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Gary pulled up into Serenas drive way. Both of the girls had fallen asleep in the back of the car, and after a long, discussion on whether they should wake them up or carry them, they decided they would try carrying them and if they woke up oh well. Gary ran a head an opened Serena cherry red door while Ash picked up said girl. Gary walked back and scooped up Dawn and stepped slowly and gently. The two boys made it to the door with the girls only stirring slightly. Getting up stairs was the hard part. With great caution the climbed up the carpeted staircase and went into Serena's room. It was very pink and girly, she had a bulletin board with all her performance ribbons pinned to it along with her keys. The boys set the girls down on Serena's bed, the girls were wearing sweatpants and t-shirts so they found that appropriate sleep wear. They tucked the two girls in and went back down stairs, or Gary did. Ash stayed in his girlfriend's room and looked at her ribbons. She was really talented. There were atleast 10 keys hung on some ribbon that was pinned down, and she had around 40 ribbons, there was more silky fabric than corc material. He opened her closet quietly seeing a few different outfits he had seen her wear. There was the dress from the first day of school, and the outfit she wore to his party, and the dress he had bought her when he asked her out. He found other clothes that he found nice too. Without thinking he pulled out a pair of ripped mom jeans, fishnet tights, a white t-shirt that had an Umbreon on it, and some black and white checkered vans. He laid the clothes down on her dresser and put a note next to it, I made an outfit for you if you like it, sorry for looking in your closet -Ash. With that he joined his friend down stairs

2: 47 am

Dawn woke up in the middle of the night to find herself tucked in bed with her best friend. She carefully crawled over her to go get some water from the kitchen. She creeped downstairs to see Ash and Gary crashed on the couch. She rolled her eyes. She grabbed a cup from the cupboard and quietly turned on the tap. She was leaning against the counter sipping on her water when her boyfriends phone got a call. At first she thought it was just a scammer and she was going to deny the call so it didn't wake the boys up. As she got closer she saw it was a saved contact, a girls contact, a girl Dawn was not aware of. She picked up his phone and answered it. The girl on the other end didn't wait for an answer.

"Gary where the fuck are you? You said we were hooking up an hour ago?"

Dawn cleared her throat.

"Hi one second Gary is asleep right now."

Dawn looked down at her soon to be ex-boyfriend.

"Oh ok, can you wake him up for me and tell him to call me back?"

Dawn gave a small painful smile.

"Sure thing hun." And with that the other girl hung up. Before Dawn dumped this guys ass, she wanted to see how long this had been going on. She scrolled up to their first message.

September 15th

Girl: Hey handsome ;)

Gary: hellooo gorgeous <3

Girl: hahahaha stop you're to much

Gary: I'll tell you what's to much hottie, that fat ads of yours, God I'd love to get a hand full of that.

Girl: want some pictures?

Gary: hell yeah

Girl: *insert portfolio of ass pics*

Gary: fuck that's hot

Dawn scrolled down farther.

September 24th

Girl: Hey hottie, wanna hook up today? I know a guy whose got a basement dedicated to hook ups, I'll pay ;)

Gary: yeah send the address

Dawn started crying. Gary had been cheating on her a few days after they had started going out. They had been together for a little over a month and he had been cheating on her for all of it. She stood over the huge douche bag. She gave him a firm slap across the face waking him up with a start. She had his phone behind her back.

"Dawn? What the fuck was that for? Why are you crying?"

"Why am I crying. I'll tell you why I'm crying Garret Brandon Oak! Because you used me! You have been cheating on me since week 1!" Dawn screamed. Ash was now waking up.

"I don't know what crack you're on right now, but you need to calm down." Gary said laying back against the couch closing his eyes. Ash had gotten up and gone to the kitchen to try not to get involved. Dawn smacked him again. "Don't you ever, E V E R, tell me to calm down. And why did some girl just call your phone saying you were supposed to meet her an hour ago to hook up? Hm? Why have you been texting her since September 15th getting ass pics from her? You fucking hooked up with her on one of our date nights! We were going to sleep over that night! But you ditched me to go sleep with some slut!" Dawn yelled.

Serena was now also awake. She came down stairs to see what was going on.

"Dawn what's wrong?" Serena asked running over to her crying best friend. "He's been cheating on me since we started dating!" She cried out pointing at Gary. Serena glared at Gary. "He's been fucking another girl behind my back, he even fucked her on one of our us days!" She screamed out in pain.

"Get out of my house, now." Serena said pointing at the door. Gary got up with a nod and left without a word. No I'm sorry or Dawn I still love you. He just left. Ash came out of the kitchen.

"Don't you think that was a little much? Like yeah he's been cheating on her but like, guys get horny and Dawn didn't want to have sex or send pics, so he found someone else that would do that for him so he could love Dawn with out any problems." Ash sat down on the couch eating a poptart. Both girls stared at him in disgust.

"What, is wrong with you. Love Dawn without any problems? He should love her without any problems whether he gets to fuck her or see her naked body or not. She's a person not a fucking object!" Serena yelled at her boyfriend.

"Ok well you didn't have to kick him out!"

"Um yes I fucking did, he's been seeing a slut behind my bestfriends back, he isn't allowed to stay in my house, and you're getting really close to getting kicked out too."

"Do it I won't fucking care, cause you'll come crawling back to me crying realising that you're fucking over reacting."

"You men just think it's fine to fuck whoever catches your eye, you think with your thing not your head!" Serena laughed. "So get out of my house, cause of I remember correctly I've never come crawling back to you once. Leave." Serena said. Ash got up and pulled out his phone calling Gary. As the door shut both girls started crying. They sat down on the couch holding eachother trying to calm eachother down. Serena got up and went to her bathroom. This is last time she is the person Ash Ketchum loves. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a large knife. She started walking up stairs when Dawn tried to chase after her but her ankle slowed her down. Serena walked into the bathroom and locked the door. She split her hair down the middle and tied it of evenly. She then bluntly cut her her off at an angle before shaking it out. It didn't look terrible but it definetly didn't look amazing either. Dawn had made it to the bathroom and started banging on the door. Serena opened.

"I promise I'm not doing anything stupid." Serena said staring st her best friend. Dawn squealed a little. "S-Serena, your, why did you, you cut your hair off?" Dawn asked. "Yeah I needed to change it up, Serena said dully. "Well it looks kind of messy here do you have hair dresser scissors, I'll fix it up for you." Serena sat down on her bath tub as Dawn layered her hair a bit and made it look not as, knife chopped, Serena looked in the mirror and smiled slightly.

This is better. With that the two teenage girls went back to sleep, single as a pair of pringles.

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