The Conversation

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Tw: Cutting, Intentions of self harm, bullying

Serena was the last one out. As soon as the door closed Gary and Ash started talking at the same time. Dawn shushed them by putting a finger on their lips. She glanced at Serena and then recomposed herself.

"I'm gonna be blunt with you" She started she walked over to Serena. "Can I tell them?" The honey blond nodded. Dawn refocused on the boys. "Serena used to cut herself" she stated flatly. The two boys' eyes widened. "Sh-she what?" Ash barley got out. "I used to cut myself" Said girl said queitly. "And I thought about doing it again today..." She looked at her boyfriend. He had a face of shock. "Th-this is a joke right?" She glared at him. "Cutting is not a joke Ashton" She spat at him. "And either you get over the fact that I was, and might become again, a cutter, or we are over" Ash's face changed to disbelief and anger, but he then managed to look calm. "I'll make you a deal-" "I don't want a 'deal' I want you to accept all of me Ash! Not just my looks and my body!" "I never said that was the only reason why I liked you!" "Really!? Then name one thing about me that isn't my body or looks that you like!" She stared at him. There were so many things he couldn't pick one off the top of his head. "I-You-Uh-Um" he stuttered "Thats what I thought Ashton" he became angry again. Rage blinded him and next thing he knew Serena was on the floor wincing in pain as she held her arm. His mouth moved on his own. "Wow I guess I am pretty stupid! Why the hell did I ever ask you out Serena? We're through" He huffed off leaving the blue eyed girl with her bestfriend and his bestfriend. "I-I better go calm him down and bring him to his senses, he probably didn't mean it Serena, and I'm sorry about the whole emophobia thing, I promise I'll try to get over it." He got up and jogged after his friend.

Dawn dropped to the floor. "Serena, I'm spending the night tonight." Serena looked at her friend. "Why?" She asked. "You damn well know why" Dawn helped her friend up and they walked to the nurses office.

*meanwhile with Gary*

"ASH! ASH GETCH YO ASS BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" The mahogany hair boy yelled at his friend. Said friend stopped dead in his tracks. "Why! She didn't give me anytime! And she's one of those people!" Gary caught up. "So your going to let this one fact blind you? After everything else? She stopped Ash but you hitting her, breaking up with her and then leaving, those are the kinds of actions that make her do that" Gary looked sympathetically at his friend. "It doesn't change the fact that she still did it" Ash spat. "Can we just call it cutting since thats what it is" Gary sighed. "Fine. She cut herself, I do not want to be seen with someone like THAT." "Ash theres got to be a reason why she did it. She doesnt look like the kind of person that just cuts because she's bored" Silence washed over them. "Where did I punch her?" Ash whispered softly. "Y-You got her right in the jaw, you definetly left a bruise..." Gary replied even quieter than the raven haired boy. "I-I'm just as bad as the other people who did that to her, I might be a reason why she cuts herself now..." Ash realized talking to himself quietly. Gary put his hand on Ash's shoulder. "Come on, Dawn said they're in the clinic..." Ash was reluctant to move. They walked down the hall until they reached the clinic. Dawn was no where to be seen but laughter could be heard behind door one. Ash and Gary crept forward.

"Wow Serena! You did it all by yourself! He broke up with you and hates you! And I didn't even have to tell him you were a cutter!" A girl laughed evily. "You really are pathetic aren't you Serena?" There was a sound if skin on skin and a small squeal. "Now stay away from him if you know what's good for you"

A/N:Okay! So yeah whats new Meitte's a bitch. I hope you guys enjoy this! Sorry for another cliff hanger but I have to keep youon your toes! I luv yalllllll! Byeeeeee!

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