ran like there was no tomorrow and stopped when I was at a lake. I sat down and looked at it. It was deep and dark. But probably still better than this monster and his three friends.

Jack's POV
I was right in front of the door when she said these words. It felt bad but she was right. I was a monster. But how could I apologize? Was there even a way on how to apologize after I killed her parents. Probably not.
When she got up I teleported back to my room. I didn't want to look into her broken, sad eyes. It was all my fault. Everything I was doing was wrong. I was a monster and it was my destiny to become like him. Like Lucifer. Anger and sadness overtook my body. I could feel the power going through my veins. But I wasn't able to stop it. I'd hurt Dean, Sam and Castiel if I'd not leave. So I left. Teleported myself deep into the woods. But it didn't help. I screamed, tried to stop. The trees started shaking, I fell down on my knees. I couldn't control it.

Did you like it? There's gonna be more parts of it and I MAY even make it a new story! So please comment down below.
Peace out, bitches.

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