All Night Cuddles

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A/N: OMGOMGOMGOMG I am so incredibly sorry for not updating Ive just been Hella lazy and not on wattpad so much. Idek hoe.many people are still reading this but here we go. I'm hoping this story will be more realistic relationship wise since I've been in a relationship for a while now 😅.

Serena threw herself at Ash embracing him in a huge hug. All he could say was how sorry he was over and over again. She hushed him quietly while rubbing his back and saying it was okay soothingly. He pulled back from her hug staring at her blue doll eyes which had some tears in them. He gave her a long passionate kiss trying to show how sorry he was again. School was finally over for the day so they walked out side to Gary's car.

"Oh! My pops said we can taking that camping trip this weekend so double check with your folks!" Gary said suddenly remembering there little vacation

"When are we leaving and when are we coming back?" Serena leaned forward so she could see Gary.

"Friday after school and we'll be home Sunday evening."

The group of teens nodded. Dawn pulled out her phone and texted her mom. Ash threw his arm over Serena's shoulder whistling and looking the other direction. Serena smiled at her boyfriend pecking his cheek and continuing to look forward listening to Gary and Ash bicker like an old married couple over Coke and Pepsi and which was the better drink.

"Ok so basically I have to ask Grace if I can go camping cause my mom has a business trip all the way out in North-West Kalos so I'm living at Serena's house for the rest of the week!" The group of love birds climbed into the familiar red sports car and drove to Serena's.

They started doing their homework and eventually finished that paper for BS class. Grace still wasn't home so Serena decided to call her since it was getting kind of late and they wanted some dinner.

"Serena I'm kind of busy at the moment, what do you need?" Grace said in a hushed tone

"Oh sorry Mom I was just going to ask if you were going to be home soon or if we should go to the store and buy stuff and make dinner?"

"I won't be home till very late tonight, so yes and who is we?"

"Gary, Ash and Dawn" Serena replied to her mom. Gary, Ash, and Dawn all screamed 'hi' from the living room. Grace chuckled through the phone.
"Alright I know Dawns already staying the night but if the boys parents are ok with it they can stay the night, but they're on the couch and you're in your room by midnight ok?" The honey blonde's mom said sternly. Serena said yes and said goodbye to her mom. She walked back to the living room where her friends were chatting. "Ok so we need to go shopping for food and you're all welcome to stay the night, the guys just need to sleep down here." They all nodded and went to go put their shoes on and walk down to the main shopping area of Vanaville.

"What's for dinner tonight Sere?" Dawn asked quizically hobbling along on her crutches, her ankle was almost better but the doctor said she should still stay off it.

"I think I'll do soup and some macarons for desert" The honey blonde started thinking of what she was going to need to buy.

"What kind of soup?" Gary said turning back wards and walking infront of the group. "A vegetable broth with some beef, carrots, and potatoes. Dawn so you remember if we have some bread back at the house?"

"No I think we finished it this morning for breakfast." As they were walking they came across a patch of grass. Gary turned to Ash who had been listening to music the entire time. He tapped his shoulder.

"Hey Ashy-Boy how about some good friendly competition, first person to catch six Pokemon wins?" Gary grinned stupidly at his child hood best friend. He watched as Ash's eyes lit up like a child's eyes do on Christmas, the corners of his mouth turned into a devilish smirk.

"Oh you're so on, loser owes the winner 500?"

"Deal" The two boys shook on it and ran off into the grass.

Dawn looked at her best friend. "Should we go do the shopping or watch them?" Serena stared at the two boys already throwing pokeballs. "Lets just go get it done." The two girls turned around and went into the store. They were at the bakery area getting a new loaf of bread for the soup when Serena's phone buzzed.

OneCuteDude: hey where are you?

OneAdorableGirl: checkout line

She put her phone back as she grabbed a loaf and walked to the counter to meet Dawn.

The lady at the store scanned the items and told the teens how.nuch they owed. Serena pulled out her wallet before Ash pushed it back in her purse.

"I got it babe." He pulled out his card and swiped it before Serena could even protest. He punched in the pin and thanked the lady for the groceries. The teens quickly walked home, anxious to eat dinner.

Serena started boiling some brother while chopping meat and cooking it.
Dawn was on a non-stop roll of bragging about Serena's cooking and how she'd never tasted anything so delicious. Gary and Ash started playing Mario Kart and bickering like an old married couple again.

"I swear Gary you throw that blue shel- GOD DAMN IT OAK!"

"Ash you will regret it if you throw that fucking red shell I swear"

"God your a real pain in the ass Gary"

"Oh shut up Ash!"

Dawn got up trying to hold in her giggles and walked into the kitchen.

"Anything I can help with?"

"Yeah if you could chop this potatoes into 4ths that would be great."

The girls talked and cooked while their boyfriends continued to scream and shout over video games.

"I swear they act like and old married couple." Serena giggled.

"I've started referring to them as Palletshipping honestly." Dawn joined her friend in a fit of giggles.

Serena made a batch of macarons and popped them in the oven as the soup finished.

"Dinner!" She yelled into the living room. The boys cane charging into the small dining room taking a seat at the table. Serena brought in 4 bowls of hot soup on plates with a piece of buttered bread. She then brought in 4 glasses of Arizona Arnold Paulmer.

"Viola! Bon appetite!"

The group started sipping on spoonfuls of soup and ripping away at their slices of bread. They talked about what they would do on the camping trip and things they'd heard at school.

Soon after they cuddled up in the living room watching movies and one by one they all fell asleep, comfy and cozy in each other's arms. Grace came home and sighed seeing them all down in living room but didn't do anything about it, she was so happy to see her daughter happy again.

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