16. She's a nephilim

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Someone asked me to do this. I can't remember your @ so I am sooo sooo sorry for not tagging you in here. She/he asked me to do some Imagine where the reader is the kid of Satan and Jack is the "normal" person.
I hope this is how you wanted it to be.
Also thanks for 19k reads! You're some amazing sons of bitches!


"You can't stop me.", she said and looked at the guys in front of her. "Totally Satan's kid, how I told you.", Dean said and kept looking at the road. "There is a way to save her.", Sam said and looked at his older brother. She smirked. "You think so, all right. Have fun with that.", she said. Dean rolled his eyes and Sam shook his head and whispered:"We may need her to save Mom. Also hasn't she hurt anyone yet."
"Except for almost killing me and you. Also mom's dead. Like Cas, Crowley, Rowena, Kelly-", he got interrupted by her. "Kelly?", she asked and tilted her head like Dean's favorite angel always did when he was still alive. "Kelly. I know her.", she said and it seemed like she was really interested in her. Sam looked at the young nephilim who sat at the backseat. "She's your mother. What can you remember?", he said in a soft and careful voice. He was scared of her, after everything Lucifer did to him. But he also tried to force himself not to have any prejudices since she was a kid. "I can remember her, yeah. She talked to me. I saved her.", she smiled proudly at Sammy. "She said stuff to me that I couldn't understand. I rather listened to my father, Lucifer.", she nodded and smiled even more. Sam bit his lip as she leaned back. "He told me that we'd rule the world one day. Together. Me and him. But I can't find him, where is he?", she asked. "His ugly ass is stuck in an alternate universe.", Dean said and Sam looked at his brother. "Can you open the universe again?", Sam asked. "Again? I brought him there? Oops, well that went wrong.", she laughed. "You know...not only your dad is stuck in there. Also our mom is.", Sam said.
"And you think that I care about that?", she looked at him. "I was born a few hours ago. There's not a lot I do care about. But especially not your mom. I don't even care about my dad if he's stuck somewhere. I'll rule the world on my own.", she said and shrugged.
How could be someone even worse and more heartless than Satan?
Sam just nodded. "But as long as I don't know how to control these", she snapped her finger and Dean's radio started glitching. "I'll have to live with you guys. Sounds great, right?"
Dean kept looking at the road but mumbled "son of a bitch" quietly.
She just leaned back again and closed her eyes with a devilish smile on her lips.

When they reached the bunker, Jack, a friend of the Winchester's was already waiting for them. He was the only person they had left so they asked him to come to the bunker and stay with them. Losing Jack would probably be the worst thing ever in this situation. Dean parked in front of the big bunker and got out of the car, he slammed the door and leaned against his beloved Impala. Sam did the same, almost just without slamming the door, Dean would've probably killed him for that. Dean and Sam looked at the bunker, waiting for Jack to come out. He opened the door of the Impala and got out two beers. One for him and the other one for his younger brother.

"That kid is definitely a weirdo just like her dad. And she's definitely evil.", Dean said and nodded. "I'm not sure. She seemes to be twisted.", Sam said, he still had faith in her even after everything that happened. Even after they lost their lovely friend Castiel, the sassy king of hell Crowley, the smart witch Rowena, Kelly and their mom, Mary. But Dean was the exact opposite. He lost his hope when the angel got stabbed. "That's nothing but a big lie that you're telling yourself", the older Winchester took a sip from his beer.
"You wanna stand here and stare at the forest?", a sassy and high voice said. Dean didn't even bother to turn around to look at Y/N but Sam did. "Do you wanna go inside?", Sam asked her and gave Dean his beer to hold it. "Jack's already in there. He's like an angel and nephilim expert. He can help you.", Sam said and she shrugged:"What else can I do? I have no choice and  It's cold out here.", she said and walked past the door.
When she knocked some brunette guy opened the door. "You must be Y/N.", he said with a soft voice and looked at Sam to reassure it was her, both guys nodded at each other. "You must be the angel expert?", she said and Jack smirked. "If that's how Dean and Sam call me", he said while blushing. "You're getting red.", she said in confusion and looked disgusted at him. "I am..uhm..people get red when someone compliments them, you know.", he said and she just laughed. "That wasn't a compliment.", she said and Jack' smile faded. He just nodded slowly and took a deep breath: "Well, so you're a Nephilim?" "Seems like I am. Cool, isn't it?", she said and Jack just bit his lip. "Nephilims got removed by God himself. They're dangerous creatures and angels see them as abominations, that's why I think the angels will come for you soon.", he said. She looked into his eyes and nodded. Of course she was interested in what she was and who she was. But she didn't want to admit it. As soon as she finished her sentence she smirked. "If those wanna-be badasses come for me I'll kill them.", she said and Jack looked at her. "You're not able to control your powers at the moment.", he said carefully. "Of course I am", Y/N said in a furious tone. "And I'll show you.", she snapped her fingers and a puppy appeared in front of her. She mumbled something and Jack just smiled softly. "What was that supposed to do?", he asked and got closer. "It was supposed to throw you against the wall behind you.", she said and shrugged while looking up to him. "Really?", Jack asked and rested his hand on her shoulder. "Maybe not.", she said and smiled. "You could be good."; Jack whispered and she looked at him again. "You could be good, one of us.", he smiled. "But I am his daughter.", she said and sighed. "Does that define you?", Jack asked. "No, but still...", she said and looked at the ground. "I can help you to become good.", Jack said. 

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