One Last Rose

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Serena woke up from her phone buzzing like crazy at 5:26.


Sere: What the hell Ash! It's 5:30 in the damn morning!

AssKetchup:I know

Serena rolled out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom. She brushed her hair quickly puting a cute barret in. She then put on a pink mini skirt and a white blouse.
She sleeply walked out of her room to be greeted by her mom. She smiled and handed Serena five roses along with a cup of coffee.

"Read the label sweety" Grace kissed her childs head and went back to bed. She read the small pink tag.

Your next roses can be found somewhere where you like to lounge

Serena thought for a moment. She liked lounging on her bed, but she just peft her bedroom. But she did also like the couch downstairs. She scampered down the stairs and she saw Dawn trying to stay awake on the couch.

"Dawn!?" Serena went over to her friend. "Serena finally! Here" She handed her friend four roses.

Congrats to you only 6 to go
But a presents not complete without a bow

A bow? Serena thought. "Where would I find a bow?" "Maybe the Vanaville boutique?" (Yes I'm fully aware theres no boutique in vanaville) "Oh yeah!" Serena threw on her runners and ran down the street to the town. She found Gary waiting out side with more roses.

"Hey Gary!" "Oh good you knew to come here!" He handed her three roses. She read the small tag.

A date with the stars would be lame
Lets try playing a video game

"The arcade!" Gary chuckled "Thanks Gare-Bear!" "hEY NOT YOU TOO!" Serena ran down the street to the small arcade. She found May leaning against a pin-ball machine. She had two roses. "Here Serena!" She smiled handing the hiney blond the roses. "Thanks!" She read the tag.

Ah yes love is sweet
But at the cafe I have a better treat!

This one was blatantly obvious, the local café down the street. She stared at May. May gave her a big smile and started playing pin ball. Serena started walking, when it had to start down pouring rain. She was only a few blocks away. She jogged trying to stay under ledges on buildings. The street lamps were fuzzy in the rain the golden light reflected in the small puddles on the sidewalk. She found the café and went inside. She saw Ash sitting at a table on his phone sipping a coffee, a single rose was on the table. She cleared her throat.

"Um hey Ash?" She greeted him awkwardly. "Serena! Oh uh here" He handed her the rose. 15 roses, she smiled to herself. She sat down with Ash. "So your the reason I was running all over town?" She smirked. "Yeah-Oh uh miss!" He waved a waitress over. "Yes?" She smiled warmly, Ash looked to the honey blonde. "Go ahead order anything" He gave her a bright smile. "Uhh I'll take a cherry scone and a caramel macchiato" The waitress nodded and walked back to the counter. "We should probably head back to my place soon" Serena stared at his brown eye's. "Oh okay but one more thing..." Ash got up from his chair and walked over to Serena. He took a deep breath. "Ready for the cliché-est thing ever?" She stared at his sneakers. He dropped to one knee and stared into her ocean blue eyes. "Serena Grace Yvonne, will you be my girlfriend?" Serena stared back at the boy, both of his eyes were shut tight. "Yes" she whispered. He opened one eye. "What?" "Yes!" She jumped ontop of him hugging him on the floor. There was a small applause. They got back in there seats as the waitress came back. "Congrats you two" she winked giving Serena her coffee and scone. "If I'm being honest, he kept mumbling about this all morning" she whispered in Serena's ear as she left. Serena quickly drank her coffee and the two of them got up. There finger tips brushed against eachother a few time before Ash took Serena's hand in his.

A/N: real cheesy and fluffy im sorry it's short writers block is being a bitch sorry! Luv yalllll!

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