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Hi! Quick note! I just want to say thank you so much for 6k reads! You guys are crazy and I'm sorry I haven't been updating this. I started writing this book in middle school and highschool is a huge change and I feel like I never have time or energy to write, but thank you so much to everyone who puts up with my inconsistency and keeps reading you're all gems!

Serena left her chat room with Brock. She pressed the plus button and made a new chat room.

Operation make Ash jealous

Serry: Ok so basically, I do want Ash back, I asked a friend whose a senior and could kick Ash's ass to fake date me for a few weeks. We're going to the movies tonight and you three are invited.

Dawny: whose the senior, what movie what time?

May-ey: wait what happened between you and Ash?

Lily-ey: Don't worry about it just know that they broke up.

May-ey: Ok

Serry: I broke up with Ash cause he was an ass, the senior is Brock, the wrestling captain, Idk what movie and were getting picked up at 8.

Dawny: Yeah I can go.

Lily-ey: Same

May-ey: Im down

Serry: Ok and you guys can probably stay the night if your parents let you.

With that the girls put their phones away and tried to pay attention to class.

Ash couldn't focus. He had been given plenty of school work to complete during his suspension. Delia was not pleased.

"Seriously Ash? What has gotten into you? You were such a nice young man back in Kanto, now you're just an unruly thug who's getting into fights." She placed the groceries down on the counter before she started putting things in the fridge. Ash walked into the living room colapsing on the couch. He opened Snapchat as Pikachu ran over to him, rubbing their cheeks together. He started scrolling through stories seeing multiple videos of his fight with Calem. He critised himself for getting sloppy at the end of the fight. He came across Serena's story. He slowly tapped on the circle reading the text carefully.

Date tonight with him <3

Him? Who the hell was him? Him certainly wasn't him. He closed snapchat opening his messenger. He found his cousins contact.

AshyElbows: May who the fuck has the balls to date my Serena?

May-onnaise: 1. Not saying. 2. She's not yours anymore Ash.

AshyElbows: I know that you know, listen I want her back badly I know what I said was fucked up and I want to say I'm sorry.

May-onnaise: Maybe Ill tell you if you do me a favor.

AshyElbows: Ill do anything

May-onnaise: I want you to set a date up for me and Gary.

AshyElbows: But hes in love with Dawn

May-onnaise: shes not in love with him and I know Im the girl for him.

Ash stared at his phone. He cared about his cousin but you can't force love.

AshyElbows: I'm sorry Dawn but you can't force love.

May-onnaise: then maybe you should take your own advice

May-onnaise has left the chat

Ash sighed throwing his phone into the couch. Serena would probably post a picture of this guy, then Ash could beat the ever loving shit out of him. He grabbed his school work and continued filling out math equations.

Serena, Dawn, Lily and May all sat in Serena's living room. It was 7 45 so Brock should be here soon.

"Are we sure this is going to work? Like will Ash actually believe this?" Lily asked as she played with her hair nervously.

May scoffed. "I love my cousin, don't get me wrong, but Serena could tell him it's fake and he would still think its real."

There was a knock on the door. Serena opened the door to see Brock standing outside.

"Hey Serena! Hey girls! Ready to go?" He flashed her a big smile.


They climbed into the car to see Brocks girlfriend in shot gun.

"Hi Olivia!" Lily said happily waving to the older girl.

"Oh hey Lily! Brock didn't tell me you were going to be here." She smiled happily.

"Hey Olivia, thanks for letting me steal your boyfriend for a hot minute." Serena joked.

Olivia laughed. "No problem Serry! I know how it feels to want a guy to come crawling back to you."

They pulled into a movie theater. Serena pulled out her phone.

"Someone take a picture of me and Brock doing something cute." She said as she hopped on his back. They smiled at the camera before Serena sent the post.

"Serena I have an idea I'll be right back." Dawn said as she ran over to some guys.

"Heyyyy John!" Dawn walked over to him.

"Hey Dawn! Whats up?"

"I need a favor. Can you take a picture of Serena and Brock and post it on snap saying 'welp fellas looks like she's taken again' or something like that?"

"Yeah totally, anything for you Dawn." He winked at her before taking a candid photo of Serena and Brock. "Anddd sent."

"Oh when Ash gets back to school, bring your popcorn, there's gonna be a huge brawl."

And with that Dawn ran back to her friend.

Sorry its a shorter chapter but I hope you guys enjoy, I'm gonna start framing the next chapter right away but I'm not sure when it'll be out. I hope you all have a lovelyyyyy dayyyyy!!!

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