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A/N: Im back and very sorry! So I don't know what day I was on in the story so were gonna say todays tuesday! Enjoy!

TW: cutting

It was a bright and sunny tuesday afternoon. School had just been dismissed and the honey-blonde stood nervously back stage with the blunette. Dawn held her Piplup, her mom was friends with the professor back in Hoenn, they looked adorable. Dawn wore a cute light blue dress with a dark blue tailed suit and a top hat along with tap shoes. Dawn and Serena had always been into dance. Dawn was into tap while Serena did ballet. Serena wore a pink dress with a poofy skirt and her pink ballet shoes. Eevee also had a skirt and a flower crown with dark pink and light pink carnations. Serena took a deep breath, she had her style and routine down but the song she picked was a different genre but it still worked, she just hoped people liked it.

Everyone else had gone, they had all done great but Lillie and Dawn had done the best. Although Lillie was quiet she adored hip-hop and put a great show on with Vulpix, who was a ice type from Alola, Dswn had of course done a tap piece with Piplup and it was amazing with water droplets sparkling in the stage light. But now it was Serena's turn. She listened carefully as the teacher introduced her and there was an applause. She walked out with her Eevee taking center stage and going into her starting pose. She waited patiently until she heard the bongos starting. She looked up with her bright smile. She did a small twirl before Eevee used swift.

Don't think about it

Serena spun around moving across to the left side of the stage.

Just move your body

She lept up into the air allowing Eevee to run underneath her.

Listen to the music sing oh-aye-oh

She landed pointing a toe out forward allowing Eevee to run up onto her shoulder.

The music continued to play as Eevee and Serena spun around.

Show the world you got that fire, feel the rythm getting louder.

Eevee went to the other side of the stage. The two danced on the opposite sides of the stage until the music came to a pause.

At this point Serena and her partner were running to eachother. As the music stopped for a second Serena jumped and perfectly landed an ariel (thats a no handed cartwheel)

I feel better when I'm dancing

The crowd cheered as Eevee and Serena danced together Eevee used  baby doll eyes causing little hearts to fly around.

The song finished with Eevee using a sand attack on the crowd and the two disappeared. The audience went wild, Dawn found Serena and hugged her bestie.

"SERENA OH MY ARCEUS! THAT WAS AMAZING!" Dawn was shaking the blue eyed girl when Gary ran back stage.

"Serry-Berry that was awesome!" Gary ran up and joined the girls in their hug. There was a small quiet applause from behind them. Ash stood nervously leaning up against a dark oak pillar. "Hey guys" Dawn folded her arms huffing and looking away, Gary gave Ash a sympathetic look, and Serena just glared. Ash had never seen her bright sapphire blue eyes turn so dull and cold.

"Ashton" she spat violently.

"Serena listen, I'm, I'm sorry."

"Save it Ash, I told you I was done I'm not having my heart messed with again!" Serena stormed off tears rolling down her cheeks. Dawn glared at Ash. "I should have never trusted you with her." She spat at his feet before spinning on her heel and leaving. "Gary?" The raven haired boy stared at his friend. When Garys green eyes met Ash's he noticed the brown eyed boy was crying. "Woah, Ashy-boy whats wrong?" Ash rolled up his sleeve and there were 16 red lines. "Tell her I still love her, please." Tears poured out of Ash's eyes. Gary grabbed Ash's hand and started running dragging Ash with him. "Dee-Dee! Serry!" Gary was yelling desperately for his friends. When he finally caught up with the girls, Serena had calmed down.

"Whats his problem" She nodded her head at Ash without taking her eyes off of Gary. Gary pushed his bestfriend forward. "You tell her or I show them you choice buddy." Ash turned around to look at the mahogany haired boy, he only got a nod. He turned back around to look at the girls. "I-I, I...I---" he turned back around. "---I can't do it." Gary stepped forward and spun his bestfriend around. He grabbed his left sleeve and pulled it up to his elbow. "He still loves you Serena, and it pains him this much to not have you anymore." Serena stared in shock. "Serena please, I-I can't live without you." Ash stared at her longingly. "I never thought I'd live to see the day---" Serena took a step forward. "Where I, Serena Grace Yvonne, would get Ashton Nathaniel Ketchum, begging for me." She took another step towards Ash. "If you can stare me dead in the eye and tell me you still love me and want me back, I might take you back." She crossed her arms and stared him in the face. Ash got down on one knee like he had when he first asked her out.

"Serena Grace Yvonne, you make me complete and I never thought anyone would be able to do that, you balance me out and make me whole, your the day to my night, and the love of my life, I can't live with myself knowing that I hurt you and you're not mine, I love you so damn much Serena, you make me..." At this point Ash was standing again and holding her arms. He leaned in and gently kissed her.

He whispered so delicately "better"

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