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Dawn and Serena woke up the next morning and got ready for school. Serena went into her bathroom to see if her hair still looked ok. She sighed seeing it, she missed her long hair but this felt better, but she definetly needed to go see a hair dresser after school. She brushed through her hair quickly and pinned it back. She walked back into her room to find Dawn sitting on her bed going through her phone.

"I can't believe so much shit has happened and we haven't even been in school that long." Dawn said not looking up. Serena nodded before walking to her closet. She saw the dress Ash had gotten her and pushed it to the back. She grabbed a black and red plaid skirt and a black nirvana shirt with the logo in white. She put on her black boots and looked at her friend.

"Does this say, stay away from me?" She asked. Dawn looked up and gave her friend a smile. Dawn was wearing her ripped denim skinny jeans, and a baby blue shirt that said I don't care in bold white letters. The two girls went downstairs to go eat. Dawn hobbled down the stairs. "I can't wait to be off of these fucking crutches." She muttered quietly to herself. Grace looked up from her book. "Good morning gir- Serena! What did you do to your hair!" Grace ran over to her daughter. "Oh, um I cut it myself." Serena said suddenly becoming very interested in her boots. Grace ran upstairs quickly coming down with the scissors dawn had used last night. She told her daughter to stand against the sink. She quickly trimmed the ends to make them even and gave her some layers. "There that's better." Serena thanked her mom and grabbed a poptart. They had to leave early cause they had to walk. As the girls got to the door Grace stopped them.

"Don't your boyfriends usually pick you up?" The girls looked at each other. Serena looked back at her mom. "What boyfriends?" Grace suddenly understood why her daughter had cut her hair and why she thought she had heard screaming last night. Grace grabbed her keys and told the girls to get in her car. Grace drove them to school, the car ride being silent. The girls got out of the car and walked towards there school. Everyone was staring at them and whispering, no doubt that the news of Ash and Gary now being available bachelor's again had spread through the school like wild fire. Misty stood with her group of gossip girls.

"Wow Serena! Did you get dumped so bad that you needed to chop off your hair?" She laughed, everyone around her joining in. Dawn grabbed her friends hand as best as she could and hopped to Battle Strategy class. The girls walked up to Mr.Sycamore.

"Can we move seats please?" Serena said not looking at the teacher. "Why would you want to move seats I thought you loved where you sat." Mr Sycamore said confused. "It's kind of serious, Mr.S Dawn said also looking down. Professor Sycamore sighed and told to girls to get up and swap seats with the dynamic duo.

"Ok class today I'm not really feeling it so were gonna watch a documentary on mewtwo, so just try to keep it quiet please." Professor Sycamore sat down at his desk as he turned on the documentary. Most people just went on their phones. Serena was trying to focus on the movie but her phone kept blowing up. She pulled her phone out to put it on silence when she saw a text that bothered her.

Blocked contact: meet me outside the cafeteria in 10 minutes.

Serena only had five people blocked, Ash, Gary, Misty, that Calem guy and Miette. Either way she didn't want to meet up with any of them. She waited a few minutes neither Ash, Gary or Misty got up. Which meant it was Miette or Calem. She sighed and got up to go talk to Professor Sycamore.

"Puis j'aller a salle de bain?" She asked quickly. The black haired man nodded his head not looking up. From his work. Serena grabbed the hall pass and walked quickly to the cafeteria. She saw a boy with black hair and a red hat on. Calem. Serena cleared her throat making her presence known.

"Hey Calem." Serena said bluntly. Calem nodded at her. "Hello Serena." He said, his voice slightly giddy. He took a step towards her. "So I heard that your single, I'm shocked you haven't been swept up yet, your a total babe." He said looking her up and down. He took another step closer, Serena was almost cornered. "Hi yeah, can you take a step back please and thank you." Calem didn't listen he continued to walk forward. "Oh come on Serena! When are you going to realise I'm the guy for you! I'm literally obsessed with you! I know everything about you Serena. Who your first crush was, who your first kiss was, your deepest dreams and desires, I know it all cutie. We could be perfect together. What do you say?" He placed his hand above her head on the wall. "I... I say," Serena places her hands on his shoulders, "Why are you so obsessed with me?" She gave him a swift knee to the crotch before running to her counciler.

After a few minutes of light jogging she opened the door to the office, her cheeks slightly stained by tears. The secretary asked her what was wrong.

"Can I see my counciler please?" The secretary nodded and let her through. Although Serena was only a sophomore she had made a great connection with her counciler. She knocked on the door and walked into his office.

"Hey Serena!" Mr.Kukui said turning around in his chair. Serena sniffled wiping her nose with her wrist before sitting down. "What's up kiddo?" Kukui leaned forward in his chair. "I think I was just sexually assaulted?" Serena said holding her body protectivley. "Tell me what happened." Mr.Kukui leaned forward staring her in the eye. "Well, I got this text from a blocked number saying to meet them outside the cafeteria, and I was kind of stupid so I went, and this boy named Calem was there, and then he kind of started to flirt with me, but then it got creepy cause he started talking about how he knew everything about me. He eventually pinned me to a wall and I had to knee him in the crotch to get away." Serena explained quietly. "Ok, I'll let the principal know and he'll take care of it ok?" Serena nodded as the door burst open. The secretary stood there panting. "Mr.Kukui, hurry, a fight broke out." Mr.Kukui and ran out of his office.

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