18. Saving you

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First of all, I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! I've been kinda busy.
I know that's not an excuse :(
So hopefully you'll enjoy this chapter!

"Hunting friends?", I asked Jack and he smiled slightly and replied:"Hunting friends."

I met Jack and the Winchesters back in Iowa on a case. I instantly knew that Jack was different, special. But they never told me why. His constant headaches & breakdowns made me feel scared, scared of losing him.

"And you think this is gonna work? We shouldn't wait for them to come outside. These bloodsuckers could trick us.", I said and he shook his head. "There are plenty of them. It's too dangerous for you.", he said and I raised an eyebrow. "For me? Huh? Just because I am a girl?.", I said and shook my head in disappointment. He looked at the ground. "No, it's something else. There are so many of them. They could kill you or even transform you.", Jack mumbled.
"They could transform you as well, Jack. But I do not say this stuff. You know why? Cause I damn believe in you. In us, as a team. This is the first case we're doing alone and I know we can do it. I know I...can do it.", I said and opened the car's door. Jack grabbed my arm carefully. "You can't do this.", he said. I shook off his arm. "Oh I can. Watch me doing it.", I said and closed the door.

People underestimated me all the time. But even Jack, my best friend, underestimating me? That was definitely not what I expected. He saw me killing demons, even a few angels. Why would he think that way?

I got closer to the old house. We were tracking the vampires down before so we would know where to find them. The lights were on, a sign that they were in there. I opened the door carefully and sneaked inside the house.
I slowly followed the lights and grabbed the blade I held in my hand closer.

They were all sitting in the living room. Talking, drinking blood out of bags and planning something. Without the blood they would've seemed so normal, almost fun to be around.
I smiled over my thought. They were vampires & definitely not fun to be around.

"I wouldn't do that.", I heard someone whispering inside my ear. I instantly turned around to look into two bright eyes. "I- I..I am...", I tried to stutter and he shook his head. His smile grew bigger and he bit his lip. "We haven't had a hunter here since ages.", he said. "But good old me tracked you down anyways", I said as soon as my confidence grew back. "Don't be silly.", he said. "You got no chance against us. You're ours now." "Oh I got a chance.", I said and grabbed my blade. "I wouldn't do that.", the vampire whispered. "Oh but I'll do it anyways.", I whispered back, raised the blade, ready to cut his damn head off. But someone pushed me from behind so I tripped and fell onto the ground.
I was surrounded by them without even noticing. "I warned you", the vampire said and I shook my head. "My partner is gonna come and he is going to kill you all.", I said and they laughed. "He can do that. But first we're going to suck out your blood, it smells delicious.", he licked over his lips.
A woman smiled and the vampire nodded at her, saying:"Yes, you can, Nancy."
When he finished the sentence she started getting closer.
He long, thin fingers went over my neck. It gave me shivers. "It won't hurt, little hunter", she whispered and I bit my lip. The male vampire started laughing. "Nancy is a good liar", he said and Nancy smiled devilish.
Her lips kissed over my neck, searching for the right spot to ram her fangs into.
When she finally found the perfect spot her cold breath got faster. I was ready to die.
I closed my eyes but could hear how her fangs got out.

I waited a few seconds but heard someone getting thrown against a wall. I instantly opened my eyes to see the vampires on the ground. When I got up I spotted him. Jack. His eyes were yellow, glowing in an almost golden shade. I looked down at the vampires and grabbed my blade to behead two of them. Jack was killing the other once till only one was left. He smirked at me. "You were right. Your partner came.", he said and I nodded while looking back at Jack who was standing right behind me. "But I wasn't right about him killing you.", I said and beheaded the vampire with a smooth move. I am the one to do that", I said and smiled.

When all of them were gone I looked back at Jack. "Thank you.", I said and he didn't say anything but pull me closer. He wrapped his arms around me. "I told you not to do it.", he whispered, his voice was shaking. "I could've lost you.", he said and looked me into the eyes. "But you saved me.", I said and smiled slightly.

"I did.", he said and smiled back at me. "You definitely need to teach me how you did that yellow eyes thing!", I said and Jack laughed
"I will.", Jack nodded and we started leaving.

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