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Serena pressed her ear intently to the phone waiting for her mom to pick up.

"Serena sweety? Whats wrong?" Grace asked worriedly.

"I-I don't feel good" Serena held back a sob.

"Sere, I'm at work-" Grace was cut off by Gary who had been standing in the door way. "I can drive her home Ms.Yvonne, I just need you to excuse her" Serena lipped a thank you to the boy, he nodded back. "Okay thank you Gary?" "Yeah" "Hey Mom number two!" Dawn shouted into the phone. "Can you excuse me too? I'll take care of Serena!" Grace laughed into the phone which lightened the mood in the clinic. "Yes dear, Gary I can excuse you aswell, your welcome to stay over" The girls smiled and looked at Gary. "Thank you Ms.Yvonne" Grace laughed again. "Oh please Gary call me Grace, Ms.Yvonne is much to formal and makes me feel old!" The three teenagers laughed.

"Oh and where's Ash? Should I excuse him too?" The line went silent.

"" Gary started. "Oh. I see, well Sere feel better I'll call the office in a second okay?"

"Thank you mom" Serena hit the red button ending the call. The trio sat down on the bed in the clinic. Serena sighed putting her head in her hands. Why was she so stupid to fall for Ash? She knew he was trouble from the start, but she let it continue. I thought he changed...I thought he was a new person...but people can't change that quickly. She let a tear fall, rolling down her swollen cheeks. This was all because of that stupid preformance and him helping me catch a pokemon! Preformance....SHIT THE PREFORMANCE! Her head shot up "Preformance class! I have to preform tomorrow!"

"Okay you'll do great Sere!" Dawn smiled.

"I haven't come up with a routine yet..."


The intercom turned on.

"Dawn Hikari, Serena Yvonne and Gary Oak, please report to the office with your things"

The three stood and walked out of the clinic to their lockers.


They opened the office door and walked up to the secretary's desk.

"Serena your mother has excused the three of you for the rest of the day, the three of you are free to go." Mrs.Grey winked at them while she pressed a button on her desk making the door that led outside click as it unlocked. The three waved as they left the building and made there way to Garys car.

Serena got in the back by herself, while Dawn took shotgun.

"Can we play some music?" The blunette asked as they pulled out of the schools student parking lot.

"Be my guest" Gary replied, as he kept his eyes on the road. Dawn scrolled through channels until Don't Stop Believing by Journey started to blare through the speakers. Dawn looked at her bestfriend. Said bestfriend started singing very loudly to the song causing Dawn to join her which made Gary laugh and join the girls.

"DON'T STOP BELIEVING! HOLD ONTO THAT FEELING! STREET LIGHTS, PEOPLE, LIVING JUST TO FIND EMOTION! SOMEWHERE IN THE NIIIIIIIGGGGHT!" The teenagers left the car laughing as they continued to sing the song as they unlocked Serena's house and walked inside throwing their back packs to the ground. Garys phone buzzed in his pocket.

"Gare-Bear, Sere and I are gonna go change into something comfy we'll brb" Dawn smiled at her boyfriend and ran up the stair following her honey-blonde friend. Gary flopped down onto the couch and looked at his notification.

Ashy-Boi: Gary are you still at school?

Gare-Bear: Nah Serena got me her and dawn out of school

Ashy-Boi: O. Listen ik your probably pissed at me about what happened earlier...

Gare-Bear: Ya think?

Ashy-Boi: But I cant live without her Gary

Gare-Bear: ...

Ashy-Boi: Gary?

Gare-Bear: Ash, I-Im sorry but you broke her heart, she sat there wondering why she ever trusted you Ash. Idk if you'll get a second chance with her :/

Ashy-Boi: ... Alr but please, tell her i am so sorry for what I did... And Ill be cheering her on at her preformance

Ashy-Boi left the chat room

Gary sighed leaning back into the couch when the girls game running down the stairs, Serena holding eevee. Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun. She pulled her sweat pants up and fixed her loose shirt. Dawn simply wore pajama pants and a t-shirt.

"Okay! I'm gonna choreograph it in the back yard and I want you guys to critique me!" She put eevee down letting it go eat some berries. Gary stood up. "Alright, but um Serena, Ash wanted me to tell you hes really sorry for what he did, and hes going to cheer you on during your competition tomorrow." Dawn and Gary both could have sworn her cheeks flushed slightly but the two thought nothing of it. The walked outside to Serenas decently sized backyard.
The couple took a seat on the patio furniture while the honey-blonde walked out to the grass.

"What's the theme Sere!?" Dawn cupped her hands over her mouth, not that she needed to. "Well it's dancing, so I just have to be able to dance incorporating eevee and some if her moves." The blunette nodded. "What moves can eevee do?" Gary leaned forward in his seat.

"She can do; baby doll eyes, sand attack, swift and charm" Eevee danced around Serenas feet. Dawn chuckled. "She seems to have a good sense if dancing already." Serena laughed nervously. "Haha yeah, she likes to watch me dance around my room when I'm getting ready." The three of them laughed.

"Oh Serena you have to pick the music!" Dawn reminded. "Oh I already have it, Eevee likes the song too!" The blonde giggled looking at her partner. "Alright lets go!"

*insert an epic training montage because the author is to lazy and doesnt want to rewrite all of this in the next chapter*

Gary leaned towards his girlfriend. "You know, she reminds me of Ash" He gave a low, thoughtful chuckle. "Oh really? How? WOW SERENA THAT WAS AMAZING!" The blunette stood up applauding her friends dance move. "I mean shes training so hard, and last minute, it just sounds just so much like something Ash would do." He smiled thoughtfully thinking if his child hood friend. Serena turned off the music. "O-Okay" she said through deep breaths "Thats enough training, for today" she colapsed on the floor taking big swigs of Gatorade.

"I'm ready"

A/N: HERES A 1000 WORD CHAPPY FOR YALL! Ill probably start working on the next chappy right away. Im getting back into writting! I promise to try to update more often! I hope you are enjoying this so far and dont forget to leave a suggestion and Ill try to put it in the story! Thank you for ready i luv yalllllll byeeeeeeeeee!

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