Waves of Fun

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A/N: ok so I just want to say if these scenes get really detailed it's cause this all actually happened to me this summer 😁 I went camping with my bf and we did all this stuff so I thought I'd put it in a story cause it was just so amazing! On with the chappy!

Ash woke up to next morning to see Serena talking with Mr.Oak making some breakfast, Dawn and Gary had gone down to the lake to go use the jet ski. Ash slowly climbed out of bed and walked up to his girlfriend grabbing her and hugging her from behind.

"Morning beautiful" he said in a sleepy voice.

"Good morning to you too Ash" she giggled. Dawn and Gary came back in the golf cart ready to eat some break fast.

"You gonna take Serry out on the jet ski?" Gary asked Ash.

"Of course! Go get changed, quick!"

Serena quickly went and got changed into her bikini and ran back out with a towel tied around her waist. Ash was already waiting for her in the golf cart talking with Gary and Dawn. Serena jumped in front while Dawn and Gary got on the back. Ash drove down the winding dirt road in the warm sun.  The four got down to the lake and parked the golf cart. Ash and Serena ran down to the dock area and started up the jet ski. (I'm leaving a certain part out of this but let's just say my bf is a dumb ass and when we went to go ride it the first time with no adults down there he didn't know how to turn it on and we drifted out a good few yards and he made ME get in the freezing lake and push the fucking thing back in after I had told him how to start the fucking thing, anyways back to the story). The two teens put on their life jackets because safety first. Ash pushed the jet ski out into the water with Serena on the back of it and climbed out. He strapped the key around his wrist and revved the engine of the jet to life. Serena clung onto Ashs back and they pulled out of the shallows. It was so thrilling, feeling the wind in her hair with small drops of water splash her. Ash would chase after boats and jump over the small waves they would leave.

"It's really cute how your clinging to me Blondie" Ash said looking over his shoulder and smirking.

"Keep looking straight Ash!" Serena screamed. Ash laughed and turned forward upping the speed. Ash took a sharp turn when Serena wasn't ready for it flinging her off of the jet ski, but since she was so "cutely clinging onto him" as Ash had put it earlier she dragged him off with her. The two teens came up from under the cold lake water laughing and shivering. Ash climbed back onto the jet ski telling Serena how to get back on. When they were back on they took a few more rounds around jumping over some small waves before deciding to go back to dry off from the cold lake water. They came back to the shallows and turned the jet ski off before pushing it back into it's docking area and tying it up. The 4 teens sat in the water talking and laughing about the little mishap that happened out in the middle of the lake. They eventually went back to the camp site for warm, dry clothes, fire and food.

Time skip because the author is a sick gorl now and doesn't know what else to write

It was eventually time to go home because of school the next day. The teens were driving home blasting the radio using some Apple music to make the music selection a little more fun. They pulled into a culvers and grabbed some food before playing some country roads and screaming that all the way home.

A/N:Sorry for the short chappy I got a throat and ear infection so it's kind of hard to focus but I hope you enjoy this

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