River of Tears

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TW: Mention of cutting

Serena cried softly as Meitte slapped her. Her words were true, she was pathetic, she was useless and most importantly Ash could never love her, because she was unworthy of love. There was a sift knock on the door and Gary walked in. He flared at Meitte.

"Out." He pointed towards the door. Meitte sneered and left the small clinic room. The mahogany haired boy took a seat next to Serena. He rapped his arm around her pulling her closer. She rested her head on his shoulder. Serena relaxed slightly at his touch. She didn't like Gary like how she had liked Ash. He felt more like a brother to her, and for that she was grateful.

Out in the waiting area, Ash was pacing around when the door opened and Meitte walked out. She smiled at him batting her eyelashes.

"Hi Ashton~" She giggled at the use of his full name. Ash tried really hard not to gag at this. "H-Hey Meitte" He waved nervously at her. He knew that she had just hurt his girlfriend- or ex-girlfriend? It was still unclear to him, but he never wanted to or tried to come off as rude. The blue haired girl jumped up onto the counter.

"So Ashy, what brings you to the clinic?" She tilted her head slightly leaning forward towards him. "Oh! Um, well-I, you see, I punched? Uh? Agh, I-I don't know?" Meitte slid of the counter and slowly walked towards Ash. "Maybe this could refresh your mind?" She leaned forward pressing her lips softly against Ash's. He was shocked and didn't remember how to move, Meitte took this as a chance to take his hands and put them on her waist. She proceeded to rap her arms around his neck and tilting her head, deepening the kiss.

Unfortunately Dawn walked in at this moment. She gasped and then started screaming.

"Why you little pieCE OF SHIT! YOU-YOU MAN WHORE! SHE-SHE TRUSTED YOU ASH!" Dawn pushed Meitte and Ash apart stepping in between them. She glared at Ash. "She was thinking about giving you a second chance! But she won't after I tell her this!" Dawn fumed at the brown eyed boy. "No need Dawn, I saw it" Serena stood in the door way of her clinic room, Gary holding her shoulder, looking at Ash in shock. Tears were building up in her eyes but she fought them back with all of her will power. "I-I think I'm going to call home" She walked back into the clinic room closing the door. A small choked sob was heard. Gary looked at his best friend. "Who the hell are you?" He shook his head and walked back into the clinic room. Dawn gave him a good slap across the face before joining her best friend and boyfriend. Ash stood with Meitte snuggling his arm. He pulled his arm loose and stormed out of the building. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and called his mom.

"Hey Mom..."

"Ash? What's wrong?"

"Um nothing! Well I mean I don't feel good can you come pick me up?" He groaned. His mother sighed. "I'll be there in five minutes, but I know you are lying so you got some explaining to do" She ended he call. Ash walked down the empty halls to his locker. He shoved some textbooks and folders into his bag. He slammed the locker shouldering his bag and walking to the office. He knocked on the door and opened it, to reveal his mother talking with the secretary signing a piece of paper. Delia smiled sympathetically at her son, thanking the secretary and leaving. They got into the car and started driving to the house.

"Do you wanna have this conversation now or later?"

"Now" Ash mumbled.

"What?" Delila asked him again.

"Now." Ash said sighing.

"All right"

"So I found out Serena used to cut herself, and we got into an argument, then she asked me to tell her something about her that I liked about her that wasn't her looks and I froze-" His mom gave him a funny look. "Because I couldn't think of just one thing, so she blew up at me so I got blinded by rage and...I...I hit her." Ash looked into his lap.

"But that's not all is it?" Delia kept her eyes on the road.

"No...I went to the clinic cause Dawn had brought her there, and...There's this girl who works there who likes me, and she hates Serena cause she was dating me and some other stuff, and she slapped her in the clinic...And I didn't do anything! A-And then she has the nerve to come out of the clinic room and kiss me! and then frame me by making it look like I liked it!" Ash had his hands tangled in his hair. "And now Serena hates me, she'll probably cut herself again, and I failed her mom..." A tear fell from his eye landing on his ripped jeans. His mom laughed slightly. They pulled up into the drive way. "What's so funny?" He looked at his mom quizzically, wiping his eyes. "Your father did almost the same thing to me Ashton." Delia looked at her son, tears forming in her eyes. "You look so much like him..." The tears started slipping from her eyes. "Mom..." Ash walked over to his mother wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her into a tight hug. "Oh Ash, honey...I wish he could see you, he would be so proud" She whispered softly into his shoulder. "I'm sure he would mom" Ash smiled tears rolling down his cheeks. He pulled away looking at his mom. "Mom? What did Dad do to get you back?" She laughed. "Ash sweety, I'm not Serena, and this is something you need to do by yourself." She wiped away one of her sons tears. "Fine. Arceus girls are harder than the Elite Four" He chuckled to himself. HE pecked his mom's cheek. "I'll come down for dinner" The raven haired boy jogged up the stairs going to lay down on his bed to think about everything that happened today.

This was the lowest Ash had ever felt.

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