Leave Us Alone!

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Serena woke up to hear her mother fletchling squawking at her. She got out of bed and checked her phone. She had a text from her friend Dawn

Dee-Dee:Hey! Remember when we wenr shoping and bought those lace dresses and flower crowns? I'm wearing that and my silver flats! You should wear yours! 6:54

Sere:Kk Im gonna straighten my hair today so you should curl yours!

Dee-Dee:Gotcha' gurl

Seren turned her phone off and walked up to her closet. There a pale pink dress covered in pink lace hung in a hanger neatly. She smile as she grabbed the dress and slipped into it. She found her pink flower crown and put that on to. Now she had the hard decision to make. Gold or silver flats. She finally decided that the gold flats looked better with the out fit. She made her way to the bathroom and turned on her flat iron. She straighted her long blonde hair and smiled. She wore some lip gloss and mascara. She recieved another text from Dawn.

Dee-Dee:I'm at your house XD

Serena rolled her eyes and walked down stairs slinging her back pack over her shoulder. Dawn stood down stairs wearing a dress like Serena's but it was pale blue along with the flower crown which complemented her navy blue hair. (Thats a lot of blue) Her silver flats sparkled.

"Sere!" She ran over and hugged her friend. Said friend squeezed back. Grace, Serena's mom gave them both a plate of pancakes and bacon. The two teens gobbeled it up and were off! They talked as they made there way to school.

"Did you hear about the two new guys from Kanto?" Dawn stared at her friend. "Yeah, one of them's the Champion correct, and the other is the grandson of the new teacher, Mr.Oak right?" The blunette nodded. "I'm pretty sure the champs name is Ash and the teachers grandson is Gary" Serena hums to herself as they reach the school. They were pretty early considering it was 7:42 and school doesn't start till 8:15. They walked to the office and got there schedules and then went to the library to check out there text books. In the library there friend Lillie Aether reading a book. She to was wearing a white lace dress and a white flower crown. "Hullo Lillie!" Dawn waved to the blonde. "Oh hi Dawn!" Lillie closed her book and stood up. She wore white flats. She always wore clean, crisp white clothing. The three girls were walking and talking around. Lillie was also a nerd but not that much, it was more she was just shy. Fortunatley her boyfriend Hau was very out going and friendly and helped Lillie out. "How were you summers?" She inquired looking at the honey blonde and blunette. "Lot's of reading" Serena looked at the armful of books she was holding and smiled. "I slept alot!" Dawn giggled. The girls compared schedules. Dawn and Serena had the same classes and Lillie was in a few of them. They were excited to be starting ther Junoir Year if highschool. The bell rang dismissing everyone to there first hours. Lillie waved good bye as she headed to her Biology class. The two friends headed to Battle Strategy class. When they entered there was a huge ring of girls and in the middle of the storm sat two boys. One had raven hair while the other hand mahogany. The smiled at the girls around them writting on pieces of paper and blowing kisses with a few winks. The teacher, Mr.Sycamore, cleared his throat telling the girls to get to their classes. Unfortunatley the only two seats available that were next to eachother were infront of the boys. They rolled there eyes and walked over to the seats. They took out there text books and started reading until someone placed there hand down on Serena's desk. She looked up to see the raven haired boy smirking at her. She turned to Dawn to see the mahogany boy leaning his face towards her friend giving a small dog whistle. She looked back at the boy at her desk. He sat down on the table.

"Helloooo gorgeous~" he purred sending a shiver down her spine. "Go away please" she muttered through gritted teeth. She heard Dawn yelp. She looked and saw the other boy hand placed a hand on her waist and was holding her wrist, almost blocking a slap to the face. "Hey leave her alone!" Serena swung her hand over her friends head, smacking the boy, causing him to retreat his hand from her waist. He muttered something under his breath. "Do you know who we are?" She felt warm fingers wrap around her chin. She glared at the boy, he had auburn brown eyes. "I'm Ash Ketchum, and that's Gary Oak" Serena freed herself from his grip massaging her jaw line.

"Ah yes, Ashton Nathaniel Ketchum and Garrett Brandon Oak. The new boys" she said with confidence. Both boys stared in shock as she knew there full names. "Yes and you are?" Ash questioned. "Serena Grace Yvonne, and I would very much appreciate it if you 'playboys' would leave me and my friend, Dawn, alone" She opened her text book again and began focuaing on the lesson.


Through out the first half of the day Dawn and Serena were put through hell due to having every class so far with the two boys, who would unfortunatley, not stop flirting with them. They were so relieved for lunch!

Ash and Gary grabbed there lunch trays and started wandering through the lunch room, many girls asked them to sit with them but the declined. A few of there new friends asked them to sit but they said they were looking for some people. Finally they found the two girls from there classes. The two were talking and giggling. The two boys grabbed two chairs an placed the at the table. The talking stopped. Serena spoke.

"I thought I told you to leave us alone!"

A/N: Yay long but crappy chappy! I hope you guys enjoy this!

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