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Serena woke up to her Sylveon jumping on the bed. She got out of bed and checked her phone. She had a text from her friend Dawn.

Dee-Dee: Hey girly, wanna meet up for coffee after lunch?

Serry-Berry: I'd be glad to :))

Serena rolled over to see her lovely boyfriend still sleeping through the rucus her partner was making.

It had been 4 years since the movie theatre, and Ash really had done his best to learn and change. Serena pressed her lips against the boy with dark hair lips.

"Ash honey, you have work in an hour, come on get up."

Ash rolled over groaning asking for five more minutes. Serena giggled and crawled out of bed. She walked out of the small apartments bed room and down to the small kitchen. She started up the coffee machine making the pot extra strong today. She checked her social medias answering some fans comments and making a quick good morning video before posting it on her stories. The machine beeped signaling the coffee was done. Serena made two cups and walked back up to the bedroom.

"Ash! Come on you gotta get up I made you coffee!" Serena set the two mugs down. She felt a hand wrap around her wrist before she got pulled back into the bed flopping down on her boyfriend.

"You're too loud for this ungodly hour."

"Ash it'a ten in the morning."

With that Ash bolted straight up. He grabbed his mug of coffee blowing on it quickly before taking a big gulp. He quickly kissed Serenas cheek before he scurried into the bathroom starting up the shower. Serena giggled. She loved that boy way too much, she was glad she gave him that final chance. She walked over to the closet and grabbed a simple outfit of acid washed skinny jeans and an oversized creme sweater. She sat in the edge of the bed sipping her coffee, texting some friends. Ash burst out of the bathroom, hair wait and his shirt on backwards.

"Shit! I'm going to be so late!"

"Ash! I lied."

Ash stoppes dead in his tracks, staring at Serena like a deer in head lights.

"Its only 9:30, now go dry your hair and put your shirt on the right way."

Ash grumbled and walked back into the bathroom. Serena sighed, she walked back downstiars and grabbed a granola bar before heading out the front door. She walked down the street to her little dance studio. It was a bright sunny Saturday morning in Kalos. A few young girls stood outside the door of the wood  uilding painted white. Serena waved good morning to her students before opening the door.


Serena collapsed in a chair at the cafe, teaching children dance isn't an easy job. Dawn giggled at her friend and she joined her at the table.

"Hello ladies, your usuals?" The two girls looked up to see familiar green eyes and mahogany hair.

"Hi Gary! The cafes busy today!"

Gary and Dawn never got back together, but Dawn had forgiven him after a year or so and they became good friends again. The old group of friends chatted for a bit before Gary walked off to go make the girls coffees.

Life had finally leveled out, though Serena was hiding her face behind a large pair of sunglasses and a sun hat. She was kind of a celebrity, she had continued her career of performing and won many competions. Her 15 minutes of fame craze had died down a bit but the paparazzi would take pictures of any celebrity out to lunch and try to twist the story.

Life was good though, she never thought she would get a happy end but low and behold here it is, she has a loving boyfriend, an amazing bestfriend and a steady career. She was extremely happy.

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