21. Mission: Killing Jack

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OMG! Tonights episode was soooo good! I am a huge Deancas shipper so..
but I also liked Jack, Bobby and Mary a lot! The Donnatello thing confused me a bit. I wanna find out what Asmodeus did to him. Sam was as precious as always. BUT I MISSED MY SON GABRIEL!
Anyways, tell me what you think in the comments!

Let's start with the story!

Plot: Basically Y/N is the one who got sent by Chuck in order to kill Jack
Fluffy: Yes.
Warnings: Chuck is the villain again. I am huge Chuck trash but he removed the nephilims from earth once. I think he'd do it again?

"This is one of the most powerful weapons I've ever created. Use it wisely, Y/N.", he said and handed me the blade. I looked up to my father and could feel the power this weapon was radiating. "I may, father.",  I said and Chuck nodded. He smiled softly. "You know what happened the last time. This should never happen again, my kid.", he said and I just nodded again. How couldn't I? It was my duty to serve my father. It was my job to kill the nephilim, the abomination that Lucifer created. "I believe in you. You are one of the best I have left.", he said and I bit my lip. He made me feel amazing by saying these words. I was born to follow his orders. And him, thinking that I was good at it, was everything I wanted. He smiled softly. "It's time to go.", Chuck whispered and I just nodded while spreading my wings.
It was time to leave heaven and to go to earth, for the first time in my life.

"You can't just steal it.", the chubby man at the cash out said. I was shoving a magazine inside my back and wanted to leave. "I am sorry, human.", I said and gave him the magazine. "I need to pay for it, right? With money?", I asked and he just rolled his eyes, saying:"Yeah."
"All right. Where do I get...money?", I asked him and he rolled his eyes again.
Five minutes later I found myself outside of the shop.

I was in Kansas, that's exactly where my vessel Ellen Jordans lived. She said yes. Ellen was a beautiful girl. She was a student and had her life ahead of her. I was grateful for everything she did for me. Her friends would be probably really confused and so would her parents be. But I had no time to explain anything to humans. I had a job to do.
My father said I could do it however I wanted. So I made a plan. I would become friends with the Winchester and Jack, saying I am an angel who wants to fight Lucifer.
Lucifer was the new ruler of heaven. He took over everything. But Father did not really care about that. He could just snap his fingers and kill him.
Chuck and Amara were in heaven. But in a part that not even the archangels knew existed. That's where he created me. Yes, I was the youngest angel existing, more complex than the others.

"You need help?", a voice said and I turned around. Of course I need help, human. I just got kicked out of a store.
I just wanted to buy Dean Winchester's favorite magazine as a gift. Maybe they'd accept my help then.
"Yes, human.", I said to the tall, young man who was smiling at me. "Barney can be a bit tough. Did he charge you too much?", he said and got closer. "I had no money.", I shrugged and he giggled. "Let me help you out.", he said and got his purse out. The young man had two beautiful blue eyes, was wearing sunglasses and a white shirt.
"Here you go.", he said and handed me a 20 dollar note. "Thank you.", I said and scanned him confusedly. "I'm Miles, and you are?", he asked. "I am Y/N. It's nice to meet you, human. My father didn't tell me that humans were that..nice. He said most of them are selfish.", I said and Miles started giggling again. "I don't think anyone could just leave such a beautiful woman alone while she is totally helpless.", Miles said and I smiled. "Ellen was indeed beautiful.", I said and he looked confused. "Ellen?", he asked and I nodded. "My vessel.", I said and he laughed. "You gave your body a name?", Miles asked and I shrugged. "I didn't chose it."

A few minutes later me and Miles went into the store. He was a nice human and really beautiful. If I would have to possess another body one day, I'd possess his.
I also found out that Miles was really wealthy. He had a big mansion and he invited me over for the night. I accepted gratefully. The Winchesters could wait for one more day. I even bought Dean Winchester a magazine, that was already enough work for today. "Busty Asian Beauties?", Miles asked as I grabbed the magazine. "You like that?", Miles continued and I shrugged. "It's for someone else but I might take a look at it to understand why humans would like to look at pictures of other humans that are not wearing a lot of clothes.", I answered and Miles just couldn't stop laughing. "You are the weirdest person ever. Did you know that?", he whispered and I smiled. "Is that a compliment?", I asked and he started smirking. His hands went to my waist. "We should go now. I don't wanna waste time in here.", he said and I nodded.
When we paid for the magazine we both went to his car. I didn't know anything about cars. But I liked his'. He opened the door for me and I sat down inside. Then he walked around the car and got in as well. "Seatbelt on. I don't want you to get hurt", he said and I put it on, saying:"I can't get hurt by a simple car crash."
Then he turned the engine on and started driving. We drove through the woods till we reached a huge property. "Home sweet home.", he said and parked in front of a big mansion. It looked ancient and almost like a castle. "It's beautiful, Miles.", I said while getting out of the car. "Thank you. My family has been living in there since 1802. When my family got killed and I was the only one left, I took over it.", he said and grabbed my hand. "It's lonely in there. Feels good to not be alone for at least one night.", Miles said and smiled at me. "It's an honor.", I said and looked up into his eyes. He stared right into mine. "You're so beautiful.", Miles whispered and his face started getting closer. I didn't know what to do. I pushed him away carefully. "Hey!", he said and I walked to the door of the mansion. "You could've told me that you don't want to kiss me.", Miles sighed and got his keys out. He opened the big door and we stepped inside. "It's so big. How can you live in here all alone?", I asked and he just answered:"I can't."

"We get him and kill him. Has never been easier.", Dean said and shove a burger down his throat. "Maybe we should focus on this other case first.", Sam said and looked over Jack's shoulder who was doing research. "It's definitely a vampire.", Jack said and Sam nodded. "He is the youngest of the Maze brothers. They were a vampire family which was very wealthy. They killed a lot of humans, especially women. It was easy for them since they first seduced them, took them on a date and then they killed them. They thought no one would notice but we did. Last year we killed most of them. Except for one. The youngest named Miles.", Sam said and Jack looked up. "Did he kill again?", Jack asked him and Sam nodded. "Two women were found dead. He is probably already with his next victim.", Sam explained and Jack got up. "We need to stop him. I don't want humans to get hurt.", he said and Sam nodded. "Cas? Dean? We got this.", Sam said and the other men nodded at him. "Don't crash Baby.", Dean said and throw Baby's key to Sam who caught them. "Don't worry.", he said and Jack and him went to the car.

"This tastes like...molecules...", I said and bit into a piece of meat. Miles laughed. "You are still so weird. But that's extremely interesting", he said and I kept eating. "You know, my dad told me so much about you. But now that I am here with you, it is so much different.", I said and he smiled at me. It was such a soft smile. "It's different, yeah... I don't think my plan will work..", he said and looked at me. "What plan?", I asked and he just shook his head. "You wouldn't understand.", Miles answered and I got up. I knew what to do. I had to hug him. Once I saw Chuck and Amara hugging. And they both felt better afterwards. "Stand up.", I said and Miles got up. He was towering over me with his impressive height. "Yes?", he whispered and I just hugged him. He started laughing quietly and got his arms around my body. "I can't.", he said and rested his head on my head. "What?", I asked and he just shook his head. His lips touched my neck and I shivered. "It's gonna be alright.", he whispered. "Fuck..", I heard him saying and he pushed me away. His mouth was opened and I could see some really big fangs inside his mouth. "I can't control it.", he said and got on his knees. "Hey Miles.", I said softly and got down. "Run..", he whispered under tears. "What is happening.", I said and touched his shoulder. But he slapped my hand away. "I need it. I need blood.", Miles looked into my eyes. He was a vampire.
I knew he couldn't turn me, so I stayed. But he kept trying to fight with himself. "WHY DON'T YOU RUN?! I WILL KILL YOU!", he screamed at me and I rested my hand on his. "It takes more than a basic car crash or a vampire to kill me.", I said. "I am sorry.", he whispered before he lost control. He pushed me over and grabbed me by my shoulders. His head got closer to my neck but I kicked him and got away. "You can't hide for forever! I told you to run!", he said and I locked myself in the bath room. There were three options. I could just teleport myself somewhere else. But he would kill someone else. I could also just let him bite me. But he would ask too many questions. Or I kill him. I decided to take option number 2. As I slowly unlocked the door it was quiet outside. I went to the main hall. I couldn't find him anywhere. "Miles?", I asked and finally went to the dining room. Two men, one younger, other
one older, stood next to a body. To a headless body. To Miles' headless body. "WHAT DID YOU DO??", I asked and ran over to them. "He was going to hurt you. He is a monster. You are save now.", the older one said and I looked up to them. Miles tried to control himself for me. I didn't want to hurt me. "You are a monster! Miles tried so hard to control himself! He..he liked me.", I said and shook my head. What I was feeling. It felt strange. Almost like...emotions. "He has killed a lot of people already.", the younger one said. "We only wanted to protect you and others from him.", the one with the longer hair said and rested his hand on my shoulder. "How did you know what he was?", one of them asked. "I'm a huntress.", I snapped and both smiled. "I'm Sam and this is Jack. We're hunters too. But a hunter who is dating a vampire, that is strange.", he said and I shrugged. "We met today. I knew it was him and I was gonna kill him. But then I saw him fighting. I saw him fighting to save my life. He didn't deserve to die.", I lies and looked down at him. "Wait what were you saying? Sam and Jack? You must be the Winchesters!", I instantly looked up. They nodded. "Dean and Cas stayed home. I took Jack with me. He is a hunter in training.", Sam explained and Jack smiled proudly. "That's so amazing. I have heard a lot about you! What if I come with you guys and we talk about..hunter stuff?", I asked and they looked at each other. "Sure.", Jack answered and I smiled widely. I'd make them pay. Not only for being dangerous and literal abominations. But also because they killed the human- the vampire that wanted to change because of me. "I'll be outside in a second.", I said and they both went out. I got on my knees and looked at Miles. "We will get our revenge.", I said and got his wristband off. It was beautiful and it would remind me of the fact that the Winchesters and their little nephilim were more cruel than anyone and that they'd need to pay for that.

I hope you liked Miles (or not). What is gonna happen next? Find it out soon!

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