22. High School

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No one is reading my last Imagine cause it's called "Mission: Killing Jack."
You all must REALLY love Jack omg. But believe me, he won't get hurt in it :') I can't hurt my nougat son again.

This is just some random High School story. Cas and Dean (Jack's parents) decided that Jack should be going to school. This is gonna be a mess, right?

Warning: Talking about abusive parents.

"A school?", I asked Castiel, my father. He nodded and rested his hand on my shoulder. "I want you to get friends. You're all alone in here.", Castiel replied. "But you're my friends. Sam, Dean and you.", I said and smiled at him. "Friends your age. Friends that you can have fun with.", Castiel said and looked into my eyes. He only wanted the best for me. He loved me a lot. "Okay.", I sighed. I wasn't too lazy for school. But I was afraid of the people going there. I was different from them. Would I hurt them? Or would they even hurt me?

"I'll pick you up at 5.", Dean said and looked at me. I nodded but I couldn't take my eyes off the big building in front of me. "You don't wanna come late, right?", Dean said and I nodded and left the car. Dean waved at me and started driving away. Now I was on my own.

When I entered the building many people were standing inside. They were laughing and talking. I kind of liked it. I kept looking around, there was this girl. She was beautiful and laughed with her friends. I was about to approach her when a voice behind me said:
"Keep your eyes off my girl."
His voice was deep and dangerous, I turned around to look at him. He was about a head taller than me, was wearing a leather jacket and smelling like cigarettes. I hated that smell.
"I was just looking at her. She is just so beautiful.", I said and smiled at him. But it seemed like he did not want me to compliment his girlfriend. The guy pushed me against one of the lockers. I was kind of shocked and could not really move. The whole crowd stopped doing what they were doing before, now everyone was staring at us. "You're so dead.", he said. His deep voice made me shiver. When he was about to hit me a voice said:"Travis, stop that."
He listened to the voice and turned around. I couldn't take a look at the person, since he was blocking my view. "Y/N, that rat was staring at you.", he said and the other voice giggled. "You know that I only love you, right?", she said. "I know but you're mine. He is not allowed to stare at you.", he said. "I will be only yours. Forever. But now you should leave. Principal Jones will be there any second and you can't risk getting expelled.", he nodded at her words and left the scene. The others students left as well, since there was no drama anymore.

"Are you okay?", she said and got closer. It was her. Her eyes were so soft. She offered me her hand. "Need help?", she asked. I couldn't take it. I could not take her hand. I wanted to. But I couldn't. I was scared. If this what humans would be like, I could understand why they were almost killing each other.
"Hey..", she said and went on her knees since I was sitting on the ground since that Travis guy turned around to talk to her. "I am here to help. I will not hurt you.", she said and looked at me. "Cool shirt.", she pointed at me Star Wars shirt. I smiled back at her. "Thank you.", I whispered. "You're new, right? I would have remembered someone with such a cool shirt.", she said and I giggled. She was the opposite from that Travis guy. Why would someone like her even date him?
"I'm new. My name is Jack.", I answered. She smiled brightly and said:"Jack is a beautiful name. Like Jack Dawson or captain Jack Sparrow!"
I laughed. "These must be superheroes?", I asked. "Well, Jack Dawson is a man from the movie Titanic. He saved the love of his life and died. Captain Jack Sparrow is a pirate. He has an amazing sense of humor and is really funny.", she explained. "I'd also save the love of my life and even be really funny while doing that.", I nodded and she giggled. "That sounds great. But first of all, the great hero needs to get up so he can save the love of his life.", she said and offered me her hand. I took it carefully and we both got up. "See? That was easy. And now you can save the world", she said and I smiled. I'd save the world, from the bad guys like Lucifer and Michael. But also from the guys like Travis.

"My class got cancelled. I was on my way home. But what if I show you around.", she said. "Yes, that would be great. But tell me your name first.", I whispered. "It's Y/N.", she replied and looked at our hands. I was still holding hers. "You're scared, aren't you?", she asked. "I have never been to a school.", I admitted. "So you're a rich little kid who was home schooled all those years, huh?", she asked and smirked. I could sense the sarcasm her comment came with. But I didn't know what to say so I just shrugged. "Just kidding", she said and I laughed since I didn't know what to do. "Could you..uhm now..", she pointed at our hands. "Oh of course", I said did it. "Thanks Jack. I just don't want Travis to be a drama queen again.", she sighed. I could feel how it was bothering her. How Travis was bothering her. "You don't love him anymore, don't you?", I said. "Of course I love him!", she snapped. "Just..not..like I used to. We have been together for two years. Back then he was a really sweet guy but now he is so different. He started smoking, hanging out with the Bad Boys and now he is one of them.", Y/N told me. "Why don't you break up with him?", I asked her very concerned. "No. I can't do this.", she shook her head and looked at the door. "Let's leave. I'll show you around.", she said and went outside.

Y/N and I spent the whole day together. It was wonderful. She was showing me around and talked about her and her life. I told her my story, just without the magic and the Satan part. She was a wonderful person and comforted me.

The bell rang and we got inside. "You can sit with us.", she said and I nodded. We entered the cafeteria together and got ourselves some food. "Muffins or pan cakes?", she asked me. "Muffins all the way!", I said and she gave me a muffin. "They are delicious.", she smiled and paid for our food. "Thank you for paying for the food. But I have money.", I said and she shrugged. "We're friends. That's what friends do.", she explained and we sat down. We were sitting with her friends. They looked like dolls, their make up was way too much, they talked about boys and make up only. Why would she be friends with them? She was so different.
"So Jackie, I can call you Jackie, can I?", Audrey asked and I nodded. "Your hair is on point today.", she said and I smiled. "But your eyebrows need to get done ASAP!", Lianne replied. "Oh shot! They look horrible. Your outfit is way too.." "boring!", Katie said and the three of them nodded. I was confused. Why were they finishing each others sentences?
Y/N grabbed my hand under the table and smiled at me. Even in this situation she'd comfort me. "I heard what happened with you and Travis today! I mean, Travis is the hottest guy at school. But that's totally not cool what he did", Audrey said and the others just sighed. "I think Travis was just overprotective.", Y/N said and the others rolled their eyes at her. "He loves you, honey. But since he started smoking and drinking he has been like..Sara's step dad!", Katie said. "Sara's step dad started hitting her!", Audrey said. Y/N stood up. "Can't you stop talking about others?! It's not cool that he hitted her! But mostly it's none of your business. You should help her instead of talking about her like that!", she said and the others seemed to be kind of confused but shocked. "There is so much wrong with you, guys. I thought I could take it one more year. But listening to your bullshit is not worth the popularity.", she said and looked at me. "Let's go Jack. We can sit with the others.", I got up as well. "You know that they will probably write you on the loser list if you dump is like that.", Katie said but Y/N just shook her head. "Travis will break up with you, loser", Lianne told her. Y/N started laughing. "I don't even like him anymore. He has been a huge douchbag since he started the drinking. The only thing he wants is sex and me to be his little pet. ", she said and looked at me. I knew what she wanted. We both left the scene. "If you think so.", a voice behind us said. It was Travis and his face looked like he was about to kill.
To kill me.


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