13. I thought love was our thing

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"It's going to be okay", I said and hugged Claire tightly. She got hurt on a hunt. Damn vampires. Always aggressive and in the mood to kill.
She nodded and took a deep breath. I smiled at her. "Better?", I asked and she bit her lip. "Still hurts a bit but it's gonna be okay, right?", she said and I smirked. "You're a fighter, Claire.", I said and she sighed. "Why did I have to take this case? I mean, it's ridiculous." "No, it's not. You're such an amazing human. A true hero", I said and looked around. "Should I pray to Cas? He could he-", I was about to say something but got interrupted by her. "Don't. I am not a little girl. I need to do this on my own.", she said and tried to move her leg. Her face was full of pain and she tried to hide it. But I was better. "Claire. You're hurt! This will not get better if you do not take my offers.", I said and she shook her head again as Jack entered the room. "J-Jack.", she said and looked at him.
Claire always tried to be the brave big sister in front of Jack. Him seeing her in such a situation was probably one of her biggest fears ever. He tilted his head and got closer when he said:"You are hurt."
She shook her head and said:"No, just some scratches. That's it." Jack touched her leg carefully and she screamed in pain. His eyes went yellow. He was surprised and scared. I rested my hand on his shoulder. "It's okay buddy", I said and the yellow tone in his eyes slowly faded. He got a bit closer again. "Let me help you", he said to her and touched her forehead. She slapped his hand away. "I don't need some magic tricks to feel better. Especially not from my little brother", she said and Jack looked at me. He looked so sad, scared and worried. "Claire he's just helping you", I said and she shook her head:"No, I'm the one who should help him. Not he me. I am the big sibling!", she looked up to us since we were both standing and she was sitting. "Siblings help each other. No matter who's the younger one and who's older. It doesn't matter.", Jack said and sat down next to her. He took her hand and smiled. Claire bit her lip and smiled as well. "You're the best little brother ever.", she said and leaned against him. I just smirked at my best friend and my secret crush. He nodded.
"I love you, Jack.", Claire said and he tilted his head in Cas style. "I thought love was a thing between me and Y/N only?", he asked and I blushed. "No, it's more like a thing between a lot of people like family, friends, couples...", Claire said and smiled. "Now heal me and I'll leave you two lovebirds alone.", she said. Sassy Claire was back again.
He nodded and touched her forehead. After that Claire hugged him tightly and whispered something that I couldn't understand. Both started giggling and she got up. "Don't forget, I'm your wingwoman.", she said and winked at her little brother as she left the room.

Jack and I were alone. I kept looking at the ground, his words made me really happy.

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