6. Chuck Finale.

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A few people asked me if I could do a third part of my "Chuck" series. And here it is. Enjoy!
(Btw have you seen Alex's Halloween story? I linked a screenshot up there cause he is too hot!)

"You are alive...", I just couldn't believe it. Of course I was the one who made a deal. But it was just unbelievable getting him back. The person you love. Jack rubbed his eyes and looked at me and started smiling slightly. "What do you remember?", I asked and he just pulled me closer but then he started talking in confusion:"I remember him killing me. God, my grandfather. He said I was going to be evil, destroy the earth and kill a lot of people. But he'd send me to heaven." Jack stopped for a few seconds and took a breath as he continued:"It was so cold. I was alone. You weren't there. I screamed for you. I screamed for Sam and Dean.", I looked into his eyes which were full of pain. "But there appeared a door and when I walked through it I was alive again. Dean was there. Not Chuck. Not you. But Dean. And when he called for Sam they both helped me getting up. They were just as  confused as I was. But the only thing I could think about was you. So I looked for you and when I found you, laying here and sleeping. My whole world was okay again. Seeing you again was the only thing I wished for what I was at that dark place.", Jack stopped talking and looked at me, waiting for my reaction.
It hurt a lot and I couldn't stop the tears. He deserved so much better than that. "What about your powers?", I asked carefully and he looked confused at me. "What's with them?"
"Are they...gone? Or probably even stronger?"
"Not really. I don't know. I haven't used them yet. God, my grandfather said that I'd become evil.", he sighed and I shook my head. "I am here. I'll protect you from everything. I will help you. Jack, after what happened I just realized that I love you. I love you more than just a best friend. I love you like-"
"Like your boyfriend.", Jack finished my sentence. "Yes, like my boyfriend.", I looked deep into his eyes and rested my hands on his chest. We've had never been that close before. But instead of pulling away his face came just closer. These gorgeous eyes. His full lips. I loved all his features.
His lips touched mine, we both were very careful. It was surely his first kiss ever. But when we started syncing them, kissing each other. The whold world was different. There was no God, no Lucifer. Not even Sam and Dean. Just me and Jack. I pulled him even closer when I laid my arms around him. He smiled but continued the kiss.
"Y/N.", a deep voice said and I immediately pulled off Jack. It was Sam standing next to the door. "Sammy.", I smiled and Jack and me started sitting up in my bed. "Dean, he asked if I could get you. We're doing research on Jack's..death..and how he came back.", I stopped smiling when he finished his sentence. "It's okay. I need to shower anyways.", Jack said and I got up. "Don't miss me too much.", I smiled and went to Dean with Sam. Before I even entered the room he started talking. He had his beer in his hands, sat in front of his laptop and looked at us. "Sam found out that crossroad demons can even bring back Nephilims. Just without the angel part." I started sweating and looked at him saying:"Uhu? Okay." Dean got up and walked towards me. "You were gone for 20 minutes. You didn't sell your soul, right? You are not that stupid, am I right?", Dean's  voice got louder and Sam tried to calm him down. "Dean, it's okay. You didn't even give her a chance to answer." I looked at Dean and then at Sam. They both would be disappointed when I'd tell them what I've done. But I didn't see it as a mistake. "Dean, I-", I sighed and nodded. "I sold my soul. For Jack. I truly love him. You have done the same! You did it for your brother. I did it for Jack. And I know both of you would've done the same for Mary and Cas if it would be possible. So don't act like I committed a crime!", I got louder at the end. Sam and Dean looked at me, worried but also angry. "Ten years for that son of a bitch?!", Dean literally screamed at me. "Can you stop calling everyone a son of a bitch! Especially when they're not?! And secondly...no. She gave me three years."
"You're kidding. You MUST BE KIDDING!", he said and I looked at Sam. Looking for him to help me. Sam seemed to get it and got up. "Dean we can get her out of this.", Sam said and rested his hand on my shoulder. "How?! Cas is dead. Crowley is dead and Rowena is dead. Didn't you realize that any other friends who could've helped us are dead as well? And soon she will be dead either.", Dean finished his sentence and throw his book across the room. "I don't want this, Sam. I don't want to lose her. We've lost everyone else.", Dean's voice got softer but more in a sad way. I looked at the ground.
"We will end up being alone with Jack.", he said and still looked at Sam, trying to knock some sense into his younger brother. "Dean we can find a way. We always do.", Sam tried to convince Dean. But at the same time he tried to convince himself as well. I took a breath, mumbled:"I'm sorry" and left. When I was about to exit I bumped into Jack. "J-Jack", I said and looked at him. He held me close. "You sold your soul?", Jack asked and I nodded. "I just couldn't live without you. I know this is-", I wasn't able to finish my sentence. His finger was on my lips and he "hushed" me. "It doesn't matter. You did something stupid. I am not worth your life", he said and I looked up. "You're worth everything. You are amazing, wonderful, brilliant, just the best thing ever happened to me. I'd rather spend three years with you than a whole life without you."

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